
Best batch photo upload applet

Hi all. I'm looking to handle image uploads on a site I'm building. All the behind the scenes stuff is fine, but creating an intuitive front-end is causing me head pains. The problem with handling photos in a world where most people have asynchronous internet connections is the photos' size. I want each user to upload (at least) 10-20 i...

making download option in grails

I am in the training of web developement.I want make a page which shows all the files in the D://downloads directory.I made that part in grails.If i click on the particular file i want download that file.I dont know how to make that part.I did a google search.But i cannot do that. My code is <g:each in="${fileList}" var="filename" st...

How To Tell Web Browsers About Atom Feeds

My website has an Atom feed and I want to make it easier to subscribe to it. I see that many sites such as StackOverflow have the Atom icon in the location bar in Firefox 3. I haven't, however, been able to work out how. I assume some HTML is needed - but what tags specify the the browser that a page has a feed? ...

Microsoft.XMLHTTP and CDATA

Hello! I'm having a problem sending XML through Microsoft.XMLHTTP object in ASP (not .NET). I have CDATA elements inside some of the XML nodes and i get this error while trying to send. msxml3.dll error '80070005' Access is denied. First of all, this only comes up with CDATA. If i remove it, all sends allright. I did a little googling...

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

I have a number of generated html tables that I need to output as an Excel file. The site is codded in classic ASP. Is this possible? Could it be done by somehow using the Open Office libraries? EDIT: Thus far, I have tried some of the suggestions, but it seems to fail. Ideally, I want the user to be able to click a link that will beg...

How can I create a PDF file in classic ASP?

Is there any way to generate PDF files from classic ASP? I have a bunch of user-entered data that needs to be turned into a PDF that the user can download. How can I do this? OpenOffice allows exporting documents to PDF, so could this somehow be leveraged? ...

How much time it saves code generators?

My question seems easy but is little more theoretical than it looks. There are Code Generation software or application building software that gets done without the use of a programming language. Application like VE Server and VE Designer from Intelliun should accomplish this task. My question is, in reality have someone out there trac...

How can I store user feedback related to any part of a web page?

I would like users to be able to double click anywhere on the screen to display a form that allows submission of feedback about that very spot. I can think of 2 solutions: Store X,Y coordinates. Had to rule this out since X,Y coordinates aren't supported on all browsers. Use Jquery to bind an exhaustive list of html entities to a dbl...

Firefox and IE rendering same image differently!

This is an exact duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130161/ie6-issues-with-transparent-pngs Firefox: IE 6: The background for the image is transparent. Yet IE seems to screw it up. Any ideas? ...

Java or Python or Ruby for Web Application?

If I were to implement a web application from scratch today, which app stack should I go for? Three main candidates are java, python and Ruby on Rails (RoR). There is also .NET, but its biased towards M$. Pro-java: 1) Stacks of thick books 2) Largest developer community 3) Typed languages, which prevents subtle bugs 4) Augmented with ...

Stopping IE from highlighting the first submit-button in a form

The expected behaviour on enter in a form seems to be undefined in the HTML 4.01 Specification while the HTML 5 specification says it should be the first submit button in the form. Internet Explorer (IE) highlights the first button in the form when the form has focus by adding a proprietary border or something. Other browsers do not ad...

Preventing double HTTP POST

I have made a little app for signing up for an event. User input their data and click "sign me in". Now sometimes people are double in the database, the exact same data that got inserted 2 times very quickly after each other. This can only mean someone clicked the button twice, which caused two posts to happen. This is common web pro...

Subversion for web development

I've read a lot of articles about subverion and pushing the information to a web server and I'm still having difficulties. I can understand the basics about creating the repository and checking out etc but need help for the web server. I'm running apache and subverion is running on the development server I'm working on. Now do I creat...

When asked "How do I make a website?" how do you answer?

A (non-technical) friend of mine has asked me how to make a website. I get this question all the time. After a few questions I found out that she has an idea that could turn into a commercial site. I described three options to her: a) Get a book/enroll in a class/follow some online tutorials and learn how to do it. She's pretty smart an...

caching common lookup data - strategies

Looking at implementing caching for some common lookup data in an asp.net web application. In the past, I've created a singleton that creates a bunch of hashtables, which have public accessors. This works pretty well for read-only data that never changes. I've done a bit of looking into the System.Web.Caching, but it doesn't seem to o...

What is the best way to write a contract for CSS usage in Web Development?

Our Dev team had been developing enterprise web page more than 2 years ago. We are curious to know what is the best way to write a contract for CSS usage. For example, if we have a COMP, how we agree on a contract so our developers and our designers agree and we don't have to go back. Is there a tool that is available for this type ...

Spinning javascript menu

I would like to create a spinning menu akin to the one done in flash here. Are there any relevant links you know about to help with this endeavor? Thank you kindly. ...

Preventing XSS (Cross-site Scripting)

Let's say I have a simple ASP.NET MVC blog application and I want to allow readers to add comments to a blog post. If I want to prevent any type of XSS shenanigans, I could HTML encode all comments so that they become harmless when rendered. However, what if I wanted to some basic functionality like hyperlinks, bolding, italics, etc? ...

Postback problem downloading zip file

I've got a problem on a webforms application where a user selects some criteria from dropdowns on the page and hits a button on the page which calls this method: protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) They then click on button to download a zip file based on the criteria which calls this method: protected void btn...

best language / framework for a web CRUD app with roles on Linux

I have a Linux web server and I'd like to make some database tables (currently in Access) available on the web for CRUD. There needs to role-based security. What's the quickest path to develop this? Also, which database would be best? I already have mySQL running on that box if it makes any difference. ...