
Should I design the application or model (database) first?

I am getting ready to start building a new web project in my spare time to bring to fruition an idea that has been bouncing around my head for a while. I have never gotten down whether I am better off first building the model and then the consuming application or the other way around. What are the best practices? What would you build ...

SmtpClient class not picking up default parameters from Web.Config file.

config file : <system.net> <mailSettings> <smtp from="[email protected]"> <network host="mail.xxxxxx.com" port="25" password="password" userName="[email protected]" defaultCredentials="false" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> </system.net> I've already tried defaultCredentials="true" but i recieved following message: System.FormatException: Sm...

Community Server the new version do you recommend it? can you integrate new modules to it?

I am planning to use community sever for one of our projects, i used it in the past but we had a lot of problems customizing it and understanding how things work, im affraid to get into that again, and i would like to add some things to it but i dont know how flexible it is. ...

How would one make Python objects persistent in a web-app?

I'm writing a reasonably complex web application. The Python backend runs an algorithm whose state depends on data stored in several interrelated database tables which does not change often, plus user specific data which does change often. The algorithm's per-user state undergoes many small changes as a user works with the application. T...

Are Databases and Functional Programming at odds?

I've been a web developer for some time now, and have recently started learning some functional programming. Like others, I've had some significant trouble apply many of these concepts to my professional work. For me, the primary reason for this is I see a conflict between between FP's goal of remaining stateless seems quite at odds wi...

Should I charge my client extra for the source code?

I am developing a web application for a customer. We have agreed to a fee and now the customer wants me to hand over the source code as well because he thought that the initial fee covered him buying the source code from me as well as the app. What I am asking is: do you think that I should give the code to my client without asking for...

How can I switch a text box for a <label>, <div>, or <span> using jQuery?

I'm trying to "single source" a form page which can be in edit mode or view mode. For various reasons, this isn't using the ASP.Net FormView or DetailsView controls. Since there is no way to disable a textbox without turning its contents gray (well, we could "eat" all of the keystrokes into it, but that isn't very elegant either) and di...

Is there a centralized list of country names that can be used for web drop down boxes (and validation)

There are examples online with web select boxes that have a huge list of countries and that probably will be good enough for me to use. However, by Murphy's law, there's bound to be some random country that someone is from and isn't on my list (and probably someone else also ran into this and has updated their local list). Also, when new...

Web design and web development websites

I am keen to know what are some of the very good web design and web development website or blogs which I can read and follow the blogs. ...

What web application framework should I use for a web gallery?

Hey guys, I need to create a photo gallery for a website running IIS 4.0 or IIS 5.0 (im not sure which). It needs to display a low resolution version of the gallery to anyone, and it must show both the low and high resolution images for "priviledged" users. So I need access priviledges, photo albums and once the site is complete, the pe...

Best Practice for Designing User Roles and Permission System ?

I need to add user roles and permission system into my web application built using PHP/MySQL. I want to have this functionality: 1- One root user can create sub-roots, groups, rules and normal users( all privilegis) . 2- Sub-roots can create only rules, permissions and users for his/her own group ( no groups). 3- A user can a...

Architecture for Reporting Web Site

I've alluded to this project before, in this question, but the scope of redesign has been slightly tightened, i.e. I can't redesign the whole thing, so I 'd like some general advice on how to structure the existing artefacts in the application as an incremental step in improving the design. The site has two areas of functionality, v.i....

In Drupal, how can I create a front page with a set of menus as the content?

This website http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/ appears to be using Drupal, and I like the menu system on the front page, but can't work out how it's been done. Has anyone any ideas about which Drupal modules might reproduce this look and functionality? ...

different WAR files, shared resources

Suppose you have several applications which share the same code and most of the other resources, but have a somewhat different look and feel, some labels change, etc. (think branding). If each web app is to go in its own WAR file, where do you put the shared resources? I already use the classpath to share classes and property files. Bu...

ASP.NET Explicitly Post To Server From Checkbox Control OnCheckChanged Event

I have an asp:checkbox control, and I want to change the visibility of a Label when it is checked or unchecked. To do this I'm attempting to use the OnCheckChanged event, which apparently only fires after a post to the server. This means that my Label's visibility isn't changing immediately. How do I post to the server (and preserve the ...

Which HTTP status codes do you actually use when developing web applications?

The HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC2616) defines a number of status codes that can be returned by HTTP server to signal certain conditions. Some of those codes can be utilized by web applications (and frameworks). Which of those codes are the most useful in practice in both classic and asynchronous (XHR) responses, in what situations you use...

Simple JavaScript problem: onClick confirm not preventing default action

I'm making a simple remove link with an onClick event that brings up a confirm dialog. I want to confirm that the user wants to delete an entry. However, it seems that when Cancel is clicked in the dialog, the default action (i.e. the href link) is still taking place, so the entry still gets deleted. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here......

How do you call a method from a variable in ASP Classic?

For example, how can I run me.test below? myvar = 'test' me.myvar ASP looks for the method "myvar" and doesn't find it. In PHP I could simply say $me->$myvar but ASP's syntax doesn't distinguish between variables and methods. Suggestions? Closely related to this, is there a method_exists function in ASP Classic? Thanks in advance! ...

How do I move a site from one url to another?

I have an ASP.NET web application hosted on DiscountASP.NET with its domain name registered on GoDaddy. This site is working perfectly and runs great, but I hate the domain name. So now, I decide to purchase a domain name I like better. How do I set it up so that this domain name runs the same web app as my original application, but u...

I need help...........sample project

Hi all, Can anybody give me one sample Asp.Net Project where all the Object oriented concept like class,abstraction,polymorphism,Inheritance and array list has been used for my practice purpose.I am new to this platform i know all the above mentioned concept but i don't know where and how to use those concept in web application.........p...