
Problem with images and stylesheet while using urlrewriter

I'm using the urlrewriter.net as recommended in several questions in here. I'm having difficulties with displaying images and with the stylesheet. I read ScottGu's Blog (again as recommended in here) and in the end he does reffer to this problem and states to use ~/ for server controls etc. ("Handling CSS and Image Reference Correctly" ...

How do you execute a Javascript function without 'onclick' like "Grippie" in a new post on SOF

Such as the <div class="grippie" style="margin-right: 59px;"/> on stackoverflow when you post a question or answer. I get a nice css curser which lets me know of the moveable edge but how is the Java script which resizes the field finding out I clicked on the 'Grippie'? Thank you. Edit: Thank you for the answers which lead to Jque...

Visual Studio 2008 + embedded web server on Windows Vista

Hello all, OS: Windows Vista Business SP1 IDE: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Question: when I create a new web application in VS 2008 and start it, the embedded web server from VS 2008 launches on one port (say 50140). Then the browser (IE7) automatically launches with address http://localhost:50137/..., note the different port number. Obvio...

Javascript / Flex communication use case [need advice]

Hello everyone, I have a web page with a flex component, the flex component is responsible for creating an image from user inputs. Once an image is ready the user enter some more information in the HTML form and click on the send form button. When this button is clicked, javascript calls a function on the flex components which returns...

PHP: Cookie domain / subdomain control.

Hi All, I'm working on a site with multiple subdomains, some of which should get their own session. I think I've got it worked out, but have noticed something about cookie handling that I don't understand. I don't see anything in the docs that explains it, so thought I would see if anyone here has some light to shed on the question. ...

What is the best practice for storing uploaded images?

I'm writing an application that allows users to upload images onto the server. I expect about 20 images per day all jpeg and probably not edited/resized. (This is another question, how to resize the images on the server side before storing. Maybe someone can please drop a .NET resource for that in the comment or so). I wonder now what t...

How do autocomplete suggestions work?

For example, if you type something in upper-right google/yahoo search box in firefox there will be some kind 'suggested auto complete' sort of thing. Another example is in youtube search box and Stackoverflow tags edit box just below this question preview. How do they work? What technology behind 'em? ...

Submit / Reset Buttons - Order in the Form

When it comes to putting the submit and reset buttons on your forms, what order do you use? [SUBMIT] [RESET] or [RESET] [SUBMIT] This issue has come up countless times at work... So, in your opinion, which is the most usable for online users? I personally favor the latter, but some people tend to think otherwise. ...

Understanding imported WAR in Eclipse and its folder structure

Hi, I have just imported a WAR file from an external site, which is basically a servlet into Eclipse IDE (the project runs on Apache-Tomcat). When I import it it has a folder called Web App Libraries. So here are a few of my newbie questions: I am unsure about what the exact purpose is of this folder is? What does it do, why would...

How do i save a web form into a MySQL database?

I have an ASP.Net form and i would like to save it into a database any ideas?? ...

How would you architect visitor and admin functions in a single ASP.Net MVC web application?

So I have been working on a small web application (site) for a group of friends of mine and have come to the realization that things need to change. The application has two faces to it a public facing side that serves dynamic data to visitors and non admins, and an admin side where admins can update or create the dynamic data to be ...

How do I clear IE's cache when running Web Developer Express?

I'm trying to debug some IE-only issues for a site I'm developing. I'm running WDE because there's no Firebug for IE. I want to see whether some changes fix a bug, but no matter what I do, IE never picks up my changes. I've tried all of the following: stopping and restarting the debug evnironment closing and re-opening WDE closing a...

Beginner: Trying to understand how apps interact in Django

I just got done working through the Djano tutorials for the second time, and am understanding things much more clearly now. However, I'm still unclear how apps inside a site interact with one another. For example, lets say I'm writing a blog application (a rather popular activity, apparently). Blog posts and comments tend to go together...

.NET Web Service Best Practice for multiple developers

Hello, We have a large ASP.NET project consisting of several hundred reports. We are in the process of moving all the SQL Queries (running against an Oracle Database) into three web services. The web services are categorized by command, selections and report queries. We have to deploy a sub-set of our project using a SQL*Server backe...

Does this sound like a good idea? ( svn / version control / webdev / deployment )

I've recently gotten charged with designing and implementing a source code version control, testing, and deployment scheme at the company I work. Personally I've worked with Subversion for a few years on my own projects. But I've never dealt with it at this big scale. Hence I thought I'd ask here if anyone has any comments or suggestion...

Technology stack for web app development

What technologies do you use for web application development? I'm presenting my approach and tools that I have been used as an example: Graphics Design (Adobe Photoshop) HTML Coding (Dreamweaver) Server side programming (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Smarty) Client side programming (JavaScript, Flash) I have not been creating web apps for a fe...

Is ASP.Net a technology suitable for high-load sites?

That's the question... Do you think ASP.Net is a technology suitable for high-load sites? Do you know any populer sites -apart from stackoverflow, of course- built with this technology? Thanks. ...

Release/Deployment/Maintenance process for a web service

Hi all, I'm doing research on some non-brittle release process techniques in a 24x7x365 web service environment. What are some of your favorite methods for releasing code from a development environment to a critical-production environment. This includes not only code changes -- but also database schema changes. Let's assume that everyth...

Images and a dynamic layout

I'm working on a website with a em-based layout (so it can stretch and compress gracefully when users increase or decrease font size). This site has a header that should be displayed across all pages. I have a "header" div in all pages, and the site-wide css file includes the code: #header { width: 50em; height: 6em; margi...

What are the best and worst features of your preferred web framework?

The title says it all. ...