
Javascript development addon for browsers

I need an addon that assists Javascript (client-side) web dev in browsers other than Firefox, for which Firebug suffices. Especially something for IE(7) and Opera(9) with which I'm currently experiencing issues. Info about dev tools like Firebug, are welcome for any browsers. ...

Storing HTML markup entered via web rich text editor?

Hi, I'm currently working on an admin section for a website. The admin can use the infragistics WebHtmlEditor tool to create markup for pages which will then be loaded into the pages on load. What is the best way to store this markup in the database? Should we just save the HTML generated by the WebHtmlEditor into a varchar field? I...

When dealing with a single page, ViewState is a better choice than QueryString for maintaining state. Why?

I am reading the article: Nine Options for Managing Persistent User State in Your ASP.NET Application by Steven A. Smith (Doesn't he host a show on ESPN?) In the article, Steven makes the following statement: "When dealing with a single ASP.NET page, ViewState is a better choice than QueryString for maintaining state" Unfortunately, h...

What gotchas are there for existing sites to render properly in Internet Explorer 8?

Now that IE8 is out, what are the gotchas that web developers are likely to encounter in their existing sites? Is there a list of "breaking" changes? Or is this thing "just going to work" with existing sites? ...

dropdownlist in html table

Hi, I am using asp.net and i would like to create a table which allows the user to enter multiple rows. some of the rows are to be dropdownlists. I dont know how to do this :S can someone help me please? Thank you ...

What is the maximum possible length of a query string?

Is it browser dependent? Also, do different web stacks have different limits on how much data they can get from the request? ...

Open New Window from aspx page from *any* URL

Is there any way to configure IIS or Web app to automatically open a new window when a hyper link is clicked? My issue isn't as trivial as it sounds, let me explain... I understand you can use javascript or target="_blank" in the anchor tag, but I don't always know when an anchor tag might be listed on the page... Reason is that its ...

Does anyone know of a good asp.NET cascading droplist control with multi-select capabilites?

I've been looking for a good, preferably free, dropdownlist control. It should display a summarize the selected values in a comma seperated list. It should display the items as checkboxes, or be highlightable. The items should be able to populated from an AJAX type call. The only input submitted by the control should be the comma sepe...

Silverlight page added to html

Hey I have a silverlight page and I have a html page with my layout. How can I add the silverlight page to part of my html page? Thank you! ...

What are the most important patterns for line of business web-applications?

What are the most important patterns you should know, when developing testable n-tier line of business web applications? Repository pattern Model View Controller Dependency Injection Pattern Factory Pattern Singleton What else? ...

Alternative "html" interface for Ajax based web apps

in Ajax based web apps , Is it mandatory to provide an alternative "html" interface for those who don't have javascript enabled & slow connections? for example Google Mail provides both Ajax & plain HTML Application but Microsoft SharePoint doesn't . do we have to care about them (disabled javascript/slow connections) or not? ...

The ideal "always/anywhere available" web development environment?

Casus: How to edit and advance with the same code, from several distanced locations and computers as easily as possible? I have this thought for some time now. I am regularly having problems when I have to work on one project from different computers, as I have not taken any measures or whatsoever to ease myself in this situation. Tha...

How do you tell what framework/language a web site is using?

Duplicate: Is there a generic way to see what is a website running on ? Thanks for all the answer everyone, please supply additional answers at the above question if you feel something is missing. Browsing the web I often come across sites that are doing interesting or cool things. It a natural inclination of mine, and I'm sure ...

Projects to build while trying to learn ASP.NET 3.5

I have been wanting to learn web development for a long time, however without a goal to work towards I've been mostly stuck to following tutorials in books. I do much better when I have something to work towards. What sort of web pages to people normally get started on building? I'm an experienced professional C++ programmer so it doe...

HTML table width fit to browser window

Given a HTML table with some data that may be either narrower or wider than the browser window, In the former case I know how to make it expand to fill the full width. In the latter case, how do you make it squash (by truncating some columns, not by wordwrap) to fit within the available width? ...

Problems with Cache in Firefox when i upload my app to web server

Hi there, Can anyone help? I have been designing a site using Javascript but the rest of the html content is static ie. images etc When i load my page in Firefox i have to clear the cache.. I remember a long time ago there was something you could add to the html to force a reload. My question is, is this a good thing? I presume it ca...

how to list wordpress categories by alphabet ?

ok so this is what i mean by this. on a the category archive page it will list all the category so that it look like this: "a" ---apple ---answer "b" ---ball ---big and so on. and this is wordpress i am talking about. thank you very much ...

how do I add a url parameter to a routelink in asp.net mvc?

All, my situation is that I have the basic route, plus some other simple routes: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = 1} ); So the f...

C55: More Info?

I saw a PyCon09 keynote presentation (slides: http://www.slideshare.net/kn0thing/ride-the-snake-reddit-keynote-pycon-09?c55) given by the reddit guys, and in it they mention a CSS compiler called C55. They said it would be open sourced soon. It looks cool - does anyone have more information about how it works, why they created it (aside ...

Letting users upload Python scripts for execution

I understand that letting any anonymous user upload any sort of file in general can be dangerous, especially if it's code. However, I have an idea to let users upload custom AI scripts to my website. I would provide the template so that the user could compete with other AI's in an online web game I wrote in Python. I either need a soluti...