
QuickStart basic layout/template for web development?

I'm looking for a quick start or template, or something, to get a web site's basic layout done quickly and looking fairly professional, and then let me do the coding. I don't want a CMS, as this is for a highly customised reporting application, but I need something like frame header and two columns and frame footer. I can design the pr...

Are there any free and open-source server-side analytics engines?

If you have any experiences with them, what are your thoughts on them as well? ...

How do I pre-cache images for quick viewing with javascript?

I have a webpage where I want the user to see a new image when they put thier mouse over a certain part of the image. I used an image map. <img src="pic.jpg" usemap="#picmap" /> <map id="picmap" name="picmap"><area shape="rect" coords ="10,20,30,40" onMouseOver="mouse_on_write('mouse is on spot')" onMouseOut="mouse_off('mouse is off sp...

Why does everything seem bigger in Internet Explorer?

I'm struggling with getting elements to render the same size in Internet Explorer as it does in other browsers. For instance, an image set to 500px wide takes up a significantly larger amount of screen real estate in Internet Explorer as it does in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc. Can someone explain why 500 pixels takes up a diffe...

How to prioritize future features (enterprise web development)

Suppose you're the product manager for an internal enterprise web application that has 2000 users and 7 developers. You have a list of 350 future features, each ranging from 5 to 150 developer days of work. How do you choose what features to work on, and how do you run the release process? Here's what I'm thinking: (skip if boring) R...

ASP.NET logic / connection pooling and error handing

Hi I just uploaded my first ASP.NET (as part of my learning of vb.net) and got into awful mess with the connection pooling (funny things happen when there are more than 1 user of your web site) all sorted now by better use of the try catch statements (well the idea was to learn) BUT I was wondering if this is the best / final method, no...

Turn off caching for JavaScript files on Firefox

During development I have to "clear cache" in Firefox all the time in order to make it use the latest version of JavaScript files. Is there some kind of setting (about:config) to turn off caching completely for JavaScript files? Or, if not, for all files? ...

How would you design a hackable url

Imagine you had a group of product categories organized in a nice tree hierarchy and you wanted to provide hackable urls to browse these. You could do something like this /catalog/categorya/categoryb/categoryc You could then quite easily figure out which category you should list the products for (note that the full URL is needed since...

How important is it to be able to design and develop web applications?

I consider myself to be a desktop application developer. My strengths are C/C++ (although I haven't used them in a while, so I'm a bit rusty), Java, and .NET (specifically C#, although I know a little VB and I'm learning F#). I'm familiar with SQL (using mostly MySQL and SQLite). I also know a little about HTML/CSS, Ruby on Rails, and I'...

Best practices for web login / authentication?

Writing the code for the user authentication portion of a web site (including account registration, logins, and password resets) is pretty simple, but what do you need to make a really good user authentication setup? For example, I'd consider not storing plaintext passwords to be a bare minimum requirement for a web site, but that piece...

Why are web applications more popular than local applications?

I ask this because at work I am supposed to develop a web-application that is used in an intranet, by two people. It's an application that should keep some states in a workflow. So I have to keep data in a session and have to care about concurrency. It would be so much easier to develop a normal desktop-application. But the client was...

What do you do when you're faced with an "I have no idea how to do this" programming project?

Let's say, for example, that a marketing group in your company asks you, a sole web developer, to build a widget (some type of web application, web feature, etc.) in 2 weeks. Given the following hypothetical facts: Your normal work duties involve building web pages in HTML and CSS and with a very limited knowledge of JavaScript. Buil...

Best Practices for Building a SSO System

I am looking to build a Single-signon system for a couple web apps that used form based authentication. They way that I envision it is that my sso system would handle authentication against active directory pass the verification through to the desired web app when ever the used clicked a link through my sso portal. What might be the b...

How to use the TabContainer control inside a templated FormView?

Is it possible to use a TabContainer inside a templated FormView like so: <ItemTemplate> <cc1:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server"> <cc1:TabPanel ID="Tab1" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate>Tab One</HeaderTemplate> <ContentTemplate> ...

Is functional programming relevant to web development?

I've been seeing so much recently about functional programming and Clojure looks particularly interesting. While I 'understand' the basic description of what it is, I can't figure out how I would use it on a day to day basis as a web developer, if I can at all. A lot of what I have read focuses on the maths side of functional programming...

Geographical Data Visualization in a Web Application

I've got a request to implement a visualization service for geographical related data. I have a list of Italian ZIP Codes (they are called CAP in Italian). I've already found a table which maps these ZIP codes to geographical coordinates (lat/long). So, the data I have to visualize as map is structured the following way: ZIPcode Latit...

My reCaptcha gets Page.IsValid=False always... when using onClientClick="return validate()"

Hello, I'm using reCaptcha in my asp.net 2.0 web application. I'm using onClientClick="return validateForm()" on my submit button. validateForm does basic checking and stops the form from getting to the server if not needed... For some reason, once the user passes the client side validation he always gets Page.IsValid="false"... If ...

Web technology for a first small web project

I'm a C++ developer with basic Python skills. Here's the task, a friend of mine is running a small company and he asked me if I can make a website for him. I have no real deadline so I think it's a perfect opportunity to try sth new and do some web development. User has to be able to add photos, change texts ect. Do you think that Djan...

Understanding Dijkstra's Mozart programming style

I came across this article about programming styles, seen by Edsger Dijsktra. To quickly paraphrase, the main difference is Mozart attempted to figure everything out in his head before writing anything, while Beethoven made his decisions as he wrote the notes out on paper, creating many revisions along the way. With Mozart programming, v...

What's the best way to test a site which displays differently depending on the client location?

I am using an IP location lookup to display localised prices to customers depending on whether they are visiting from the UK, US or general EU and defaulting to the US price if the location can't be determined. I could easily force the system to believe I'm from a specific country for testing but still there is no way of knowing for su...