
Considering ATK Framework

Has anybody used the ATK Framework? It is claimed to be geared toward developing apps for business use. Manipulating data, knowledge bases, etc... This is what I primarily develop (on the side-for my own use). The site hasn't given me a great overview of why it may be better than other frameworks. What are your thoughts / experienc...

Is it best to use HTTP REFERER for redirects or use some other method?

Currently, we're storing the user's HTTP_REFERER so we can redirect the user back to the previous page they were browsing before they logged in. Http Referer comes from the client and can be spoofed or blank. Is there a more secure/reliable method to deliver this handy user redirect? ...

integrating Grails and GWT

Hi, GWT seems like a really nice technology for Java developers who don't like (or don't know) HTML/JS/CSS to build rich web interfaces. On the server-side Grails also looks really nice, it's often described as "Rails for Java developers". I've read that Grails' "convention over configuration" approach, together with the benefits of dyn...

What's the best way to develop local using PHP and Visual Studio?

I am taking my first foray into PHP programming and need to configure the environment for the first time. Can I use PHP with the built in VS web server or do I need to (and I hope not) use IIS locally? In addition, any pointers on pitfalls to be avoided would be great. Many thanks. Update: I should have made the question more explicit...

Long pages in FireFox offset when scrollbar appears

In Firefox and Safari, pages that are centered move a few pixels when the page is long enough for the scrollbar to appear. If you navigate through a site that has long and short pages, the page seems to "jump" around. IE7 tends to leave the scroll bar visible all of the time but disables it when the page is not long enough. Since the ...

What should be in a 'technical work plan' ?

I'm applying for grant to fund part of the development of a web app, one question I'm stuck on says to describe the: Tasks and full technical details and risks relating to your project, including detailed technical work plan Any guidance on what specific topics should be covered would be very gratefully received There is a separate q...

Use double classes in IE6 CSS?

Hi, is there any way to make IE6 understand double classes, say I have a class MenuButton with a color class and possibly a clicked class; like : .LeftContent a.MenuButton {..general rules..} .LeftContent a.MenuButton.Orange {..sets background-image..} .LeftContent a.MenuButton.Clicked {...hum ta dum...} Now, IE6 understands <a class="...

Is SEO knowledge important for web developers?

Looking for some SEO (Search engine optimization) questions on Stackoverflow, I saw ambivalent reactions to these questions. Some were closed as "not programming related" or were downvoted, others were answered and got upvoted. It seems that many developers think SEO was something "dirty" or belonged in the realm of spam. IMHO designing...

Is PHP or vanilla Perl CGI faster?

I'm developing a web app for an Apache shared hosting server. I have already written some code in Perl but I recently found out, to my surprise, the shared hosting provider does not provided mod_perl or a way to install it. I have been a bit worried that running a Perl web app through CGI without mod_perl would make it very slow? Shou...

What is the best development "add on" for browsers

I know FireBug with YSlow has to be by far my personal favourite. I also use IE developer toolbar when forced to test pages in IE. Is there any other jewels out there hiding?? ...

Why is using tables for website layout such an evil

I am a Winforms and business engine developer who is using asp.net for the first time in over 2 years, and in that time I have noticed a few convention changes. What is the logic behind the anti-'tables for layout' movement? Is it to allow css classes to be used to handle layout, and if so, should this really be an issue on pages you a...

Scaffold Generator problem in Rails 2.1+

I have fresh Rails 2.2 install, thing is that everything work fine until I use scaffold generator. $ script/generate scaffold pages \ title:string description:string content:text $ rake db:migrate But when I launch server with this address: http://localhost:3000/pages/ I get this: NoMethodError in PagesController#index undefined m...

Do I ever really need to use the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?

I've been building .NET web applications for many years now, and I never use the GAC? What am I missing? Or am I better off staying away from it? ...

Can I automate creating a .NET web application in IIS?

I need to deploy a web application on several laptops (although it is a web application, it is intended to run via localhost only - thus the need to deploy on several different machines). Normally I would go to IIS and right click a directory to create a web application, but I would very much like to automate this leg of the installatio...

javascript "include" strategies

Duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203113/use-javascript-to-inject-script-references-as-needed Javascript doesn't have any directive to "include" or "import" another js file. This means that if script1.js uses functions/objects defined in script2.js, then every html page that includes script1.js must include script2.js bef...

Dynamically updated graphs on a web page - howto?

Hi all, I need to understand a good way to design a web page with dynamically updated graphs. It should be something close to what stock market graphs look like (e.g. Google Finance), although with a bit more complicated functionality, which is not the point. Naturally I am thinking of writing an ajaxy-style flash control, which would c...

Why are ASP.NET pages so much slower on localhost than on the production server

The title pretty much sums it up, and I'm sure there's a perfectly valid explanation, but it seems extremly odd that loading pages(after they're compiled) on my local computer seems to take forever, when the same code is blistering fast when "live". I'm developing on Vista, IIS7, pretty ok hardware; while the server is a single machine,...

How capture event for browser closing in web applications ?

When a web application running and on close the browser window then which event raise? ...

Printing from the web at client side

How can we print using print document so that we can control the printer paper size? It must be controlled after web hosting is done without the print dialog popup or javascript popup. It should print on the client's printer after webhosting without the print dialog option and setting the paper size. It should be done in C# .net ...

ASP.NET MVC Relative Paths

In my applications, I often have to use relative paths. For example, when I reference JQuery, I usually do so like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery-1.2.6.js"></script> Now that I'm making the transition to MVC, I need to account for the different paths a page might have, relative to the root. This was of cou...