
Webkit CSS3 for Mozilla

What is the equivalent of -webkit-transition: opacity 0.6s linear; in -moz? I tried replacing -webkit with -moz but nothing happened. I even tried extending it to -moz-transition-property/duration but with no success. ...

Interpreting segfault messages

What is the correct interpretation of the following segfault messages? segfault at 10 ip 00007f9bebcca90d sp 00007fffb62705f0 error 4 in libQtWebKit.so.4.5.2[7f9beb83a000+f6f000] segfault at 10 ip 00007fa44d78890d sp 00007fff43f6b720 error 4 in libQtWebKit.so.4.5.2[7fa44d2f8000+f6f000] segfault at 11 ip 00007f2b0022acee sp 00007fff368ea...

Cocoa Webkit visit url without typing http://?

Is there a way to visit a website without typing http://? ...

CSS visibility property not working on Webkit browsers after jQuery ajax success callback

The problem: I make jQuery .ajax calls by clicking on some cursor images in order to navigate through a book catalog replacing the content of a div with the ajax response (plain html). There is a cursor image that only shows if the book has more than 1 picture, that is controlled by php code that renders directly the HTML given in the aj...

Validating -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius

Hi, is there any way to validate -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius in the CSS validator? The client wants validation buttons in the sidebar (ugh!) and I can't find any way to bypass it. I've used @import too, no success. ...

How to make a simple cross-platform webbrowser with Python?

The http://code.google.com/p/pywebkitgtk/ looks great but it seems to be running on linux only. Does anybody know if there is something similar but cross-platform? If not what can be the alternatives to make with Python a simple web-browser that can run on Windows, MAC os and linux? Thanks in advance Update: Does anybody has some in...

Cannot add margin to Legend element in Safari & Chrome

I have some pretty straightforward markup: <form action=""> <fieldset class="compact"> <legend>Member Tools</legend> <label for="username">Username</label> <input name="username" id="username" type="text"/> <label for="password">Password</label> <input name="password" id="pas...

Computed width with decimal values in Firefox, but without decimals in Webkit

Hello one more time! I have a strange problem working with HTML,CSS in different browsers: Firefox 3.6 and Webkit browsers (Chrome & Safari). My HTML looks like this: <div class="ln-letters"> <a href="#" class="all">ALL</a> <a href="#" class="a">A</a> <a href="#" class="b">B</a> <a href="#" class="c">C</a> </div> And...

Accessing WebKit Devtools JavaScript library

I noticed something in Chrome the other day- I had opened Developer Tools, and then hit view source and was initially surprised to notice that apparently the developer tools window is coded in HTML and JavaScript- you can see that by putting the following into the Chrome address bar: view-source:chrome://devtools/devtools.html Two thin...

HTML Rendering Engine as a Java Control

Hi All, We have a client side application (Java/Swing) that we need an HTML rendering control for. What I want to find is the most widely adopted, most heavily developed, easiest to deploy solution to get Gecko or WebKit into a Swing app (Needs to run OS X and Windows). The limited (crappy?) JEditPane type solutions are not robust eno...

CSS3 Continous Rotate Animation (Just like a loading sundial)

Hi, I am trying to replicate an Apple style activity indicator (sundial loading icon) by using a PNG and CSS3 animation. I have the image rotating and doing it continuously, but there seems to be a delay after the animation has finished before it does the next rotation. @-webkit-keyframes rotate { from { -webkit-transform: rotate...

Get a QWidget to take up the entire QMainWindow

I have a class that inherits QMainWindow and I just want it to have a webview widget and nothing else, so here's what I tried doing for constructor: MyWindow::MyWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { this->_webView = new QWebView(this); this->setCentralWidget(this->_webView); } This didnt work do I have to use some k...

Accessing and modifying tabs opened using window.open in Google Chrome

I used to be able to do this to create an exported HTML page containing some data. But the code is not working with the latest version of Google Chrome (It works all right with Chrome 5.0.307.11 beta and all other major browsers). function createExport(text) { var target = window.open(); target.title = 'Memonaut - Exported ...

Android browser crashes on Ajax calls, when viewport meta tag is defined

I am building a web app, which is intended to run on the Android browser. When I have a webpage that contains any kind of viewport meta tag, like this: <meta name="viewport" content="width=400"/> My webpage crashes on ajax calls. It happens when using the emulator, the actual browser on my nexus one, and on a droid (all running Andro...

PyQt WebKit CSS background image not showing

I'm making a Twitter client with PyQt, which uses WebKit to draw the tweet list. Now I'm trying to use CSS to set a background image in the WebKit widget - but the image won't show up. This is the relevant part of the CSS: body { ...

How do I get all supported CSS properties in WebKit?

In Firefox, Opera and IE I can get them via: >> for (k in document.body.style) console.log(k) -> opacity background height textAlign . ... long list ... . pointerEvents In WebKit the result is quite different: >> for (k in document.body.style) console.log(k) -> cssText length parentRule getPropertyValue ...

Assigning console.log to another object (Webkit issue)

I wanted to keep my logging statements as short as possible while preventing console from being accessed when it doesn't exist; I came up with the following solution: var _ = {}; if (console) { _.log = console.debug; } else { _.log = function() { } } To me, this seems quite elegant, and it works great in Firefox 3.6 (including...

Free up memory in MobileSafari (iPhone/iPad) from cached images.

The iPad stops loading large images after about 8 or 9 images for me, since the page runs into its allocated memory limits. Since I'm showing these images one at a time, I'd like to remove the old ones from the browser cache so I don't hit the limit. Any ideas on how to do this in javascript? ...

CSS3 Gradients and border-radius leading to extraneous background in webkit

Hello all, After my 1st question with relation to CSS3 gradients in which I was recreating an 'inner glow' I've now got to the point where I'm not so happy with the way in which webkit renders the effect. Basically, if you give an element a background colour and apply a border radius to it, webkit lets the background colour "bleed" out...

how to access(read/write) local file system from webkit/javascript?

Hi, i am using Webkit for rendering my HTML pages.Now,say i am browsing the page, i select some text while reading,i want to save/write down the selected text on my local file say /home/localfile.txt. Is any way to access(read/write) local file system using webkit? In case of firefox, i can access localfile using XPCOM,nsiFile.can ...