
Unable to access HTTP PUT data in webservice code

All, As part of an application I'm writing I need to have a HTTP PUT webservice which accepts incoming imagedata, which will by analyzed, validated, and added to a local file store. My issue arises after the size validation as the $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] has a > 0 value, and this value is identical to the test file size, so I...

Is Silverlight the 'same' as jQuery?

Could Silverlight be used for the same things as jQuery, or are they intended for different things? For example, vb.net could be used for the same stuff as C# while C# is intended for different things than what JavaScript is. Is Silverlight and jQuery like vb.net and C#, or more like C# and JavaScript? ...

Best way to detect when user leaves a web page

What is the best way to detect if a user leaves a web page? The onUnload javascript method doesn't work every time (the HTTP request takes longer than the time required to terminate the browser). Creating will probably be blocked by current browsers. I'm also using Silverlight, so Silverlight solutions are welcome. ...

Good HTML Templates for form based Web Applications

Hi, I would like to refer HTML templates designed/developed especially for form based Web Applications. I have been searching them but am not able to find out which I find better. Regards, Jatan ...

Do you actually use a webbased IDE and why?

Do you use a webbased IDE? Why and what is your experience? ...

What framework would you recommend for making desktop-like apps for the web?

Several frameworks for writing web-based desktop-like applications have recently appeared. E.g. SproutCore and Cappuccino. Do you have any experience using them? What's your impression? Did I miss some other framework? I've seen related questions on StackOverflow, but they generate mostly standard answers like "use jQuery or MochiKit or...

coordination between Design and Development

Background: I am developing a site in Asp.net 2.0 . Up until now i was handling both the design and development of the site. I used css for the design part. Now the company wants to outsource the design work to a web designer. Question: How exactly are a designer and developer supposed to coordinate What specifications should i give...

The Future of Web Programming Languages

As a web developer, what languages do you think would be widely used (most popular) in a couple of years? Currently I am coding in PHP, but I would like to know if I should start heading into a new direction. Many companies are going with ASP.NET and ColdFusion, should I start switching/learning these languages, or does PHP still have a ...

Issues working with JSF redirect and WebTrends

On our new platform we are utilizing JSF. Our WebTrends tags are not reflecting the proper page title on this platform. It currently is displaying the name of the users previous page instead of the current page. We are making use of the JSF Navigation rule in which we have some "< redirect />" tags. Has anyone experienced this and is...

Which browser has the best support for HTML 5 currently?

Where can I test HTML 5 functionality today - is there any test build of any rendering engines which would allow testing, or is it to early? I'm aware that much of the spec hasn't been finalised, but some has, and it would be good to try it out! ...

Web "frameworks" for haXe to deploy in a PHP environment?

Lately I've been taking a look at haXe, to build an application to be deployed to Apache running PHP. Well, while it looks like it might suit my needs (deploying to PHP, but not using an awful language), I haven't found anything to make the actual application development easier than building a traditional non-MVC PHP app. Are there any t...

Which programming languages are friendly to both web-development and Unicode?

I've been using PHP for a while, but I'm growing tired of the sloppy/awkward Unicode support (among other things). Baked-in Unicode support is very important to me, since I despise debugging character encoding issues, especially between the database and scripting layers. What languages work well with both Unicode and web development? He...

What is a good extendable blogging application for asp.net?

Hi I tried a search for: "best asp.net blog”, “good asp.net blog" and went thru the blag and blogging tags and got nothing really what I am asking, so if it’s been asked before, I apologize and please point me the way. I am looking for a relatively good and well supported, and preferably open source blog application that runs on asp.net...

Could I get in legal trouble for copying a website's stylesheet?

I like the simplistic look and design of some of the Microsoft blogs. Alas, I can't join the Microsoft dev party and create my own development blog on the blogs.msdn.com page because I don't work at Microsoft, and I already have my own wordpress blog. I was looking to have my blog styled to one of the default looking themes shown here: ...

How important is it to make your website layout fit on low-res displays?

How important is it to make a website layout fit on 640 x 480 and 800 x 600 displays? For some time I have been designing with the assumption of at least 1024 x 768, but I haven't been doing it professionally (just on my site which is just a blog that only 10-15 friends read). Does anyone have any non-anecdotal statistics about the dis...

Beginner Help for Developing Web Pages for Smart Phones

I have just started authoring web pages for use on "smart phones". I need to target Blackberry, WinCE, iPhone, etc. What resources or books would you recommend for someone with ample web and software development experience but no experience developing UI for these devices? What emulation kits would you recommend, and how accurately do...

How much is File I/O a performance factor in web development?

I know the mantra is that the database is always the long pole in the tent anytime a page is being generated server-side. But there's also a good bit of file i/o going on on a web server. Scripted code is replete with include/require statements. Moreover, its typically a practice to store templated html outside the application in files ...

Is it reasonable to assume my visitors have javascript enabled?

I understand that server-side validation is an absolute must to prevent malicious users (or simply users who choose to disable javascript) from bypassing client-side validation. But that's mainly to protect your application, not to provide value for those who are running browsers with javascript disabled. Is it reasonable to assume vis...

Best practices for internationalizing web applications?

Internationalizing web apps always seems to be a chore. No matter how much you plan ahead for pluggable languages, there's always issues with encoding, funky phrasing that doesn't fit your templates, and other problems. I think it would be useful to get the SO community's input for a set of things that programmers should look out for w...

Checking for and not printing javascript in generated data?

In my php web app, suppose I want to go the extra mile and in addition to going gangbusters and being anal-retentive about sanitizing my inputs, I also want to ensure that no javascript is being output in strings I am inserting into templated html. Is there a standard way to make sure I don't put javascript in the generated html conten...