
How to connect mysql to DevExpress ASPxScheduler without SqlDataSource

I have an ASP.net project I'm looking at and they want to use MySQL. I'm used to SQL server but using mySQL shouldn't be a problem. Normally the control would like a SqlDataSource to bind to but that's not available with MySQL (from other posts on this site). What's the best way to connect MySQL and the DevExpress ASPxScheduler so tha...

Running an OpenID organization

I wrote an application recently, which relies on OpenID for authentication. A lot of web applications these days are moving to OpenID, insofar that they already have userid/password authentication scheme, and OpenID is just an add-on. Since my application is a new one, I decided that it makes no sense to program separate authentication m...

Process Monitoring in GWT

Does anyone know how to monitor long-running server-side processes in GWT, other than polling the server? We need to do some time-consuming, multiple-step, I/O-bound processing on the server, and it would be nice to display the progress of this processing in the browser. ...

Deciding on a Revenue Model for a Web Application

When building a commercial web application, what are the factors that go into the decision of a revenue model? How many users are necessary for an advertising-supported application? What demographic factors of the user base makes them more attractive to advertisers? Conversely, when deciding on a subscription price, what factors go in...

Storing and displaying a glossary of terms on the web

I am in the process of developing a reference guide for a project's variable names and their usage. I would like it to be easy to update and maintain. I would like to be able to view the guide with a web browser. This guide will be for internal use so large audiences and multi-browser support is a low priority. My current approach consi...

What's your prefered method to name your software releases?

What's your prefered method to name your software releases? Like Microsoft: alpha - beta - final - service pack... Like Google: gmail beta - beta - beta - beta - :) Like some softwares: 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.9999... ...

How to create vector graphics and then generate icons from them?

For a Website I'm developing, I will need to create some graphics. I haven't yet locked in sizes so I didn't want to generate image files (PNG, GIF, JPG) directly in case I change my mind after I get further along with layout and UI to see what works and what doesn't. This got me thinking: perhaps I should generate them as vector graph...

image to text in signup process

I am in the training of web developement.I have seen in most of the websites while registering new user it shows one image and tells the user to type the characters in the image.I dont know What is the use of that process? Is there any reason behind that? thanks. ...

WAMP Server not working

Okay so a continuation from this question, where you experts intro'd me to WAMP, which can basically execute PHP within a Windows XP environment. So now I've got it installed, but the tray icon forever shows YELLOW, and when I visit any PHP page in my browser, it just shows me the PHP source! Also, when I visit "http://localhost/" in I...

Portable web font technology

After reading the question on web font typeface selection, it occurred to me that portable network fonts were the answer. We used to use a package by Bitstream to generate subsets of needed fonts to embed in web pages so that it looked the same in every browser on every platform. When I Googled this, I found an RFC that looks like it's...

XML Fetcher Cron job: Run how often and how many fetches?

I've got a PHP script on a shared webhost that selects from ~300 'feeds' the 40 that haven't been updated in the last half hour, makes a cURL request and then delivers it to the user. SELECT * FROM table WHERE latest_scan < NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE ORDER BY latest_scan ASC LIMIT 0, 40; // Make cURL request and process it I want to b...

Monitoring, simulating, creating HTTP packets

I did some HTTP monitoring with WireShark. Are there more tools like this that allow you to create your own HTTP messsages? Telnet comes to mind Could be handy to get see how hacker-proof your site is... ...

PHP or Python?

How to go about to get started learning php. Which one is best to learn php programming or python. I just want to know which one of these is leading. ...

Tools for faster, better web development

Over the years most web developers will have built an arsenal of tools or "tools of the trade". Recently I discovered rsync and I am surprised how I managed to live without it all these years. What tools do you consider to be the most compelling? Please stick to the ones you use on a regular basis and swear by. They can also be framework...

How to (simply) connect Python to my web site?

I've been playing with Python for a while and wrote a little program to make a database to keep track of some info (its really basic, and hand written). I want to add the ability to create a website from the data that I will then pass to my special little place on the internet. What should I use to build up the website? After dabbling wi...

How to dynamically change a web page's title?

I have a webpage that implements a set of tabs each showing different content. The tab clicks do not refresh the page but hide/unhide contents at the client side. Now there is a requirement to change the page title according to the tab selected on the page ( for SEO reasons ). Is this possible? Can someone suggest a solution to dynamical...

Why does my iframe content have an empty area around it?

I have created an iframe code that I want people to use as a widget on their website. This iframe will load a webpage which has a button and a counter. In the accessed page I've got a graphic. But the iframe is rendered in the browser with a white empty area around it. Why is this happening? Here's my code: - At the client side: <scri...

How are they doing the accordion style dropdown on the following website?

Hello, I was taking a look at http://www.zenfolio.com/zf/features.aspx and I can't figure out how they are doing the accordion style expand and collapse when you click on the orange links. I have been using the Web Developer Toolbar add-on for firefox, but I have not been able to find anything in the source of the page like JavaScript ...

Where do I begin learning all the different JavaScript technologies/libraries?

I'm building a site that's sort of a cross between StackOverflow and Digg (only a different genre). Typically in the past I would have just built it using ASP.Net web forms. However I want to use this project as a way to learn new technologies. I'm using ASP.Net Mvc which is really great, but I need to learn/use some kind of javascript l...

Smarty Vs. Javascript/AJAX

I have a doubt: - Is there any standard/convention that when should I use "Smarty templating" and when should I use Javascript Ajax calls to produce the content? I can use Ajax/Javascript calls to produce the content dynamically. My application uses both Ajax and Smarty, but I want to set a rule for developers ...