
Multiple password forms + password completion

On a website I'm working we have an onsite login and a private login, the problem I'm having is that Firefox doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between these login forms. Does anybody know how I can make clear that these are different logins? I already tried giving the form fields different names and ids, ex: onsite_login and log...

How can a value be passed directly from a windows application into a field in an open web page?

I have a problem that I feel is best implimented in a stand alone windows application, but needs to pass data to a web page that is already open. Is it possible to pass the data directly to the web page? If so, what is the best way to go about it? (Its my first question, so go easy on me!) ...

IIS6 serving unregistered MIME Types

I have an IIS6 web server (on Win2003) is having a strange behavior which I guess is some undocumented "feature" ... It serves SVG files (extension .svg) without having it registered on the IIS metabase. It does not have the * mime type either. For this request: GET /basic/file1.svg HTTP/1.1 the response contains HTTP/1.1 200 OK Co...

Should small companies code their sites to support Chrome?

Hi, I work on small sites for tanning salons and stuff. We don't support active x specific stuff on IE, and we support FF. I've noticed some weird behavior with chrome. My broswer stats say <1% of my visitors use chrome. I've heard people say it's nowhere near best in class. But, I like the way everything runs in it's own process and s...

Working With SQL Server Developer Edition

I just bought Visual Studio 2008 Professional and it came with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. I'm used to using SQL Server 2005 at work, but the Developer edition doesn't seem to come with Server Management Studio, so I'm at a bit of a loss. A few questions: What resources are there for configuring and setting up SQL Server 2005 ...

what's the best way to aid your tester?

my company is small with only one full time tester, and mostly we're doing web apps. so i'm glad that we have tester as i think i would probably be bias or lazy when debugging my own code... and our tester is actually located in another country, so usually we communicate via IM or email only. usually i try to do as much white box testin...

Database Schema - Booking/Availability System

I was recently asked an interview question on a hypothetical web based booking system and how I would design the database schema to minimize duplication and maximize flexibility. The use case is that a admin would enter the availability of a property into the system. There could be multiple time period set. For example, 1st of April 200...

Ethics of keeping a domain name hostage

I do some work as a freelance web developer, for which I do my own hosting. I have one client who is very behind on paying me. His domain is registered in my name not his. Is it ethical for me to threaten to let it expire unless he brings his account up to date? ...

cookies vs session

Hi, I am in the training of web developement.Now i am learning jsp & servlet.I have some idea about HttpSession.I used HttpSession in some of my sample projects also.In browsers i have seen option "delete cookies".If i delete the cookies it deletes the HttpSession also. Is cookies and session are same? Can any one provide the good art...

Displaying images in gsp(grails)

I am very new to grails.I am doing one sample project for image uploading and displaying.Right now my project uploads the images and stores into the images directory.Now i want to display all the images stored in the "image" directory. I dont know how to write the gsp code for display all images. For displaying the images I wrote the fo...

Learning GWT

I develop web applications and in my job so far, I have been waging battles with various browsers whenever some js or css quirks happen. I believe using GWT will help me tremendously from what I understand from this description. Writing web apps today is a tedious and error-prone process. Developers can spend 90% of their time wo...

Workaround for IE's Non-Bubbly Submit Events

I'm working on a large web application with a lot of AJAX whose event handling has gotten out of control. I'm trying to set up an event delegation system to manage all of it, but am wondering if there's a workaround for IE's non-bubbling form submits (there are a lot of forms that get inserted/updated via AJAX). The best thing I've com...

Pass variable into an input

I made an html file called test.html then I navigated to it as "http://site.com/test.html?test1=a" but the textbox stayed blank. Why is this? Super simple code <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body > <input type=text name="test1"> </body> </html> ...

Can I use LAMP+AJAX for a (almost) Real Time System?

I have a current system which is build as a Windows Application, and does certain tasks in very close to real time. There are nodes in a network that communicate with our custom server, communicating status, and sending and receiving commands. We are looking to move to a web deployed platform. The nodes, say 60-100 of them, need to co...

Pasting an image from clipboard to a website

I need to come up with a solution for users to be able to paste an image on to a website, then upload that image on to the web server. I'm not sure what the right solution for this - I am pretty sure javascript is out of the question because I don't think it can handle binary clipboard data (or any clipboard data?) So, I'm not sure whic...

How can I get desired z-index behavior from IE when using nested DIVs?

I have three DIVs, something like this: <div id="header"> ... </div> <div id="content"> <div id="popup"> ... </div> </div> DIV#header is "position: fixed" and used as a non-scrolling header at the top of the screen. DIV#content has some content in it and is "position: relative". DIV#popup is "position: absolute" ...

Current 'Users Online' Script

What is the best script to use for showing the current visitors or guests Online? Thanks! ...

T-SQL Background Processing

I'm having the trouble finding the wording, but is it possible to provide a SQL query to a MS SQL server and retrieve the results asynchronously? I'd like to submit the query from a web request, but I'd like the web process to terminate while the SQL server continues processing the query and dumps the results into a temp table that I ca...

How do you track hosting / domain / SSL certificate expiry dates for customers?

Not a programming question per se, but interesting for people who do commercial web development. How do you track all of your clients' hosting, domain registration, and SSL certificate expiry dates? Do you just keep a spreadsheet or is there some useful piece of software for this? I've searched extensively and can't find a usable piec...

Name that JQuery: do you know the exact specific jquery plugin(s) used to create this widget?

If you look at the following link: What's new at New Hope Look at the widget on the page entitled "What's new at New Hope" which contains the Web2.0 equivalent of a MARQUEE (I guess that's what you'd call it) complete with fading images and "Read More" links. Question: Can you identify the exact specific JQuery plugins used to generat...