
How do I add a <table> using Element with Prototype in IE6?

Using Prototype 1.6's "new Element(...)" I am trying to create a <table> element with both a <thead> and <tbody> but nothing happens in IE6. var tableProto = new Element('table').update('<thead><tr><th>Situation Task</th><th>Action</th><th>Result</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td><td>c</td></tr></tbody>'); I'm then tryin...

Which browsers and operating systems do you target on new websites?

When you are working on a new website, what combinations of browsers and operating systems do you target, and at what priorities? Do you find targeting a few specific combinations (and ignoring the rest) better than trying to strive to make them all work as intended? Common browsers: Firefox (1.5, 2, 3) Internet Explorer (6, 7, 8-bet...

How to differentiate a HTTP Request submitted from a HTML form and a HTTP Request submitted from a client?

Is there any way (in Java Servlet) to determine whether a HTTP POST or GET request is a result from a submission from a HTML form or otherwise? ...

PHP - Security

What is the best way to secure an intranet website developed using PHP from outside attacks? ...

Good examples of UK postcode lookup flow

I'm looking for a good, well designed flow of a UK postcode lookup process as part of registration for an eCommerce account. We're redesigning ours and want to see what is out there and how I can make it as friendly as possible. --Update-- Basically our current design was a manual entry form (worked pretty well) which a less than expe...

AOL and outlook address book grabber

how can i get the aol or outlook address books when the user inserts his username and password I saw many programns that do it maybe someone has the source code? I found a very nice one for yahoo gmail and hotmail https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencontactsnet/ ...

Is there a way to have PHP print the data to a web browser in real time?

For example, if I have an echo statement, there's no guarantee that the browser might display it right away, might display a few dozen echo statements at once, and might wait until the entire page is done before displaying anything. Is there a way to have each echo appear in a browser as it is executed? ...

What are the good, bad, and ugly about the web framework(s) that you use?

What web frameworks do you use, and what's good about them? What would you like to see changed? What made you switch away from The Framework You Don't Use Anymore? ...

Is there any good Markdown Javascript library or control?

I want to build a site where the user can enter text and format it in Markdown. The reason I'd like a Javascript solution is because I want to display a live preview, just like on StackOverflow. My site is not targeted at developers, however, so an editor control would be ideal. I gather that on StackOverflow, the WMD editor is being u...

Where do you do your validation? model, controller or view

Where do you put user input validation in a web form application? View: Javascript client side Controller: Server side language (C#...) Model: Database (stored procedures or dependencies) I think there is validation required by each level: Did the user input a sane value are dates actual dates, are numbers actualy numbers ... D...

How to make Html rendering fast.

I am working on a web application developed on c#/asp.net. We are using third party controls for displaying Grids, Tabs, Trees and other complex controls in our pages. The problem is that these controls render a huge amount of Html. Due to this size of pages have grown heavily and browser takes a while to load a page. I want to find out ...

What are the benefits of OO programming? Will it help me write better code?

I'm a PHPer, and am not writing object-oriented code. What are the advantages of OO over procedural code, and where can I learn how to apply these ideas to PHP? ...

Determining the port a Visual Studio Web App runs on

I've been using the macro from this blog entry for attaching the Visual Studio debugger to an already running instance of the Web Application I'm currently working on. However, if I have more than one instance of the Visual Studio web server running it's pot luck which one it'll attach to. Is there a way to determine what port is config...

Is there a good introductory tutorial for Yahoo! User Interface?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for developers who are taking their first look at the Yahoo User Interface? The one on Yahoo's site is not very good, and I can't find a different one. ...

How can I get PHP's simplicity but Perl's power?

I despise the PHP language, and I'm quite certain that I'm not alone. But the great thing about PHP is the way that mod_php takes and hides the gory details of integrating with the apache runtime, and achieves CGI-like request isolation and decent performance. What's the shortest-distance approach to getting the same simplicity, speed ...

How do I profile a Perl web app?

I am working on a web app that uses Perl and I need to look into speeding up portions of the app. I thought I'd start profiling the particular calls for the portion I wish to investigate. I've done some searching on profiling Perl code, but unfortunately most of what I find says that I should run my perl code with -d:DProf myapp from...

Python web development - with or without a framework

I am planning on porting a PHP application over to Python. The application is mostly about data collection and processing. The main application runs as a stand alone command line application. There is a web interface to the application which is basically a very light weight reporting interface. I did not use a framework in the PHP ...

Copy&paste from Office 2007 into <textarea>

I want to copy and paste text from a Office 2007 document (docx) into a textarea. On Window, using Firefox 3, there is additional jiberish that gets put into the field: ...Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Normal 0 false ...

How do I make sure a user is only logged in once?

A few years ago I developed a web app for which we wanted to make sure the users weren't sharing credentials. One of the things we decided to to, was only allow the user to be logged in from one computer at a time. The way I did this, was to have a little iframe ping the server every N seconds; as long as the server had a heartbeat for ...

What's the best way to detect web applications attacks ?

What is the best way to survey and detect bad users behavior or attacks like deny of services or exploits on my web app ? I know server's statistics (like Awstats) are very useful for that kind of purpose, specially to see 3XX, 4XX and 5XX errors (here's an Awstats example page) which are often bots or bad intentioned users that try wel...