
Free PHP editor for Mac?

I am new to the Mac world and I'm looking for PHP development tools, right now the most important thing is the editor. Syntax highlighting and a file tree list are mandatory, of course, and code insight would be nice (of course :). I am hoping that there are free editors out there that provide these functionality and I hope someone could...

How do I stop the browser from loading status?

The scenario: I dynamically create an iframe and a form inside it via JavaScript. The form is submitted via JavaScript and sends a POST request to a server. The request is received, but the browser stays on loading status (the progress bar at the bottom of the window keeps progressing and doesn't stop, only happens after form submissio...

Is it worth it to code different functionality for users with javascript disabled?

I'm currently building a project and I would like to make use of some simple javascript - I know some people have it disabled to prevent XSS and other things. Should I... a) Use the simple javascript, those users with it disabled are missing out b) Don't use the simple javascript, users with it enabled have to click a little more c) C...

Best way to include unobtrusive information on a web page

So I've got some scripts I've written which set up a Google map on my page. These scripts are in included in the <head> of my page, and use jQuery to build the map with markers generated from a list of addresses on the page. However, I have some exact co-ordinate data for each address which the javascript requires to place the markers c...

Why are so many web languages interpreted rather than compiled?

Why didn't languages such as C end up being using for web dev? Surely the speed increases from being compiled would be useful for heavy load sites? ...

GET vs POST in HTML forms

Possible Duplicate: When do you use POST and when do you use GET? When should an HTML form tag use a GET method and when should it use a POST method? ...

Best Environment For Large Web Application

We are developing a web application, which will have a database with over 5 millon documents, all of them will be in various languages. The site is planned to have more than 3 million visits per month (hopefully more). We need a stable and scalable solution. We are now using JEE over JBoss application server with PGSQL DB, but we would...

Programmatic Bot Detection

Hi, I need to write some code to analyze whether or not a given user on our site is a bot. If it's a bot, we'll take some specific action. Looking at the User Agent is not something that is successful for anything but friendly bots, as you can specify any user agent you want in a bot. I'm after behaviors of unfriendly bots. Various i...

What are some web applications worth coding for experience?

Lately i got into web development (in asp.net mvc), and i'm looking for some ideas web application ideas worth coding, preferably in an increasing difficulty level. my first app (which i'm currently coding) is a photo gallery web site ...

How to send an email from a webpage/webform?

What techniques are available for sending an email via a webpage or a form on a webpage? I've got some background idea that you POST the form data to a script but I've don't really know what a cgi script is (I'd love to learn if this is the suggested method!) or what the current practice is. This is just to provide some way for users ...

Cross Domain Login - How to login a user automatically when transfered from one domain to another

We have offer a number of online services. We are required to develop a system which provides a quick/simple experience for users if they are transferred from one service (on domain1.com) to another service (on domain2.com). Is there a safe and secure way to automatically login a user automatically once they have been transferred to the...

Starting project from scratch: how and when to distribute the workload?

Hello, My friend and I are going to develop a new commercial web project. We have a kind of a document that lists all the things that we want to have and we are wondering what is the best way to actually start coding it. The thing is that we used to develop software either in solo-mode or join some projects that were in the middle of de...

Struts 1.3: How to set a default Locale in a web app ?

I have two or three i18n files in my struts application. I am able to switch between these by setting the Global.LOCALE_KEY variable in the session. Is there a way to set a default locale for the application (probably in the struts-config.xml file, I guess) ? Is the session the only place to set the locale ? Sure, I could intercept the...

How do you protect web pages against slow ad tracking web beacons ?

I work for a large website. Our marketing department asks us to add ever more web ad tracking pixels to our pages. I have no problem with tracking the effectiveness of ad campaigns, but the servers serving those pixels can be unreliable. I'm sure most of you have seen web pages that refuse to finish loading because a pixel from yieldmana...

How do you preview your web projects to clients?

Hi Gang, Up until this point in my career, I have usually modified my HOSTS file as the need to test a website before its DNS propagation or website launch occurred. This has worked well on in-house projects, but I'm finding the approach completely impractical when it comes to previewing my clients' websites to them before the sites go...

Form Authentication on Website

Hello Everyone, Here is how our Tomcat webserver is currently setup. We are using jsp for the webpages. /webserverpath/main (all public pages and the login page) /webserverpath/secure1 (private pages) /webserverpath/secure2 (private pages) /webserverpath/secure3 (private pages) I recently discovered that the authentication is very ...

What usability evaluation methods do you use?

What usability evaluation methods do you use? GOMS? Cognitive Walkthrough? Think aloud protocol? Others? (apart from 'ask your mum' tips that are well covered elsewhere on SO) ...

Secure name for the admin area URL of a site?

A question mainly for web developers. When you develop web applications and add an admin area to it, how do you name it? Leaving it 'admin' is a bit out of fashion and insecure. Mind sharing any other nouns, verbs, adjectives or whatnot, that holds the title of any websites you know/can think of. ...

Adobe AIR 1.5 Sandbox + Motherboard Speaker

I'm curious if through AIR you could access your motherboard pc speaker? It's for an Alarm Type of program and would like pitch control so more than a simple beep. Can this be accomplished through AIR? Or if not in any web-based framework for that matter? Seems a bit tricky so I'd love to know if anyone has a solution. Thanks! ...

How to create a javascript floating div signup form

Hi, I'm building a site which will have a 'Login/Register' link on every page. Whenever someone clicks this link, I want a javascript/div based signup form to float ontop of the content with a link to 'close' it if they want. I also want the capability of the div showing up near the position of their mouse, i.e so if they click the lin...