
Strange looking words using webkit transform rotate in chrome

Hi, I've trying to get some vertical text on a little test webpage after reading an article on how to do this. In my CSS I have the following: #navMenu li{ list-style:none; float:left; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=...

Show HTML in flash

You can build apps in HTML using Adobe AIR which parses it using Webkit, can this be done in Flash? For example you have a string that contains <html><body><b>hello world</b></body></html> and then call a function that runs the WebKit parser over it and then outputs 'hello world' in bold to the stage? ...

@font-face declaration works on Firefox but not Safari/WebKit?

The following @font-face declaration works perfectly well on Firefox (Mac) but not Safari/WebKit: @font-face { font-family:MyGaramond; src:local("Garamond Premier Pro"), /* Full name */ local("GaramondPremrPro"), /* Postscript name */ url("GaramondPremrPro.otf") format("opentype"); /* Fallback */ } h2 { font-family:MyGaram...

Webkit render bug

I'm working on a site where these bugs randomly appear in Safari and Chrome: i.e. tags appear not to have been closed off completely. The problem is when I view the source I discover it's completely valid. Edit Here's the offending HTML which I saved: http://www.pastebin.com/f1e0edd24 ...

Select and operate on read only sections in a HTML document with contentEditable

I would like to experiment with the following user interface: 1. The content consists of quotes followed by comments. 2. The comments are editable, while the quotes are not. However, quotes should be able to have parts of the quote highlighted, bolded, etc. 3. The entire text (including quotations and comments) should be able to be sele...

webkit css transitions

Trying out some webkit transitions on a site and have come across a problem. The hover state on my links adds a 1px border and decreases the padding so that the positioning stays the same. Works fine normally, but not when I add the transition. Obviously, as I'm only making 1px changes, it happens abruptly, but it doesn't happen at th...

Javascript webkitTransform within a for loop

Hey, I've come across a strange problem whilst trying to mimic the native iPhone page transitions (slide current page out and new page in). Here's my current code (extracted from a larger file, with no errors when debugging, so code logic doesn't seem to be the problem): Notes: A new page is created when a link on the current page i...

How can I debug javascript on Android?

I'm working on a project that involves Raphaeljs. Turns out, it doesn't work on Android. It does on the iPhone. How the heck to I go about debugging something on the Android browser? It's WebKit, so if I know the version, will debugging it on that full version of WebKit produce the same results? ...

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> working with webkit?

Hi there, I ask this question because I'm not able to test it at the moment. Is it possible to make iexplorer 8 webkit (css based rounded corners) compatible with the following meta tag? <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> Any info would be great! ...

jQuery animation works in IE8, not in Firefox or Webkit

My CSS: #content { border: 2px solid #4190d4; padding: 220px; background-color: #282828; margin-top: 65px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; } My jQuery: $("#header a").click(function() { $('#content').animate({padding: 300}, 500); } This code works perfectly fine in IE8, my #content div grows from 22...

Is there anyway to get javascript error on android or iphone mobile webkit browser?

I have built a website for mobile webkit browsers, there is an interval update to refresh data. But it turns out that the pooling refresh will stop at some time after run for a while (some minutes or hours, different by each time). I thought there may be something error occurred in my refresh data functions, but it works well in my lapt...

Compass spinning javascript problem with angle - rotate/translate

Hi i'm building a compass for the iphone, duh, just for experiment purpose and to learn how to do it, in javascript, with phonegap. now i'm already able to get the degrees, i was able to apply the deg 0-360 to a div (let's call it the "wheel") using the webkit-transform translateZ (or i could use rotate) but i have a bug: when the w...

Rotation webkit problem when spinning like a compass

this is my simple function ('mycompass' is a div in my body) function watchCompass() { var suc = function(a){ var r =a.magneticHeading; document.getElementById('mycompass').style.webkitTransform = "rotateZ("+-r+"deg)"; }; var fail = function(){}; var opt = {}; opt.frequency = 50; time...

How to create a WebKit browser plugin in C#?

I want to create C# plugin for some 3d + Music editing stuff. I want to be able to run my files inside browsers pages (so to see HTML some Flash content and some content which is rant by my plugin) using something like HTML tag or some JavaScript. (So my plugin will be small, powerfull and i want it to run at least on Windows and Mac fir...

jQuery animation bug: .slideToggle causes content to overlap during the animation in FF & IE, Safari is fine. What could cause this?

First of all here is a link to the dev site I am currently working with. It features the form fields that are being animated using .slideToggle() .slideUp() & .slideDown(). Link: http://dev.supply.net.nz/copper/index.php/site/talent/ The CMS is Expression engine, but that shouldn't matter in this case. Basically what you'll see happen...

CSS + <img> webkit's implementation with using %

Seems to be quite different in webkit compared to ie/ff/opera. To replicate - take an image that is like say, w: 200px h: 400px. drop in html like this. <div id="container"> <img id="whattheeff" src="/image.jpg" height="200" width="200" alt="render bug" /> </div> and add css like <style> div#container{height:1000px;background:#...

QTWebkit 4.6 and ico images, Rendering problem

Hi I have a local html file which I'm trying to view using QTWebKit, there are some images in the file which are of type ".ico" which seems that QTWebKit is not able to render them as it gives a question mark icon instead. I tried opening the html file in firefox and its working fine and all images gets rendered. My question is, does ...

Qt C++ WebKit windowCloseRequested Signal

Hey All, I am trying to connect QWebpage::windowCloseRequested() to a slot that just prints out a debug message. When I call window.close(); in JavaScript it doesn't bubble the signal up or call the slot... connect(webView->page(), SIGNAL(windowCloseRequested()),this, SLOT(windowCloseRequested())); The slot is setup, it is in my wind...

C code compilation failure

i have this makefile below and in it my includes are gtk/gtk.h and webkit/webkit.h but when i try to build the project using the make command i have the errors error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory error: webkit/webkit.h: No such file or directory in case the gtk+-2.0.pc and webkit...pc are in the usr/lib/pkgconfig Make Fil...

Embedding image in QWebView with JavaScript

I am writing a small application with Qt 4.6 (64-bit Arch Linux, though that shouldn't matter) which lets the user edit a document using a QWebView with contentEditable turned on. However, for some reason embedding an image does not work. Here is a code snippet: void LeafEditView::onInsertImage() { // bring up a dialog, ask for an...