
ASP.NET Multiple Field Validation

In ASP.NET 2, I've used Field Validators, and RequiredField validators, but I'm unsure of how to handle a case like this. I have two check boxes on a page, and I need to be sure that at least one of them is set. So, if you look at in binary, it can be 01, 10 or 11, but it can not be 00. My question is, what the best way to do this wit...

Web Application Architecture: Future Proofing

Hello all, I have a web application that currently sends emails. At the time my web applications sends emails (sending of emails is based on user actions - not automatic), it has to run other processes like zipping up files. I am trying to make my application "future proof" - so when there are a large number of users I don't want the ...

Web-development setup

Hi I am in the process of setting up a complete web-development environment. For now, there are two developers, one dedicated to backend programming (C#, .NET) and one dedicated to frontend development (HTML, CSS, XSLT). Each have an installation of MS Visual Studio 2008 and shared source via Visual Source Safe 2005. They both checkout...

Virtualization: Do you store web content inside the virtual machines?

In creating virtual web servers (VirtualBox for me), does web content usually go "inside" the virtual machine or is there usually a file server running on bare metal serving files (content) to all the virtual machines? Is there a typical scenario for storing content for virtual servers? ...

Is it worth using StringBuilder in web apps?

In web app I am splitting strings and assigning to link names or to collections of strings. Is there a significant performance benefit to using stringbuilder for a web application? EDIT: 2 functions: splitting up a link into 5-10 strings. THen repackaging into another string. Also I append one string at a time to a link everytime the l...

Building a website to handle lots of file transferring and storage

I'm planning to build a website that will involve transferring large amounts of different types of files (documents, video, pictures, audio, etc) and storing them on the backend. 1) While starting out with a small user base and minimal cash, what's an good, economic way to handle this type of website? With the very little I know righ...

How I do to force the browser to not store the html form field data?

When typing in html forms, browsers like firefox or ie store the values, sometimes quietly. So when typing in another webforms, the browser smartly suggest the same information. Another method to show the dropdown list is double-clicking an empty textbox. In a e-commerce website, the customer type the credit card number, and another sen...

Smooth process during development of Java web applications - how are you doing it?

Share anything you find important and think could be of use to others. Some questions you might want to answer: Do you use Jetty to run the application during development? Do you use another database than MySQL during development? How do you manage dependencies? Do you use Eclipse, NetBeans or other IDE's? Why did you make your IDE ch...

Place MySQL connector JAR in WEB-INF/lib of my WAR instead of in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib?

I'm about to use MySQL with Hibernate on a Tomcat 5.5.x server. Do I have to put mysql-connector-java-[version]-bin.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ or could I place it in WEB-INF/lib inside my WAR file with my other library dependencies? It would be easier to have it in my WAR in WEB-INF/lib, as I could get it using the Maven reposit...

How to persist ViewState for reuse later?

Is it possible to save ViewState information, e.g. to session, so that when you navigate away from the page it is persisted somehow? Then when you return to that page you can reload the view state and the choices you've made are preserved. Background I have two pages, a report page, where you can pick data, do some filtering and sorti...

POST versus Ajax call

Now that most modern browsers support AJAX and client-side requests without performing a POST, what is the role of POST (form post)? Are there situations or general rules when a POST will always be preferred to a XmlHttpRequest? All that POST is doing is placing variable key value pairs inside the server head. The advantages of POST I ...

Do I have to use JavaScript?

When does it become unavoidable and when would you want to choose JavaScript over server side when you have a choice? ...

Web frameworks

Ruby On Rails, Django or ASP.NET MVC. Which is better? What are the pro's and con's? Just curious as to your opinion, please no flames. ...

What steps make up your web development process and how much time does each phase take?

Let's say you work 100 days on a project. How many days would each phase of your process (requirements analysis, specification, etc.) take? I'm interested also in the ratio of specific activities in every phase, such as writing tests, back-end coding, front-end coding, visual design, database design etc. Many thanks! EDIT: Just to ma...

Resources for TDD aimed at Python Web Development

I am a hacker not and not a full-time programmer but am looking to start my own full application development experiment. I apologize if I am missing something easy here. I am looking for recommendations for books, articles, sites, etc for learning more about test driven development specifically compatible with or aimed at Python web appl...

Do users have problems adopting Silverlight?

My group is thinking about switching our platform for web UI from ASP.net to Silverlight for several reasons. To be clear, these are business websites that provide a service to our users, we develop and host them ourselves. Has anyone switched their business / intranet web site from a traditional server-based web technology such as ASP....

Needed: flexible yet secure user HTML embedding technique

Hi, Our software manages libraries, museums, archives etc. We'd like to let the users (namely the catalogers, not the visitors) add some embedded content such as Google maps, YouTube videos etc. We'd like the solution to be as flexible as possible, as each embedded content provider has it's own format. OTOH, we'd rather not allow the us...

How to find number of elements when adding and deleting elemnts dynamically using jQuery?

Hi, I'm working on a web application (with ASP.NET 2.0 (C#) and jQuery) In my application we have an interface using which our employees are able to enter records of a comany. We provided the interface with basic fields, Company Name, Contact Person, phone, etc. Now as you know some companies have thier branches, some have few (1 to 10...

Slim down and/or understand the Eclipse files in a Dynamic Web Project

The files residing in .settings in a Dynamic Web Project are: .settings/ |-- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs |-- org.eclipse.jst.common.project.facet.core.prefs |-- org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.xdoclet.prefs |-- org.eclipse.wst.common.component |-- org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml |-- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.co...

What is the best Distributed Brute Force countermeasure?

First, a little background: It is no secret that I am implementing an auth+auth system for CodeIgniter, and so far I'm winning (so to speak). But I've run into a pretty non-trivial challenge (one that most auth libraries miss entirely, but I insist on handling it properly): how to deal intelligently with large-scale, distributed, variabl...