
PHP and concurrent file access

I'm building a small web app in PHP that stores some information in a plain text file. However, this text file is used/modified by all users of my app at some given point in time and possible at the same time. So the questions is. What would be the best way to make sure that only one user can make changes to the file at any given point ...

C# / Web Development learning strategy

For a newcomer to .NET Web Development and programming in general, who chooses C# as there preferred language. Is it better to learn C# first - without trying to apply it web development. It seems most literature for C# uses Console or Windows forms as a learning platform. So would that be the best direction? Or should you practice in we...

URL Design for SSL-Secured SaaS Application

I am developing an application using the ASP.NET MVC platform, which will be exposed as a service over the web (the SaaS model). I am trying to determine the best way to partition the URL namespace for each user account. The application will need to be accessed securely via SSL, so my main concerns have been around coming up with a URL...

Get the value from one window to another window - javascript

Hi friends, Is it possible to get the value from first page to second page.. BUT with out FORM Shall we use window.parent.document.getElementById("").value.. But this is working in popup window, but i need this for between two pages which redirecting from first page to second page. ...

Website image manager with copy/paste? (Flash?)

I'm looking for a web based upload manager, with good support for images. It should be as easy as possible for novice users to "add images to a website". I could use such a thing for two use cases: A CMS for external use, needs proper image support (1-file upload doesn't quite cut it). A Wiki for internal use, to get popular it will ne...

Best free web framework to deploy on Windows Server?

If you are starting to develop a new web application from scratch and the only two requirements you have is that it will be deployed to Windows 2008 Server and that standard ASP.NET incl. VS2008 doesn't cut it (doesn't matter why, let's say it's the license cost, you won't be hosting Windows 2008 Server yourself). Which web framework wou...

Tool that detects duplicate javascript function names in a web page?

Background We have a web application in which several developers have written several .js files that manipulate the DOM and the problem of duplicate function names has crept into our application. Question Can anyone recommend a tool that will warn us when we accidentally write a web page with two javascript functions with the same nam...

How much of Linux should I learn in order to deploy web sites using LAMP?

Being a Windows developer I'm currently working on my own project using LAMP. I understand what I need to know of PHP and MySQL, but Linux looks huge and it's not clear where to start and what is enough given my goals. And my goals are to grasp general concepts, being able to deploy the project to a hosting provider and to be able to mon...

Getting the NT-ID of a user in SharePoint

What is the simplest way to get the NT-ID of a user in a C# application? I would probably need to get it only having a name of the user, or maybe an email address. ...

How can I remove unused CSS classes from my website project?

My project has collected CSS entropy (unused classes) during its course of development. Now in order to keep the CSS file small, I want to remove all unused CSS references. But doing that manually involves searching for each class in the entire project. That takes time. Do you know of any way/tool which I can adopt to find out which CS...

Where can I get the JSONRequestError code?

Following the JSONRequest proposal, I've found code for the JSONRequest object. However, this object depends on JSONRequestError, and the code for that is nowhere to be found. Anyone know where I can find the code? Thanks in advance! ...

Things to keep in mind while creating a ASP.NET Mobile Web Application

I am creating a mobile web application using asp.net. The application must support iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Mobile Platform. What are the low things which should be taken care of while developing this application. Is there any best practices list available for this? Summary: ...

How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? Notes - it shouldn't refresh the page, and I need to grab and parse the response afterward. Your help with some code examples will be much appreciated. ...

Comparison: DB Full Text search to Search engine (Lucene)

With stackoveflow.com in perspective (team of 2-3 engineers building a website project intended to scale) does it make sense to spend effort early in the process of development to build a search based on Lucene/Autonomy… as opposed to a database based full text search. Pros/Cons: With a mature Lucene implementation like nutch or auton...

Managing web service views/templates for several clients

I have a server-side web service that serves to multiple clients. Clients include web browsers, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android etc. My question is, I need to be able to generate dynamic content for views to these clients. Be it a full blown HTML template, an HTML snippet, JSON, XML, etc. Depending on the user-agent of the requesting client,...

How do I setup / configure ELMAH on GoDaddy ASP.NET hosting

FYI: ELMAH is the Exception logging framework that is mentioned on Coding Horror here. How do I setup / configure ELMAH on GoDaddy ASP.NET hosting? I seem to get 404 errors when trying to access elmah.axd. I have followed all of the instructions here to modify my web.config and bin deploy the Elmah assembly. I was using the BETA 2 bi...

Reverse Engineer A Web Form

I have a web site which I download 2-3 MB of raw data from that then feeds into an ETL process to load it into my data mart. Unfortunately the data provider is the US Dept. of Ag (USDA) and they do not allow downloading via FTP. They require that I use a web form to select the elements I want, click through 2-3 screens and eventually cli...

Why does the checkbox stay checked when reloading the page?

I'm reloading a web page that has the following code: <label for="showimage">Show Image</label> <input id="showimage" name="showimage" type="checkbox" value="1" /> Even though the HTML stays sent to the browser is the same for each reload of the page, the checkbox always takes on the checked value when a reload was performed. In othe...

3d Graphics for a Web Based Application

Hi, I've to create a Web Based Application, that amongst other things, includes the following tasks Loading a 3D model from a database. Display the 3D Model. Doing Inverse Kinematics computations to generate the series of steps for the model to move from an initial to final position. Display the animation in real time. The applicati...

Loading site

I have a web app that is heavily loaded in javascript and css. First time users log in it takes some time to load once it is downloading js etc. Then the caching will make everything faster. I want my users to be aware of this loading time. How can I add some code to "show" some loading information while js and css are downloaded? ...