
problems arranging css layers with heading and table

I am having trouble arranging items with the css below. One of the more obvious problems I am having is that The strong text for the headings of the table columns is black, and does not match the strong text in the information above the table. My main problem is that Layer3 will not go to the bottom of the Layer2. I want it to be belo...

Where to start with ASP.net in C# and Dreamweaver?

Hi, I am looking to start working on a personal site using C#. I work as a web developer and have used VBScript previously and am using Coldfusion now at work. I use Dreamweaver for development in these languages. I have read a lot of people recommending that you should use a MS IDE to develop in .net and that C# is the way to go in ...

Synchronizing Database Schemas among Developers

I'm working on a project with couple others. We all have local copies of the project, which is also constantly updated via svn repo. Because we are in the early stage of the development, we often change the schema of our database. This leads to a lot of problem when we sync our code, because we don't have a great way to synchronize our...

How WP-o-Matic works and how to do the same using ASP.Net? Cron job equivalent in .NET ?

WP-o-Matic is a wordpress plugin to auto post based on some configured feeds, it read feeds everything time interval i setup, its working on my blog, my blog is on shared windows web hosting, i want to know how it auto work like that, and because i am on a shared hosting, so sure i didn't setup any windows services on the server, so its ...

Silverlight 3.0 and web development

Recently I just got assigned a project to develop a web application/site that uses the full capacity of Silverlight 3.0. I am a beginner in web development and so far I am more of a software engineer guy rather than messing stuff with web development. However, I am really excited for this new experience as I feel that I can explore mor...

How to ensure correctness of data gathered via crowdsourcing?

I have a site where users are entering data of some products they buy. How do I ensure correctness of data entered via crowdsourcing (enabling users to vote/edit products) minimizing amount of work that needs to be done by administrator? I'm looking for some how-tos, best practices, etc. ...

Problems with layout of css page in ajax application

I have a css style, which when applied to a static html page works fine. The problem is, that content is dynamically loaded, into layer3, and then into layer 2. I don't really understand the consistency. Sometimes the layers are far apart, sometimes they are meshed over each other. Why is this happening, and how can I keep layer3 in a...

What's the best way to present information in multiple columns?

Hello, I have a basic page layout, and wanted to arrange information in columns. I have managed to do this, but I feel I have done this n a very poor way. I have made a layer and style called leftlayer, which floats to the left. Then 2 layers with a style called leftlayer2 which also floats to the left, to preserve the order I wanted ...

Events on animations in expression blend 2 silverlight

Hi, I have just created a simple animation. Lets say that in one frame I have an image of the world. I would like to create an event when a certain country is chosen. How can I allow for the event to be triggered by clicking on one particular country in an image? e.g. just displaying the name of the country, etc Thank you Extra info: ...

Local ASP.Net connection issues

I have been trying to set-up my recently reimaged workstation for working with one of our ASP.Net applications that consists of a ASP.Net website and some C# Web Services. I can successfully start debug instances of each the services and web site. However as soon as the site attempts to connect to and use one of the web services I get ...

How do I get SQL Server 2005 data stored as windows-1252 as UTF-8?

I have a client database with English and French data in windows-1252 encoding. I need to fetch this data as part of an AJAX call and send it in UTF-8 format. Is there a way I can pass the data through a stored proc to perform this conversion? My web app cannot be altered to perform this conversion itself. ...

If someone wants to build a web app that handles photos - what language is best?

Are there any better web languages for a web app that is designed to handle user-submitted images? Essentially a web app that will accept user submitted pictures and be able to create albums, etc. All the features of a Flickr or Facebook Pics. Aside from languages, is there anything else that might be different for a web app designed t...

iis 7 deploying a new build of an existing site

I would like to automate the process of deploying a new build of an existing site and allow for me to go back to the previous version of the site easily. Up until this point I have been copying my new build to the production server and placing it into a folder with a build number associated with it. Through the IIS user interface I wo...

Web development with python and sql

I need to build a web site with the following features: 1) user forum where we expect light daily traffic 2) database backend for users to create profiles, where they can log in and upload media (pictures) 3) users can uses their profile to buy content from an online inventory 4) create web pages, shopping carts etc for online inventory ...

Looking for a simple, light xhtml editor (such as wmd etc.) for my site

hey. for now, i'm using WMD for my site, but lately i've been needing to work on its code, and the supplied code is near impossible to read, due to code obscurity (no tabs, var names such as _1, _2 etc). now, i assume that code has a non-obscured version, but its nowhere to be found. (for example, i need to be able to supply RTL support,...

Eclipse Web Tools Platform(WTP) vs Netbeans - IDE for Java Web Development

When going to Java Web Develpment such as JSP, JSPX & others. What IDE do you consider Eclipse or Netbeans? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Which is better preferred in-terms of developing Web Applications such as Websites, Web Services and more. I am considering Netbeans because it has already bundled some features that w...

What are the benefits and challenges of developing web apps vs desktop apps?

I am having some issues with managers, because they believe that (intuitively) creating desktop apps is easier than creating web apps (because you have less constraints). But in my opinion, it is more difficult because of some reasons: The literature for desktop apps is vastly smaller than for web apps Coding panels and buttons is hard...

Handling Authorization in web frameworks

I want to write a simple web framework myself using WSGI, Python. I am in study to understand the authorization system. The system needs to be more modular and abstract enough to add new system into the project as a plug-in. User may use DB or distributed key/value pair, bigtable, etc to store their information. Lets say, these sort o...

Developing .Net that deploys to a different Active Directory.

Situation is you have to develop an application against an Active Directory Tree. Want to use Role based security based on AD user groups. The deployment tree is unavailable, no trust exists or is allowed between the development tree and deployment tree. What are the best practices for developing the application and then deploying. Firs...

SQL Server console like control for ASP.NET

I'm deploying a web site and I need to run large TSQL scripts contained in a single file in a production server where I don't have full access to SQL Server console and I can't connect remotely. The scripts is a mixed of table, stored procedures and views creations. All I can do is to run 1 group of TSQL sentences, like the ones for a st...