
Do you know of any open source fileupload servlets that are integrated with the ICAP protocol?

Do you know of any open source fileupload servlets that are integrated with the ICAP protocol? I believe it is important to virus scan user uploaded files prior to writing to disk and would like to leverage this method. ...

How does UI design differ when designing a software appliance console from traditional web applications?

Are there any open source frameworks that are for this purpose? How does UI design differ when designing a software appliance console from traditional web applications? Any examples of particularly well-design user interfaces for software appliances? ...

How/where to deploy my webapp

hi, I have a built small web app using java/j2ee. I want to host it my self in my own servers (i have none now). I have already downloaded ubuntu server OS. I am complete new Bee. I am just learning things now. I prefer to host my app my own servers (preferably using Linux, Apache and MySQL) rather than google app engine or anyother ho...

Problem with web screenshots requiring authentication.

I am making app that takes a screenshot of a URL requested by the user. I want to make it as transparent as possible when sites that require username and passwords are in question. For instance, if user wants to screenshot its iGoogle page, he will send the server URL but, the screenshot will not be the same as what he sees on his scree...

Naming convention for Django views?

I'm building a website (in Django) and am confused about the right naming convention to use for my functions. Trivial example: let's say I have a page that lets the user decide whether they want to see image A or image B. Once the user submits the decision, the site displays the image the user requested. Here are the two functions I wou...

How to make two web sites appear as one - What features are important?

I am about to write a tender. The solution might be a PHP based CMS. Later I might want to integrate an ASP.NET framework and make it look like one site. What features would make this relatively easy. Would OpenId and similar make a difference? In the PHP world Joomla is supposed to be more integrative than Druapal. What are the imp...

Developing Django projects using Git

Hi, I am wondering if anyone has experience working on Django projects in a small team (3 in my case), using Git source control management. The project is hosted on a development server, which is why I am having such a problem. Developers can't see if their code works until they commit their changes to their local repository, then push ...

Looking for an ASP.NET C# tutotial or refernece that preferably avoids the use of web forms.

I have been working with PHP for a long while now, and I am in general pretty familiar with Microsoft IDEs and concepts behind everything including OOP. What I am trying to find, And have looked for, is a tutorial or reference website that shows the specifics about the syntax of C# like how to make classes, functions, variable types...ec...

The cons and pros of smartGWT

I'm starting work on a smartGWT project in a few days and I'd like to know what kind of experiences you had. To avoid making this a bashing of smartGWT or GWT or a freestyle discussion, I'm going to provide some pointers for the discussion: Do you feel that the provided widgets are integrated well? Is there any widget you miss in parti...

ASP.NET Add Control on postback

Hi, I've put together a simple form to highlight the concepts of dynamic forms. What I need to do is add a control to the page when the user clicks the "Add" button. I have a simple counter at the moment that stores the amount of controls created, which is incremented when the button is clicked. At first I thought it would be as simp...

Can an Apache-served pure-HTML website be hacked?

Assume you are running a pure-HTML website on Apache. Just serving static files, nothing dynamic, nothing fancy. Also assume all passwords are safe, and no social-hacking (i.e. phishing attacks, etc...) Can a website of this nature basically be hacked? Can the server become compromised? Are there any examples for this? ...

rails to .net mvc

I am planning a web site/store that needs to run on a windows machine. I have some experience in RoR but for this project I guess .NET is the solution. What is the learning curve like to go over to .NET MVC for an experienced programmer (RoR, Ruby, lots of C/++)? ...

Why put search input inside a form tag?

I found that SO put the search input inside a form tag, and i found some other websites do the same, such as google, they put the search input and search button inside this: <form action="/search" method="get" name="gs" id="tsf"> I want to just know the benefits of doing so, because it seems common and I miss it. ...

Is there a software that I could plug-in into my web site to give e-learning classes ?

Does any one nows any e-learning solution that I could use into my site ? I'm trying not to create something from scratch. :-) UPDATE: Is there something like http://www.knewton.com/ ? Or even close to that ? ...

Clear extJS combo value when text is cleared or doesn't match.

How do I get an extJS combo field to clear its 'value' when the display text is blank or doesn't match a list value, i.e. custom text not in the data store? I'm sure there must be something I'm missing, because such a simple feature can't make an otherwise impressive combo useless. ...

Any good lightweight date/time picker for web with good UI ?

Few wishes, If it is jQuery based, best. If it focus easy UI then eye candy, better. If it is date and time picker both, good. Edit: I should have mentioned , I already looked most options available that I can found using google. Problem is not a single date+time picker is part of official jquery-ui project so some are for old jquer...

how do I add an unknown selection of inventory items with a user supplied quantity to a cart?

I'm currently using PHP, JAVASCRIPT, MYSQL, XHTML, CSS to develop my site. Note that solutions are not limited to this but preferred if possible. I have a large MYSQL table of widgets and a page that allows the user to search for a specific widget. Let's say for example the user types the model name for some widget, the search could ...

Long check list ui pattern for web

I have a data entry page where the user is required so make some selections from a list. Currently it is just a check list with about 10 items they can tick, but is will expand soon to about 230. What is a good UI paradigm for dealing with a large number of selectable items? I am considering dual list type control. ...

Is it necessary to serialise properties when using sqlserver session state for .net 3.5 framework and IIS 7.0

I was wondering if the following error, System.Web.HttpException: Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted was caused by not serialising properties. Any ideas? Thank...

SQLAlchemy - Database hits on every request?

I'm currently working with a web application written in Python (and using SQLAlchemy). In order to handle authentication, the app first checks for a user ID in the session, and providing it exists, pulls that whole user record out of the database and stores it for the rest of that request. Another query is also run to check the permissio...