
What is your favourite tool for impact analysis

What is your favourite tool for impact analysis? Especially in the the context of web-applications where an IDE cannot always help you considering that your code references might be in at least 4 languages (java, jsp, velocity templates, javascript, html and the ominous xml). Thus far I've managed with find and grep are there any bette...

What would be the best way to make this layout (css or tables) ?

Hi, I am developping an application where there are subscriptions available. I wanted to know what would be the best way to structure data like the following schema (using tables or css). (Sorry, I am at work and cold not post the picture of what I want on a free image hosting service.) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯...

What is a realistic measurement to load test a CMS web application?

Our company is facing some difficulties with our CMS web application. This application was part-built by a contractor and we have been confronting some stability issues (crashing, having to put them in front of load balancers or caching mechanisms) when we think the application should be able to handle it. We put together a minimal sta...

Python html output (first attempt), several questions (code included)

While I have been playing with python for a few months now (just a hobbyist), I know very little about web programming (a little html, zero javascript, etc). That said, I have a current project that is making me look at web programming for the first time. This led me to ask: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731470/whats-easiest-way-...

StackOverflow CAPTCHA Triggers

Normally whenever a CAPTCHA might be needed I always present it to the user apriori but the StackOverflow approach is much better, it only shows me the CAPTCHA when it thinks I might be a bot. I'm interesting in learning the requirements and how I could implement a similar system on my projects. What are the actions that make SO believe...

How to implement collapsible table rows in Javascript?

I'd like to have tables that can dynamically collapse some rows in a web page, such as: | Title | Foo | Bar | --------------------------------- | + My First Section | --------------------------------- | + My Second Section | --------------------------------- can dynamically exp...

Elegant way to view hierarchical data in a web application

This is a rather frustrating problem I have had to solve on multiple occassions, and I never found the solution I came up with entirely satisfactory. Say you have a 'complex' hierarchical data structure you have to present to the user of your web application, and most nodes in the hierarchy should be editable, too. For example, say you...

How to simulate postback in nested usercontrols?

Hi all, I'm doing an asp.net application with one page. In this page, I have one usercontrol defined. This usercontrol has a menu (three buttons) and 3 usercontrols defined too. Depending on the clicked button one of the three usercontrols turn to visible true or false. In these three usercontrols I have a button and a message, and I w...

Is it possible to implement a self-updating ASP.NET web application?

Wordpress has the capability to update itself (on admin user's request). Is it possible to implement something similar using ASP.NET? I can see web.config and bin folder causing problems. ...

Best practices for version control (SVN) with regard to Web Design

We are in the process of using SVN on a project that has a core and modules. We want module development to be separate from the core, but the modules will be inside of the core files. My question is this: How would you set up the repositories to manage something like this? Would you make all of your modules into their own repositories...

Using params['named'] in Cakephp

url: /contents/view/chapter:models/section:associations class ContentsController extends AppController { function view() { $this->params['named']; } } For example, I have the url and controller above and the goal is to use the key/value information from the url to query a database. How would I create a model to do ...

Everything is a flow?

Some of my recent web projects that I worked on, use a flow engine as the central abstraction in the presentation and/or (more or less the) business layer. Reflecting on my experiences, I can honestly say that I am not a fan of the flow-centric approach. On the contrary even. I see the same symptoms pop up in projects that use flows as c...

Gzip versus minify

I had a somewhat lively discussion the other day about minifying Javascript and CSS versus someone who prefers using Gzip. I'll call this person X. X said that Gzip allready minifies the code, since it zips your files. I disagree. Zip is a lossless method of shrinking filesize. Lossless means the original must be restored perfectly, m...

Do I absolutely need a robots.txt file for my public-facing web sites?

I'm reviewing a couple of my web sites to make sure my SEO bases are covered. There are no private pages on the site in question, and we want all pages to be indexed. Does including a robots.txt file anyway, even if it isn't needed, make my site look more reputable and important to Google? ...

Better performance: OnDataBound or iterate on PreRender

I have a menu where I am setting the selected value dynamically. Will I have better performance doing setting the value on a DataBound event or iterating over the menu in the PreRender event? Would the performance characteristics be generalizable to all data bound controls (i.e. would it be different for a menu versus a gridview)? F...

dataset in html

Hi, I am using asp.net and i would like to define the elements of a dataset in my html code. The problem is when i attempt to use: <%@Using namespace="System.Data" %> this is giving me an error also I am using foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {.....} DataSet ds is obtained from an sql query. I don't believe...

Open-source US- state status display

I was wondering if anyone knew of an Open-source project for displaying numbers for the US states. Specifically, you always see these graphics with California in dark grey, Montana in green, etc. Based on some sort of criteria. I'm thinking of building one for a site I maintain, but I was hoping I might not have to reinvent the wheel....

how to reference public objects from other ASP.NET pages

How can we access and reference classes and variables in different pages in ASP.NET? In version 2003, it was straight forward, just reference the class name of the page and the whole page becomes at your command, but with Websites instead of Web Applications, that does not seem to be the case. I have an App_Code folder, with a class that...

How to create a page to edit a database

I'm trying to build a website that provides a login for users. Once these users login, they will be able to perform functions that will likely query a database. At some point I will need to add/modify/delete contents in the database and I'm wondering how I would be able create a page on the website that I'd only have access to. Ideally I...

What's the simplest, most concise web technology to build an app with on Google App Engine?

Now that Java has allowed multiple additional languages to run on top of Google App Engine, which of the newly available languages would allow an app to be developed the most simply and concisely? Let's assume most people are aware of Ruby on Rails, PHP, Coldfusion and Python/Django and we can take for granted that these are pretty simpl...