
How do you determine if something should go below your web path or inside your web path?

I'm wondering if there's some kind of criteria that can be used to determine where a script or file should go. ...

ASP.net information event "Application compilation is starting"

Hi all: We use MSMQ to capture all the event thrown by our asp.net site and store the data into our database. Throughout the day, we can see the event id "1003" with Title = "Application compilation is starting" in our logging database. However, we don't see the corresponding event 1004 which is "Application compilation ends". I was ...

Does using Wikipedia content harm a page/sites SEO rankings?

Wikipedia allows you to reproduce its content. If you want to use Wikipedia materials in your own books/articles/websites or other publications, you can do so -- but only in compliance with the GFDL. See here. I am considering using some wikipedia content to pad out pages on my website. For example - just taking the first couple of par...

Determining your websites color scheme

One of the biggest issues I have, from a UI standpoint, when building a new website is figuring out what colors I will use and of those colors, do they actually work well together. I found this site that has really helped me out and I figured I would share it with all of you and also get some responses back about either sites similar o...

Do you generate nicely formatted HTML?

When using some server-side technology which is outputting HTML, do you try to format the output nicely? For example, adding line breaks and indentation? What are the pros and cons of either style? ...

Keeping track of web site configuration details, action items, documentation?

Does anyone know of an application (hosted or otherwise) that I could use to keep track of details for a number of web sites? I manage 50+ web sites that range from custom solutions to open source platforms (WordPress, Joomla). I started to write my own but wanted to see if there is anything out there already. Here are some of the fea...

Javascript Regular Expressions - Required field validation

Hello, How do I check if a field (textbox) is empty or filled only with white spaces (spaces/enters/tabs etc.), using javascript RegExp? ...

Best way to design and manage a navigation menu in web applications

I am building one of my first web application, and I found some problems in managing a dynamic navigation menu. In particular, I don't know what is the best way (or, almost, a good way) to set a different css class for the current navigation item when a user go to a page. I have a 2 levels menu, as you can see in this screenshot: A s...

Cannot instantiate RDP ActiveX in the IE7 internet zone

Hello, I'm trying to instantiate the RDP ActiveX control, but it fails in IE7 internet zone. When I naviagate to the page, I see infobar with message "This website wants to run the following add-on: 'Terminal Services ActiveX Client' from 'Microsoft Corporation' If you trust...". I right click, choose Run ActiveX Control. Whant happens,...

How do I figure out which parts of a web page are encrypted and which aren't?

I'm working on a webserver that I didn't totally set up and I'm trying to figure out which parts of a web page are being sent encrypted and which aren't. Firefox tells me that parts of the page are encrypted, but I want to know what, specifically, is encrypted. ...

An ASP.NET Developers Toolset

I posted a question early yesterday and got some really good responses back that got me thinking. I agree with everyone that using tools to get the job done and be more efficient is the right choice. So now, what do you feel is the set of tools (or a set of tools or a single tool) that you as a .NET developer ought to have/use? What do ...

Recommendations on how to implement a validation class?

I am implementing a validation class in classic ASP. How should the validation class interface with my other classes? My current setup: The User class's set methods call the appropriate validation method in the validation class. Any errors that occur are stored in User.mError. For example, here's my set method for the Email member vari...

How do I create a web application where I do not have access to the data?

Premise: The requirements for an upcoming project include the fact that no one except for authorized users have access to certain data. This is usually fine, but this circumstance is not usual. The requirements state that there be no way for even the programmer or any other IT employee be able to access this information. (They want me to...

Observers vs. Triggers

What's the general consensus? If you need to change the database after a given action, do you use an observer pattern and let the framework / application handle the update for you? Or do you bypass the application and delegate the update to a database trigger? Obviously the trigger is faster, but is it worth it? ...

what alternatives are there to using global.asax?

I am using my own custom authentication with IIS, and I want the server on every page load (no matter what type of file) to first check the Application variable to see if the user is authenticated and authorized to see the site. In global.asax this could be: void Application_Start(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { if(Application["username...

in IIS, what's the difference between "application" and "session" ?

A Session is per browser (determined via cookies), but when does an "Application" start, and end, and how does IIS know know when a request is a part of the same same "Application" instance (if not done via cookies the same way that sessions are)? ...

Firebug-like debugger for Google Chrome

Is there anything like Firebug that you can use within Google Chrome? Essential features I would like: Inspect HTML source (select elements, delete them, etc.) check CSS values (the built-in solution is weird, somehow) ...

How Can I Find Out *HOW* My Site Was Hacked? How Do I Find Site Vulnerabilities?

One of my custom developed ASP.NET sites was hacked today: "Hacked By Swan (Please Stop Wars !.. )" It is using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 and IIS 6.0 and Windows 2003 server. I am not using Ajax and I think I am using stored procedures everywhere I am connecting to the database so I dont think it is SQL injection. I have now removed t...

Firefox style onclick arguments in IE

In firefox when you add an onclick event handler to a method an event object is automatically passed to that method. This allows, among other things, the ability to detect which specific element was clicked. For example document.body.onclick = handleClick; function handleClick(e) { // this works if FireFox alert(e.target.classN...

Does PageRank mean anything?

Is it a measure of anything that a developer or even manager can look at and get meaning from? I know at one time, it was all about the 7, 8, 9, and 10 PageRank. But is it still a valid measure of anything? If so, what can you learn from a PageRank? Note that I'm assuming that you have other measurements that you can analyze. ...