
-webkit-transition not working for height?

I have the following CSS definitions: .detailsCollapsed { display:none; height:0%; width:100%; -webkit-transition:height 40s ease-in-out; } .detailsExpanded { display:block; visibility:visible; height:100%; width:100%; -webkit-transition:height 40s ease-in-out; } These are applied to a div with some...

WebKit CSS transformations and animations in Javascript

I'm working on a IPhone web application. I just starded playing with the webkit-transform and webkit-animation CSS rules. I've some questions: for example, is there real advantage in using these instead of, say, jQuery.animate(...)? The resulting animations don't seem to be that much accelerated and fast. Let's explain better: I've a ser...

How to edit QtWebKit's right-click context menu in Qt Creator?

Alright, here's my dillema. I am making a simple application with Qt Creator that makes use of Webkit. I thought Qt Creator would have an easy way to edit the right-click context menu with the signals and slots editor, but this has proven to not be true. I know webkit has classes that have to do with the context menu, but I don't know ho...

Set the webkit-keyframes from/to parameter with JavaScript

Is there any way to set the from or to of a webkit-keyframe with JavaScript? ...

where is Safari's Reader code?

Safari 5 has gotten a new feature: The Reader. It shows a simplified version of an article page with just the article itself (and not all the clutter around). It also merges multiple pages (if the article is split across multiple pages) to a single one. This is an extremely useful feature and I would like to port it over to Chrome. I w...

what are the differences in the WebKit nightly build binary and in the Safari binary?

I know what the projects are about: Safari is Apples browser. WebKit is the engine used in Safari (and in many other browsers) which is open source. The WebKit source code contains also code to compile it as a standalone application. You can download the nightly build of WebKit here: http://nightly.webkit.org/ I have compared some of th...

Adobe air application act like a browser.

I just started in Adobe air html/js . In the current application I want to do something like this . I want to open the urls/web pages in the application and application should act like a web-browser to them . But with that I want to modify the opened pages a little, like add some css/js to them. Something like when you open Web pages ...

How to implement play or pause a flash?

I used a webkit to show a flash , but now I want to add a play button and control the flash , How to do ? thank you very much! ...

Multiple instances of browser in Webkit

How to open multiple windows in Webkit Qt and set the latest opened widow to active window and all others to background. ...

Ambethia Recaptcha unable to rerender after Ajax form submission in Webkit browsers

I have an Ajax form in my Rails app that contains the Recaptcha markup as provided by the helper in the Ambethia Recaptcha gem: recaptcha_tags :ajax => true On submit, the form hits a create action, which responds with the create.js.erb that contains the following: $('#message-form').replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render('message...

jQuery .focus() and .blur() not working in Chrome or Safari

I am creating a survey form that needs to have each question and set of answers highlighted (by changing the background color) when the user focuses on them. .focus() and .blur() both work in Firefox and IE, but not entirely in Safari and Chrome. I also tried .focusin() and .focusout() with the same results. EDIT: Clicking does not fir...

Reusing the same SVG in a PDF with wkhtmltopdf

I have the following HTML for conversion to PDF using wkhtmltopdf: <html> <head> </head> <body> <object data="first.svg" width="100" height="100" type="image/svg+xml"></object> <object data="second.svg" width="100" height="100" type="image/svg+xml"></object> <object data="third.svg" width="100" height="100" type="image/svg+xml"></objec...

Export CSS changes from inspector (webkit, firebug, etc)

When I'm working with CSS, I'll often test in a browser - say, Chrome - right click an element, click Inspect Element, and edit the CSS right there. The use of arrow keys to change things like margin and padding makes lining things up super easy. It's not too hard to then take those changes and apply them to the CSS file, but it would b...

How can I prevent default double-tap behavior (zooming, panning) in Mobile Safari on iOS4?

When I double-tap near the edge of a page that exceeds the height or width of the browser window in Safari under iOS4, it zooms in or out and/or scrolls up, down, right, or left, depending on the size of the page and the current viewport position. How can I prevent this behavior, please? I'm working on a site where this is (very) bad; ...

[JQUERY - JSONP] webkit based browser interpretate the json as a script

hi guys! im just tryin to get my zootool items via js to push them in my blog's footer...but with no success. here's the code im using (jquery framework) jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //first try var url = "http://zootool.com/api/users/items/?username=USER_NAME&amp;apikey=API_KEY&amp;jsonpcallback=?" $.getJSON(url, function(data...

How to upload file with form-post using c++ Qt-WebKit?

So, when i was dealing with forms before what i would do is find web element that is part of the form input, set value of that form input by element.setattribute("value", "infoi want to add") then simply when i set value of form elements i click submit button of form. Is this possible to do with web-form input type="file" and how can i...

jQuery returning different heights for the same objects in WebKit (chrome) and Firefox

Im perplexed by this one. jQuery.height() is coming back with different values in Firefox and Chrome. Measuring the pixels on-screen indicates that of the two, Chrome appears to be reporting the correct value, while firefox is off by 2 or 3 pixels each time. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I've tried grabbing the height using t...

Is there memory leak in javascript of firefox/webkit? (except IE)

I'm new to HTML5 application. And I'm making in-house software. This means I can force users to use only most recent version of firefox/webkit. I saw many documents concerning about JS memory leaks in these point: Circular references. Event handlers. Closures. As I think, it's just a problem of only (old version of) IE. But I cannot...

pyqt, webkit and facebook authentication?

Are there any examples how to authenticate your desktop Facebook application using PyQT and embedded webkit? This is to provide better user experience than opening Facebook authentication page in a separate browser window. ...

WebKit and overflow: hidden affecting width

Hi! I'm having a problem with overflow and width in Google Chrome/Webkit. This is a follow-up question on this question, there you will find the CSS. I need to have visibility: hidden to fix the problem in the first question. The problem is visible in the screenshots below. Why does this attribute affect the width in Webkit? Can I solv...