
What is the best menu for an ASP.Net application?

What do you find to provide the best menu for an ASP.Net 2.0 - 3.5 web application? Suggestions do not have to particularly be ASP.Net controls, but could be other menu's that work well within an ASP.Net web application. I would like for the suggestions to be options that do not require purchasing or royalty fees. OpenSource suggestions...

missing file or assembly tinymcetextbox

Hi There I have a project I am doing some maintenance work on and have got the solution files etc and attempted to build it and have got the following error:- Error 4 Could not load file or assembly 'TinyMCETextBox' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. This is a .net 2.0 project. Can anyone give me ...

How would you lock down an online form?

We have a web application that is based around a form that gets passed around. Unfortunately when people look at it, it is editable. So two people can edit it at the same time and overwrite their changes. How would you go about locking the form (and any multiple parts of the same form because it is broken down into multiple pages) down s...

Preventing Brute Force Logins on Websites

As a response to the recent Twitter hijackings and Jeff's post on Dictionary Attacks, what is the best way to secure your website against brute force login attacks? Jeff's post suggests putting in an increasing delay for each attempted login, and a suggestion in the comments is to add a captcha after the 2nd failed attempt. Both these ...

Differences between CruiseControl (original) and CruiseControl.NET

Are there any differences between the original CruiseControl and the .NET port? I've compared the 2, but can't find any big differences except the language it has been developed in. I want to use either one of them for (automated) testing of web applications, using Selenium and Subversion, perhaps even Groovy but don't know which to choo...

How do you structure css files for a web project ?

Hi, In my project I have put all my css classes in the style sheets. The structure I am following was Have a global.css file, which will have all the global styles. And then for each .aspx page one style sheet which will be particular for that file. Although I am talking about the asp.net this should not make any difference to a...

How to use HTML in LifeRay ShoppingItem description?

How can I embed HTML into the ShoppingItem database table "description" field in such a way that it will display on screen? It used to work in older versions, but in the current version it mangles/safes it to display the HTML tags, rather than passing them through to be processed. Is there an alternate method to achieve the desired eff...

How to get the currently focused node in a yui TreeView

I need to store which node currently has focus in a yui TreeView component. I thought that there would be a method to find which node has focus at any one time but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know if such a method exists or otherwise suggest a way to do this? thanks in advance, ...

What were the main disadvantages of CGI-BIN based web development?

I was fortunate enough to not do any cgi-bin .cgi based web development. But generally those who have do not seem to 'miss' those days. A project I recently joined has a performance issue when dealing with the pages that need to communicate to a legacy system that has a CGI-BIN based API. That system is COGNOS 7. The feedback I re...

Sony SNC-CS11 webcam help needed

I have a Sony SNCCS11 webcam that I am trying to view the video stream for on my web page. I was able to use the applet that the camera itself uses for a simple view, but I can't find any documentation on the java applet itself to determine what parameters are valid (for actions such as changing the background color). Has anyone worked ...

What is your preferred php deployment strategy?

I'm beginning a new project in PHP and I'd love to get some feedback from other developers on their preferred strategy for PHP deployment. I'd love to automate things a bit so that once changes are committed they can be quickly migrated to a development or production server. I have experience with deployments using Capistrano with Ruby ...

How to tell to Search Engines that 2 domain names are the same website?

If I have 2 domains names that points to same website. By example: microsoft.com and microsoft.net both points to microsoft.com. How search engines can distinguish that these 2 websites are the same websites and not a duplicate content? My question is because I know that Google, by example, have an duplicate content filter, and I want...

How do you handle cross-browser compatibility testing?

Working for a small web design/development firm, we're sometimes tasked, by clients, who are unwilling to budge on their browser compatability list. Any given project could need to be tested against some combination of IE 6, 7 & 8, Firefox 2 & 3, Opera, Safari & Chrome running on OS X, Windows XP, Vista or Linux. Since the bulk of deve...

Best framework for simple UI application with multiple configurations

I'm looking to make a selection of a (Java-based) framework for UI development, with the following constraints: The application requires very simple UI (form with 1 or 2 buttons results in a list of images, texts, etc) but the actual types of UI element rendered are numerous. We already have the backend logic (in the form of a web serv...

How to add Assembly Information to a Web Site/App in Visual Studio 2008

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to add an AssemblyInfo.vb file to a Web Application converted from NET2.0 to NET3.5. I'd like to add the manifest information but cannot find a way to do for the Web Application's compiled DLL. I am using Web Deployment Projects for Visual Studio 2008 if this makes a difference. I'm also going to be repla...

Java for the web

I posted this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/418597/java-and-net-for-php-programmer and the answers I was given didn't really help me out. I read a few of the tutorials at sun. The basic syntax I understand. The thing I don't understand and really need to (because I think my company is going to tell me start working with ...

IE6 CSS Trouble

I upgraded a website I've been working on (http://barsannapolis.com) to a CSS Layout, and things appeared to go well for the most part. The site renders correctly in Firefox, Chrome, IE 7, and Safari, but the design appears to be complete borked in IE 6. Does anybody have any guidance regarding how to get the problems fixed. Perhaps t...

XML File as database?

Is it possible to use single XML file for Ruby on Rails as an ActiveRecord database? ...

If short URls are such good practice, why don't big sites like Amazon or Facebook implement them?

Short, near urls (Such as on this site) are a much talked about good practice in web development for the purpose of good SEO (and probably other reasons too). If this is so, then how comes so many big sites like Amazon and Facebook still have ridiculously long URLs in their pages (like the about section, etc)? Is there an engineering i...

What Books or Websites Should I Use for Creating Commerical Web Applications?

I've got some ideas for web applications that I would like to sell to businesses, NGOs, and non-profits. I can do the application development so far as creating the look and feel, business logic, etc. but I am looking for books or websites that talk about packaging up web applications for commercial sale. I'm thinking I need things lik...