
Webkit equivalent of :-moz-system-metric(touch-enabled)

:-moz-system-metric(touch-enabled) looks like a really useful CSS selector for working on mobile sites. Unfortunately Webkit is dominant on mobile touch devices so does anyone know if there is a Webkit equivalent? (Ideally it'd be good if this was managed by CSS3 media queries) Edit: Looks like it is supported in Gecko as a media que...

Looking for a better workaround to Chrome select on focus bug

I have the same problem as the user in this question, which is due to this bug in Webkit. However, the workaround provided will not work for my app. Let me re-state the problem so that you don't have to go read another question: I am trying to select all the text in a textarea when it gets focus. The following jQuery code works in IE/FF...

Webkit-sharp example applications.

Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation. ...

How does webkit/chrome's WebInspector Resources Inspection work?

I always want to know how the resource inspection work in webkit/safari/chrome's WebInspector work. The browser must provide a native BPI or something for javascript to display list of queries and their timelines, what is the binary API called? Can I use the same API to write a Chromium extension? ...

webkit webview not able to connect to motion-notify-event

Hi Experts, I want to retrieve the position of mouse pointer in webkit's webview widget. So I tried to connect it like this. gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (gtk_widget_get_toplevel(web_view)), "motion-notify-event", (GtkSignalFunc) motion_notify_event, NULL); But the callback functions gets never called when mou...

CSS -moz-available equivalent in Webkit?

-moz-available equivalent in Webkit? ...

Webkit Browsers Rendering Problem for Table Depending on colspan

Please advise whether I am hallucinating... I hope so because I can't get tables to render correctly depending on the browser and I am hoping someone can provide me a solution. My problems is that some tables do not display the right side borders with browsers that use webkit, i.e. Safari and Chrome. The version of Safari I am using is ...

Android Webview - how to capture a word being clicked?

I am loading a webpage in WebView and am required to recognize a word (any word from the page, not just URL) being clicked by user. Is it possible? how? Thanks a lot. ...

How to develop HBB_TV Browser using Webkit or anyother layout engine?

Hello All, I am doing a study on HBB-TV browser. I am interested in implementing the same using Orygin Web browser or webkit. If anyone have already done the same, please help me out to proceed. Also, any input in developing CE-HTML pages will also be helpful for me. Thanks in advance. ...

WebKit doesn't seem to like a jQuery script with two separate functions bound to the click event

I have a couple of functions bound to the click event for a link. //submit forms when links are clicked $("a.submit").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("form").submit(); }); and: //turn this off in webkit for now //if (!$.browser.webkit){ $("a.btn").click(function(e){ //if this is a submit or a save button ...

-webkit-transform CSS Properties Hose Font Rendering

This question is pretty much the same as this one except that I'm seeing it exclusively in Safari on Mac (the only platform I need to care about). It's definitely CSS-related and I think I've narrowed it down to a few properties which seem to wreak havoc on the way text is rendered. They are: -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; -webki...

Enabling offline application storage in webkit based cocoa app

What is required to enable offline web app caching for apps using the WebKit class to load web pages? Right now, if I attempt to load the app cache like so: cache = window.applicationCache I get: DOMApplicationCache oncached: null onchecking: null ondownloading: null onerror: null onnoupdate: null onobsolete: null onprogress: null...

Javascript callbacks work in Firefox but not in Chrome or Safari

I am working with Ejabberd and Orbited and I am having a few issues with my JavaScript callback functions not being called. The following is my JavaScript file where the TCPSocket connection happens and I have two callback functions namely onSocketConnect: which is called when the Orbited established connection with port 5222 of the XMP...

CSS selector to apply rules to an element if before another element

I'm looking for a way to apply some CSS to elements differently, depending on what follows it. For example, with this HTML: <ul> <li> <span class="title">Some Title</span> <span class="subtitle">With Some Subtitle</span> </li> <li> <span class="title">Only a Title</span> </li> </ul> I want to apply different rules...

Buggy Behavior using Canvas?

I am making a game using html canvas. Here is my progress: http://db.tt/ei3LlR (use WASD and Left/Right Arrow keys) Helps to ZOOM. My questions are: Why does the shadow flicker in google chrome when the tank is turning? Why does the turret image flicker in safari when the turret is turning? Why does it work fine in Firefox? ...

2 Chrome Table Rendering Defects: Inconsistent Rendering and table-layout: fixed;

First: This doesn't happen in Safari, and I cannot say it's WebKit. Second: Hit this link: http://nerdfiles.net/gdgs/chrome-table-rendering-defect.html Third: Control-refresh 30 or 40 times; you'll eventually see it. The table cells are "exposed" to highlight the problem. Fourth: CTRL+SHIFT+I, set the same problem table to "table-layout:...

Webkit reflow problem when dynamically changing border to DOM element.

I have two div elements where one wraps around the other. Then I use JavaScript to add border to the outer div in runtime. Somehow webkit based browser doesn't do a reflow when the outer border is changed. The end result looks ugly - the inner div overflows the outer. Here is the HTML code: [div id="outer][div id="inner" style="border: s...

Trying to use jQuery on my Nokia gives me this error: TypeError: "Object $ (result of expression $) does not allow calls."

flickr Here's a simplified demo: http://jsbin.com/emugo3 <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> try { $(function () { $.noop(); $("#hello").text("it works"); }); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } </script> The user agent for my phone's browser is: Nokia...

Focusing on a textarea in Webkit after jQuery height animation

I have a jQuery event handler that essentially looks like this: $("textarea").live("focus, click", function() { var o = $(this), expand_height = "60px"; o.animate({height : expand_height}); } As you can see, onfocus or onclick it is supposed to animate the expansion of the textarea from it's initial height (20px) to it's exp...

npapi full screen

I have a npapi plugin working on WebKit. How do I get it to work fullscreen? Is setting the screen browsers or plugins job? ...