
Cocoa Webkit bug?

I have some code that gets the URL from an array and stores it as a string then uses that string to load up the URL. NSString *first = [urls objectAtIndex:[sender clickedRow]]; NSLog(@"%@", first); [[webview mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:first]]]; However, when I run this I get this error: -...

XPCOM support in Android webkit browser?

Does the Android WebKit supports the XPCOM framework or NPRuntime API`s as like Firefox? How to implement JavaScript in the Android WebKit plug-in? Update: I am writing a media player plug-in for the Android WebKit browser and my plug-in needs to get the command from the web page through JavaScript (some actions like play/pause/stop/re...

how to navigate to another page using QMouseEvent qt event

Hello! Please help me , I need to load one page then simulating click event to get the content of the target page. from this tutorial I figured out how to produce the event but how do I actually getting the QWebPage reference to the next page. Thanks. ...

In Android Browser link does not always execute onClick causing focus instead

I am trying to program a very standard JS behavior for a link using an HREF onClick handler, and I am facing a strange problem caused by what I believe to be focus/touch mode behavior on Android. Sometimes when I click on the link, instead of executing the action, it simply becomes selected/focused, with either just a focus rectangle or...

Valid CSS with new properties

I am using a few CSS tricks to boost up the usability/appearance of my site in Webkit browsers. The two main ones are text-shadow and resize:none (on textareas - to stop that annoying page-breaking resize option in Safari and others). The problem is that when I run my page through the W3 validator I get tons of: Property text-shadow...

User authentication with XMLHttpRequest works in IE, not in Chrome?

The following function works in IE but not in Chrome: function doStuff() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("POST", "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json", true, "USERNAME-HERE", "PASSWORD-HERE"); request.send("status=STATUS UPDATE HERE"); } Chrome generates the following request. Note the Authorization heade...

how to embed qtwebkit in non-qt windows application?

I want to embed qtwebkit in my pure c windows GUI application. Are there any examples, sample code on how to do this or is it just not possible? I know its very easy to do inside a QT application but I want to keep my development in C (which can be compiled with a free c compiler). (searched google for several days without any luck). ...

Suppress plugin loading in WebKit

Hi, My app uses WebKit to display previews of web, and I want to suppress plugins such as the Acrobat one from loading, mainly because of the unreliability it can cause, but also for UI reasons. I know I can use [WebPreferences setPlugInsEnabled:] to disable plugins, but I really want to do it on a case-by-case basis, i.e. Acrobat Disa...

Loading images from various sources in QTWebKit

Hi I am trying to create a "smart" web browser to load local images. Basically it works as a GUI for an application. I am using QTWebKit to power the browser, the problem is that the images of a given page can be found in different places, some are local files, others are in different resource files. For example: an HTML node to load i...

CSS rounded corners bug in Safari?

It seems that the CSS -rounded corners style works on some parts of my Stackexchange site(s) - SF Answers & Phonehow.com and not on others - It displays correctly in Chrome, but not in Safari.. Im not sure if this is a Safari bug, or something I am missing. The nav bar uses the rounded corners style in all browsers, but the tabs (active,...

Javascript problem in Chrome and Safari

I have a Javascript image switcher on my products page. It working perfect in IE and Firefox but both Safari and Chrome fails to load the script on some pageloads. A refresh seems to fix it but when changing product page or language it crashes. The product page Im using Wordpress and the script is varal.org/media/imageswitcher/ Thanks...

Javascript Database Mass Insert

I am trying to insert over 70,000 rows into a javascript database (using Chrome 5.0.317.2). The inserts are taking a very long time. The actual page loads in a few seconds, and I can see progress as the percent increases very slowly as each row is inserted. It took about an hour to finish inserting all the records. Is there a way to opti...

JavaScript: Is there a way to get Chrome to break on all errors?

I am looking for an equivalent in Chrome to the "break on all errors" functionality of Firebug. In the Scripts tab, Chrome has a "pause on all exceptions", but this is not quite the same as breaking on all errors. For instance, when loading a page with the following code, I would like Chrome to break on the line foo.bar = 42. Instead, e...

WebKit won't render on a layer backed view.

I have a simple NSView that hosts a WebView. When I try to make the view layer backed, the WebView stops rendering content - all it renders are the scroll bars. For simplicity, I added the following code to the applicationDidFinishLaunching method of the app delegate of a brand new xcode project :- NSView* view = [window contentView];...

[jQuery] webkit browsers are getting elements.width() wrong

I am trying to get the correct calculated width of an container. All the browsers are getting the calculated width correctly. (even IE) but surprisingly Chrome and webKit browsers are getting a wired number. I am trying to get the total width of the <li> including its border and padding + its margin-right. Then multiply that by the len...

javascript: how to get the reference of a window by the name of that window - in google chrome

i have 2 windows: window A and window B. -window B was not opened by window A -window B's name is "windowB", that is window.name==="windowB" now i want window A to have the reference of window B. In gecko/firefox there is a trick to get the reference of window B: window.open('','windowB') which returns a reference of window B. but ...

javascript webkitTransform style attributes not setting - scope?

Hi, I'm trying to set the webkitTransform style attribute, but it's not setting for some reason. But there are other attributes that are successfully being set to the div. This doesn't work: var cell = document.createElement("div"); var canvas = document.createElement("img"); cell.className = "baz"; cell.appendChild(canvas); cell.st...

Modal label elements wrapping to newline in webkit browsers

I'm currently having a problem with CSS styles in Webkit browswers (Chrome & safari 4.0.4) in which I have a modal window that has a list of labels, radio buttons and some more text describing the what each radio button does. The modal displays correctly in FF 3.5.7 Here's the html for inside the modal, <div id="rta_top"> ...

How to run webkit on Windows?

Is it possible to integrate it with VS.NET? ...

Embedded Webkit - script callbacks how?

On windows, when the "Shell.Explorer" ActiveX control is embedded in an application it is possible to register an "external" handler - on object that implements IDispatch, such that scripts on the web page can call out to the hosting application. <button onclick="window.external.Test('called from script code')">test</button> Now, ive ...