
CMS that organizes and sort nicely

Witch CMS(+plugin/module) have the best way to organize content and multiple sorting options for lists? ...

Moduler php application development

Hi, We are a small team of developers planing to develop a php application. (let's say a CRM system) Our one main gold is to make it plugin enable application where developers at clients place can write plugings add new features to the system, with out changing the application core. this changes may including, 1) add new features: mor...

Website image caching with Apache

How can I get static content on Apache to be {cached by browser} and not {checked for freshness {with every request}}? I'm working on a website hosted on Apache webserver. Recently, I was testing something with headers (Content-Type for different types of content) and saw a lot of conditional requests for images. Example: 200 /index.ph...

ASP.NET Web Deployment Projects: getting rid of .compiled files

I'm using a Web Deployment Project in Visual Studio 2008 in order to prepare my ASP.NET application (ASP.NET web application, not ASP.NET web site) for being copied to several servers. I have to copy the files on local staging servers, on different servers via FTP and sometimes I have to fetch them from customers' servers. So, it would...

What the typical viewport size on a 1024x768 screen?

I am designing a web application, and I wish to know the largest size (x and y) that I can design for. As of January 2008, about half of users are using 1024x278 screens, and probably less than 10% are using smaller screens. (Phone and palmtop users are an exception here.) So we are designing for minimum screen size of 1024x768. Howeve...

How do I create a webpage with buttons that invoke various Python scripts on the system serving the webpage?

I'm a hobbyist (and fairly new) programmer who has written several useful (to me) scripts in python to handle various system automation tasks that involve copying, renaming, and downloading files amongst other sundry activities. I'd like to create a web page served from one of my systems that would merely present a few buttons which wou...

Choosing a simple web application framework

I'm evaluating web application frameworks for a hobby project I'm starting, and am beginning to go crazy trying to decide among the vast number of frameworks available to choose. The framework language isn't helping me filter out frameworks as I have varying levels of experience with Java, Python, Ruby and C#, and don't mind frameworks i...

jQuery: child firing an event for its parent element

Hi, I have several nested div elements like this: <div class="main"> blah blah blah <div class="clickme">clickme</div> </div> <div class="main"> bleh bleh bleh <div class="clickme">clickme</div> </div> <div class="main"> blih blih blih <div class="clickme">clickme</div> </div> I want to fire a toggle event that will show/hide the di...

Dynamically setting CSS values using ASP.NET

I'm working on a site where the images and other resources will be located on a separate domain from the main content of the site. We will use something like 'www.example.com' for the main site, and then 'images.example.com' for all extra resources for styles, etc. When developing the site I will keep all of these resources on local dev...

Can I host two separate web servers on a LAN to the outside world through 1 IP address?

I am a web programmer with a home web dev operation. I have multiple web servers in my house on a FIOS connection. I have my own domain pointed to my router through dyndns.org's custom domain service. My ISP gives me ONE static IP address, which at the moment allows me to configure my router to direct outbound web traffic from one serve...

Providing alternative images if Adobe Flash isn't available

Are there any ways providing an alternate GIF/PNG image, in case the user has no Adobe Flash installed and/or deactivated. I’ve found recommendations, like the following from W3C, which determine via JavaScript the existence of Adobe Flash on the client: W3C Providing alternative images Honestly, I would prefer a non JS technique. I’m t...

Executing command line programs from within python

I'm building a web application that will is going to manipulate (pad, mix, merge etc) sound files and I've found that sox does exactly what I want. Sox is a linux command line program and I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with having the python web app starting new sox processes on my server on a per request basis. Example: import os...

What are the benefits of using Python for web programming?

What makes Python stand out for use in web development? What are some examples of highly successful uses of Python on the web? ...

How to add a server image control to html container using innerHTML =

I have a td that I want to inject with a server image control (asp.net) using innerHTML = "". The webcontrol's toString is giving the type. Is there a way to extract the generated from the server control? Or, is there a different solution...? Thanks ...

URL scheme for a multi-version web app

I'm looking for the best URL schema to use for a web app that has multiple versions, namely several languages and a simplified version for use by mobile phones - both aspects can be combined, so there's an English regular and mobile version, a German regular and mobile version, etc. Goals (in order of importance): User-friendliness Se...

Why should I send my website to "cloud"?

I develop asp.net websites, and I read about cloud computing, windows azure, etc. But in the end, I cannot see any pratical reasons to change/move/etc my services to the "cloud". What the benefices? Cloud computing is some kind of "evolution" of web farms? Thanks, and sorry my ignorance.... ...

Custom eCommerce Site - ASP.Net or PHP?

I currently have a very functional customised online ordering website written from scratch in ASP. This was built approx 4 years ago, and works exceptionally well. I need to build a similar one for another company. Do I simply upgrade and get a like product developed in ASP.Net 2.0, or do I need to do some homework on other options such...

A/B testing and stats solutions

I've been looking for a good testing framework for months, not finding anything, so I've just been building my own. This is what I want to do: - track arbitrary behaviors (e.g. # of photos viewed, # of comments posted) - track correlation between arbitrary variables and those behaviors (e.g, how do different versions of this prompt af...

Visual WebGui

Hi I am looking for some web framework for my prject and I found Visual WebGui It looks amazing, but I am pesimistic to miracles :) Can someone more experienced than me help me? classic asp.net vs Visual WebGui what about speed ? what about size of data? what about security? have someone personal experience with this technology? Th...

Altering IFrame attributes from within the IFrame source. Is it possible?

On my computer, I'm using a custom adblock based on HOSTS redirection (so I can have adblock in Chrome). I'm running IIS on my machine, so I have a custom blank 404 error that displays when an iframe-based ad is displayed on a page. I've modified my 404 error to inherit its background color from its parent so that the ad doesn't look o...