
Limiting number of users accessing asp.net website.

What is the best way to limit the number of (concurrent) users accessing a web application that any one can introduce for selling website/application to client and how to increase the number of users accessing it remotely? ...

E-commerce Site

I have to build an e-commerce website, so I wondered how I would go about this? Are there any plugins like Paypal or something that will make the transactions a bit easier? ...

Dynamic Floating window by javascript

Hi Friends, I want to build a dynamic floating window with close button at corner. Is it possible, and also i want to add some content dynamically into that window. Please help me.. It should be in javascript.. Better without AJAX.. Thanks in Advance ...

Better interface for file downloads and uploads from a web page?

I have what seems like a typical usage scenario for users downloading, editing and uploading a document from a web page. User clicks a link to download a document User edits downloaded file User saves the file User goes back to the web page and uploads the new file with the changes The problem is that downloaded files are typically s...

How do I disable hotkeys in Dojo StackContainer

Hi! I am using Dojo 1.2 to implement some functionality on my customer's webpage. One of the widgets I use is the dijit.layout.TabContainer, which inherits StackContainer. The StackContainer subscribes on keyboard events and creates a few hotkeys, like arrow left to move one tab to the left and so on. Now to the question: I would like...

An Easy way to Deploy an MVC App to a Desktop Machine?

I have an interesting situation where I need to deploy an ASP.NET MVC app to a (pseudo-boss's) local desktop machine so they can run it locally for data entry purposes. What would be the best way to get the app running on a vista machine without Visual Studio installed? Ideally, It would be a one click that started a development web ...

Distinct stylesheets for type, color and layout. What goes where?

I came across this article on "A List Apart" that suggests spliting css information in (at least) three separate files, one for typography, one for layout and one for color information. Color seems pretty obvious, but how would you explain to your average programmer (that would be me) what's type and what's layout? ...

How to notify search engines that my site is down for some time?

My site will be down for next few days. Is there any way to so that search engines knows about this and don't do any -ve action towards reputation and pagerank of website. ...

LinkButtons not working in ASP.net/C# app production deployment

Hi all I'm running into a situation where link buttons are not responding on a gridview control in one of my apps deployed on a production machine. Not sure exactly what's going on. The problem is very similar to this one although I've examined the output html on the page and it looks reasonable. Any thoughts/suggestions would be grea...

Java web development framework with controls

Hi, First of all, I am a .NET/C# developer who does mostly web dev (so obviously use a lot of ASP.NET, C# and Sql Server). I'm also open to other languages and don't knock them. :) I want to learn Java because it will benefit my career, as when I reach the senior dev level, I am expected to understand another framework outside my first...

What is the best IDE setup for web development?

I am starting a little side project which consists of building a small-medium sized, django-based, website. However, last time I was actually in the business of websites, was a few good years ago. So while still technologically capable, I'm still rusted on the tools/IDE part of websites. I am looking for an IDE which can support the fo...

JSTL Printing arrayList elements

I have a JSP page that receives an ArrayList of event objects, each event object contains an ArrayList of dates. I am iterating through the event objects with the following: How can I iterate through the dateTimes ArrayList of each event object and print out each events date/times ? ...

Using Python Web GET data

I'm trying to pass information to a python page via the url. I have the following link text: "<a href='complete?id=%s'>" % (str(r[0])) on the complete page, I have this: import cgi def complete(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() db = MySQLdb.connect(user="", passwd="", db="todo") c = db.cursor() c.execute("delete from tasks...

Best language to learn (for a solo web designer looking to program)

I have a background in visual design. I also have a good knowledge of (X)HTML and CSS and several CMS's. However, I am beginning to hit a wall with respect to what I can accomplish without learning a web-focussed scripting/programming language. I am a solo web designer and really want to be able to broaden my horizons with respect to wha...

How to start an application on the server from a webpage

Example: The user login to the webpage => Click on a button This action starts the executable "CreatePrettyPicture" The file "prettypicture.jpg" is created on the server When the user reloads the page the pretty picture "PrettyPicture.jpg" is shown on the page. If I could start the application with a parameter it would be even better....

Java in Silverlight?

Can we use Java in Silverlight? ...

What are some recommended Common Lisp Web Servers options?

So far I've only tried Hunchentoot and heard about AllegroServe, ABCLweb, though I wouldn't know how they compare in performance. I was wondering, what is currently the best option for deploying a Common Lisp web app in a production environment? ...

Are there any good and free libraries to develop web applications in C?

I've searched the web a bit, but all I found was abandoned projects and only CGI support. EDIT: C isn't just used for writing drivers or embedded systems. We have mailreaders, newsreaders, editors, etc. all written in C. I've written two BBS in the last century, before the web became popular. The libraries are getting better and you don...

Checking flash file loading with javascript

Hello, Is there a way to check how much a flash file is (down)loaded to the page before it is shown? Our team cant put loading indicator inside the flash file because the swf file is uploaded by our client. Is there some kind of property on xmlhttprequest that we can use to indicate how much has been downloaded? Or any other suggestion t...

Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer

I have two websites, let's say they're example.com and anotherexample.net. On anotherexample.net/page.html, I have an IFRAME SRC="http://example.com/someform.asp". That IFRAME displays a form for the user to fill out and submit to http://example.com/process.asp. When I open the form ("someform.asp") in its own browser window, all works w...