
How to resize a container div to the total height of its children?

I have a container element which I need to resize as its contents change. It contains 2 absolutely positioned divs which can both change height. If I don't specify the height of the container then anything after the container disappears under the contents. At the moment I am doing the following but I'd be pleased to find a less laborio...

What's the most bullet-proof way to upload large files in a web app?

We have to accept large file uploads (video content) and want to do that in a way that works well across all standards-compliant browsers and plug-ins. Our current setup looks like this: SWFUpload input type="file" for graceful degradation On the server-side, we have nginx and the upload module streaming the uploaded files into the s...

ASP.NET-MVC (IIS6) Error on high traffic: Specified cast is not valid


Automatic entity mapping similar to O/R-mapping with JSF?

With JPA I do not need to code the SQL for every new attribute as the o/r-mapping is being done automatically. As I am new to JSF, i am wondering whether there is a similar possiblity with JSF? I do not want to add new code to a jsf datatable every time I change something at the corresponding entity. ...

What is the best programming language for web development and why?

I've always used PHP, but recently I've been reading about why it's bad. I love Python, but I don't know how it works with the web. I've never even seen Ruby... what is worth learning? Should I stick to PHP? ...

Http Web Service Load Test

I have a web service I'm trying to load test. I created a program that spawns threads to simulate multiple users connecting to the service and making a request. Each thread makes "some number" of requests before it dies. Each new request is made as soon as it is ready - there is little to no delay between getting a response and making...

Best html editor for a non technical user.

I have set up a simple web page for a family member and now they want to be able to edit the page themselves. My primary web authoring tool is gvim which is obviously out of the question for a non techie. Does anyone have any recomendations for a simple effective WYSWYG html editor There are no requirments for javascript, forms, or an...

Problem with Pseudoclass and text-decoration:underline in IE6

I am using a piece of html something like the following:- <a class="somePseudoClass" title="Blablabla">Something</a> and I have the following css in an imported file. a.somePseudoClass:hover {color: #000000; text-decoration: underline;} This works perfectly in Firefox 2.0 but in IE6 the underline fails to show. Does anyone know o...

How do I use an email template txt file and retain formatting?

I'm using a preformatted text file as a template for emails. The file has line breaks where I want them. I'd like to use this template to send a plain text email, but when I do I'm losing all formatting. Line breaks are stripped. How do I parse this file and retain line breaks? I don't want to use a <pre> tag because I want to send plai...

How do you inspect for and test for known IE browser "features"?

My company makes its money off of a great user experience using IE6, 7, Firefox and Safari. 90% of our traffic ends up IE and probably 60% of that traffic is still IE6. IE6 has a bunch of known gotcha's such as accessing DOM objects while they are still being inserted crashing the browser. Almost none of these issues surface during ro...

Can someone recommend a bells and whistles CSS framework?

I am looking for a bells and whistles CSS framework. I have found a number online that deal with "grids", and some that deal with "typography" and others that deal with "resetting". What I have not found is something that will give my web applications a consistent reusable style or theme. I guess it would have to have a number of prede...

Have Google maps center around geo-locs and zoom in appropriately

I would like to pass an x amount of geo-locations to the Google Maps API and have it centered around these locations and set the appropriate zoom level so all locations are visible on the map. I.e. show all the markers that are currently on the map. Is this possible with what the Google Maps API offers by default or do I need to resolve...

How to version control a record in a database

Let's say that I have a record in the database and that both admin and normal users can do updates. Can anyone suggest a good approach/architecture how to version control every change in this table so it's possible to rollback a record to a previous revision. Thanks /Niels ...

What could go wrong if I convert ANSI encoded files to UTF-8?

I have an existing ASP.NET 2.0 website, stored in Team Foundation Server 2005. Some of the pages/controls are encoded as ANSI (according to Notepad++) and the Content-Type header is set to: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/> I would like to change all pages to UTF-8, and therefore the Content-T...

Detect company names that are visiting my site

I'd like to use visitor IP addresses into a company name. This will be used for displaying something like "Hello visitor from Apple Inc." . Note I am looking for the company name, not the domain name. Extra points for determining the originating country. The app is written in Ruby on Rails, but examples in other languages will do. Thanks...

Linux web front-end best practices

I want to build a web based front-end to manage/administer my Linux box. E.g. I want to be able to add users, manage the file system and all those sorts of things. Think of it as a cPanel clone but more for system admin rather that web admin. I was thinking about creating a service that runs on my box and that performs all the system le...

Online exam web application

I am developing an online exam using JSP/Servlets which is nearing completion. I'm planning to add timer function for the entire exam that shows elapsed time in minutes. How do I implement this with a fool-proof technique to implement this, because using javascript would mean that the user can turn off the feature in the browser. Any hel...

Common Design Patterns for use in MVC Web Applications

I am trying to coach some guys on building web applications. They understand and use MVC, but I am interested in other common patterns that you use in building web apps. So, what patterns have you found to fit nicely into a properly MVC app. Perhaps something for Asynchronous processes, scheduled tasks, dealing with email, etc. What ...

AJAX and forms

I have some forms that communicate with server using AJAX for real reasons: cascade combos, suggestions, multiple correlated selections (e.g. I have {elementary} knowledge of {French} [add], and {good} knowledge of {German} [add]...). I also have some regular fields that I handle trough get. Thing is that once I've made connection to s...

Rewrite rules - going outside the docroot.

Assuming the following directory structure, htdocs/ images/ css/ .htaccess system/ index.php ... I would like to route all incoming requests through that php script. I have been trying some rewrite rules within the htaccess, but I can't seem to be able to route to files that are outside the document root. I couldn't find a r...