
Mixing Secure and Non-Secure Content on Web Pages - Is it a good idea?

I'm trying to come up with ways to speed up my secure web site. Because there are a lot of CSS images that need to be loaded, it can slow down the site since secure resources are not cached to disk by the browser and must be retrieved more often than they really need to. One thing I was considering is perhaps moving style-based images a...

Is there a free (or low cost) database of first and last names?

I am looking for a reference database that can be used to test for possible name typos in a contact database. This is for a batch process, so performance isn't a real issue. Ideally I'd like a comprehensive database, but even something like "top 5000" would go a long way. Thanks! ...

Image resize in Grails

I am developing a Web Album using Grails and for image processing, I am using grails-image-tools plugin. I need a functionality to resize the images if the uploaded images size is too big (for eg: more than 600 * 840 ) . In this case I need to resize this image to 600 * 840). What is the most efficient way to do this? Thanks a lot. ...

Building a keyboard accessible web application

How do you go about building a complete keyboard accessible web applications? Assuming that this for a controlled deployment environment(for use within an org) where access is restricted (not open to public). Update: Forgot to mention that this aimed at improving data entry efficiency and not disability related. Update 2: Would it mak...

How do you structure an infinitely scalable form using Javascript?

I have a product registration form that allows the user to add additional product fields by clicking "add product". When the user clicks add product, Javascript creates new product field in an existing div. I currently allow up to 10 products to be added on the form, so I setup a div structure like this: <div id="product1"></div> <div ...

image uploading in grails

hi, I am new to grails.I am doing web application that uploads the image from client side and it stores that in server. My Gsp code is: <g:uploadForm action="saveImage"> <input type="file" name="image"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </g:uploadForm> My saveImage action in controller is: def saveImage={ def file = request.get...

ISO Threaded Commenting Plug-in for ASP.NET

Subject just about says it all: I have an ASP.NET web site and I want to enable users to add comments to my pages. I have investigated the leading comment networks, such as JS-KIT and IntenseDebate, but they do not satisfy my needs. I want to find a system that I can integrate into my existing application so that comments can be associ...

ROR: To scaffold or not?

I love scaffolding and it extremely helpful for prototyping. But Should we use scaffolding for developing application as such? ...

Difference between a Postback and a Callback

I keep on hearing this words 'callback' and 'postback' tossed around. What is the difference between two ? Is postback very specific to the ASP.NET pages ? ...

How can we protect the vulnerable online?

Recently the company I work for was asked to pitch for creation of a forum targetted at children as part of a website solution. I think that at least we should reccommend Human moderation by a trained individual to protect these kids Code alarm / suspicious analysis into the forum How has anyone else tackled this and what Ideas do o...

Flex HTTPservice and POST, Sending Files ?

Hello, I use a basic Post to send data to a Django server. The data consists of a base64 encoded 640*380 PNG image dynamically created by the flex component. <mx:HTTPService id="formSend" showBusyCursor="true" useProxy="false" url="" method="POST" result="formSentConfirmation(event)" fault="formSendi...

Atom Publishing Protocol in real life

I know that some big players have embraced it and are actually exposing some of their services in APP compliant way, already. However, I haven't found many other (smaller) players in this field. Do you know any web application/service that uses APP as its public API protocol? What is your own take on AtomPub? Do you have any practical ex...

(How) Can you implement snail HTTP (comet/long lived connections) in Flash ?

I am very interested in streaming data for web-applications. I have tried out some javascript libraries, but the hacks and browser-incompatibilities drive me crazy ! HTML5 will hopefully standardize streaming data, but until then, hopefully I can resort to Flash to make this work in all browsers. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with...

Are there any good sites to view screenshots of actual web applications?

I am looking for some websites that have actual screenshots of web applications, as well as, things like login screens, grids/tables, edit forms, css examples and so on. I find that looking at other applications helps with the creative process when designing and styling my own applications. I am able to get quite a few by googling fo...

document.write() vs inserting DOM nodes: preserve form information?

Consider two web pages with the following in their body respectively: <body> <script> document.writeln('<textarea></textarea>') </script> </body> and <body> <script> var t = document.createElement('textarea'); document.body.appendChild(t); </script> </body> (think of them as part of something larger, where the textareas have to be ...

late static binding: which languages commonly used for web development support it?

Lately I've been seeing a lot of talk regarding PHP's lack of late static binding until 5.3. From what I've read proper implementations of stuff like ActiveRecord are not possible until the language has this feature. So, I'm curious about: Which languages do support it, specifically those commonly associated with web development suc...

Implementing shortcut keys in a webpage

Hi, I was thinking of implementing shortcut keys in a pet web application, I am developing for me. I am using c# and asp.net. I have seen very few web-sites( frankly I remember only g-mail), which have shortcut keys. Has anyone ever implemented shortcut keys for a web application, if yes how to go about it? Thanks. ...

Override members on a built-in JavaScript object

I would like to override the default behavior of the offsetParent member of all html elements. I would like to do something like this if it's possible: // For <div id="foo"></div> var oFooElem = document.getElementById("foo"); oFooElem._offsetParent = oFooElem.offsetParent; oFooElem.prototype.offsetParent = function() { window.statu...

Enable adapter renedering with conditional basis

Hi, I was working in a web-application which uses the Adpeters to render the controls for some of the controls. I was adding a new control to a page which has already using a control rendered by the adapter. Can we make the rendering of the adapter more conditional ? If possible on control basis ? Thanks. ...

Drag file from desktop to IE and upload

For a project I'm working on I would like the user to be able to drag a file from the desktop or windows explorer and drop it on a web page in IE and have it uploaded to the web server. I've read that its possible with ActiveX but have not found anything about it. Anyone know how to do this and where I can get what I need? Thanks! ...