
UIWebView content with scrollable iframe

I have a html page with iframes where part of the page is scrollable while other parts are not. Is there a way to display this in a UIWebView and allow scrolling these iframe sections? So far I see that only the entire page is scrolling. ...

Can you embed a WebKit Plugin into a Cococa Application without using a WebView

Is it possible to embed a webkit plugin into an application directly (bypassing a WebView)? Specifically I'm trying to embed Silverlight into a Cocoa application. If the silverlight .xap is contained in a html file and that is displayed with a WebView then MouseOver events in the silverlight application aren't called. This appears to ...

Javascript differences between Mobile Safari and Safari on Mac?

Hey this question is pretty general, but I'm wondering what the Javascript differences are in Mobile Safari and Safari for Mac. I was under the impression that from a Javascript perspective they are the same, with only some differences in CSS/rendering. But I am experiencing a number of Javascript errors in Mobile Safari that don't exi...

WebView containing Silverlight

In my cocoa application I have a WebView. If I set that WebView to display a web page that contains Silverlight, the mouse move event never fires in that Silverlight application (with the exception of if I hold down the mouse button while moving). Everything else seems to work fine (clicking, interacting with objects) except for mouse ...

SWFAddress 2.4 in Webkit: problem when setting value to empty string to a page with base.

We recently upgraded the SWFAddress version from 2.2 to 2.4 in our Flex project. Our Flex project consist in a main application with several sections inside, and that's where SWFAddress acts. Each section has a URL slug, so when you click a section the URL Address goes to "#sectionX", and when you return to the home section the URL Addre...

onscroll event not being triggered on iPad after single touch panning?

In trying to figure out the scroll position for a UIWebView, I'm attaching a listener in the HTML that will call back to the main app. I attach the javascript listener like: window.onscroll = function reportScroll() { var sY = window.pageYOffset; alert('Scroll pos: '+sY); // Would evetually trigger a URL or something } This e...

How do some AppStore browser apps implement features such as "Open in new tab" menu, loading progress, etc?

Hi, There are web browser apps in the store which do many things that seem like they use private API calls to me. Things such as: Override the context menu for a link to add a menu item for "Open in new tab" (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2078039/how-to-add-an-option-to-the-popup-actionsheet-of-iphone-safari) Reporting loading pr...

How to create a multi-process webkitgtk application (Vala) ?

Hello, I want to make a web browser in Vala using webkit. But, I don't know how to make it multi-process. I want each tab to have its own process. How can I do that using Vala and Gtk+. Thanks for your answer. ...

Facebook Like button for mobile web

Hi, Is there a way to add the Facebook Like button on mobile web? (iPhone & Android only is ok) Is there any mobile sites out there that already do that? Would love to see it in action. Thanks, Tee ...

Brwser and http

Where is the link at the framework layer between the Web veiw and HTTP [Browser Activity] | V [web view , Web Core , Web Client , webkit | V [?????????????????????????????????] | V [Google Http , andorid Http clients] | V [java.net.socket] ...

WebKit WebScripting Protocall callbacks with multiple parameters?

Hey I've registered my object and function selector to get callbacks from javascript when the function is fired. This all works fine for functions with a single parameter, how can I receive callbacks for functions with multiple parameters? So far keeping the syntax the same gets my function to fire, however the object passed in is alwa...

How to handle a custom URL scheme in Webkit GTK?

Let's say I want to use a WebKitWebView in GTK to display some static HTML pages. These pages use a custom URL scheme, let's call it custom://. This scheme represents a local file whose location is not known beforehand, at the time the HTML is generated. What I do is connect to the navigation-requested signal of the webview, and do this:...

Getting DOM from page using Chromium/WebKit

Trying to get access to a page's DOM after rendering. I do not need to view the page and plan to apply this programmatically without any GUI or interaction. The reason I am interested in post-rendering is that I want to know where objects appear. Some location information is coded in the HTML (e.g., via offsetLeft), but much is not. ...

HTML5 Video poster attribute in Safari and Chrome

In Firefox the image specified by the poster attribute of the VIDEO tag remains on screen until the play button is pressed. However in the Webkit browsers (Safari and Chrome) the poster is dumped in favor of the first frame from the video as soon as the video metadata is fetched. I want to avoid having to place the poster on top of the ...

In webkit browsers, sometimes part of the background appears white

I have this issue that appears only when using a webkit browser. Sometimes, when I reload my browser, certain parts of the background become white, and if I resize the window, it renders the background completely. I was wondering, does anyone else have this issue? I don't think it's a markup issue, so I'm not going to attach any code. J...

Dynamically loaded <script> tag not being used in WebKit browsers

It seems this is a known problem and has been asked several times before here in SO however I do not see anything specific to jQTouch so I thought I would give it a try. jQT will dynamically load pages when a link is clicked. In this page I would like to include something like <script> $.include('javascriptfile.js', function() {alert('...

Can I build a mobile website that has access to the iphone camera?

Does webkit have access to the camera API on the iphone? What about other phones? I want to build a mobile website that enables users to click on a button that opens the camera, ask if you want to take a new picture or user an existing one (assume the former), take a picture, confirm the picture is good, then be routed back to website ...

How can I incrementally load html in Webkit?

Hi, I have a large amount of XHTML content, that I would like to display in WebKit. Unfortunately, Webkit is running on a mobile platform with fairly slow hardware, so loading a large HTML file all at once is REALLY slow. Therefore I would like to gradually load HTML content. I have split my data in small chunks and am looking for the p...

How do I bundle a specific webkit build with my Cocoa App

I've got a Hybrid Cocoa/Webkit application that has extensive Javascript usage, and seems to break every time Apple updates the Safari browser (or the underlying webkit framework in OSX). I understand it will probably mean a much bigger binary, but is there a way to force my application to use an older, bundled WebKit framework vs. the ...

$.getJSON for progress bar NOT working in Safari and Chrome (but OK in IE6+ and FF)

Hi folks This one's perhaps a little long-winded, but it's really baffling me and a couple of other people. We've got a progress bar that's updated during file uploads. The JS is here (too much to paste into this body). Basically, the form submit event starts a timer loop which, every 2 secs, fires a $.getJSON() call to the server to ...