
Web-kit, Css Clip forcing scrollbar

I have a large sprite image with a link around it, the link has a property of parent and the image a property of child. I am using the css clip technique to pull a particular piece of the image. However, in my chrome browser even though I am positioning my child element absolute and giving it an overflow of hidden it is causing the brow...

Would it be okay to just use border-radius for webkit browsers?

In Safari & Webkit, using only border-radius seems to work without adding the prefix -webkit- to it. Is it okay to leave -webkit- prefix for border-radius? ...

window.location.hash not working in Chrome/Safari

Hi all, I have the following code on my website, which basically checks to see if there is a hash in the URL, and if there is then it triggers a click on a tab. This works fine apart from in Chrome/Safari - any ideas how I can fix this? jQuery(document).ready(function() { if(window.location.hash){ $("a#viewapart").trigger(...

How can I force WebKit to redraw/repaint to propagate style changes?

I have some trivial JavaScript to effect a style change: sel = document.getElementById('my_id'); sel.className = sel.className.replace(/item-[1-9]-selected/,'item-1-selected'); return false; This works fine with the latest versions of FF, Opera and IE, but fails on the latest versions of Chrome and Safari. It affects two descendants,...

INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11 (WebKit)

I recently tested a Cappuccino app I was working on with Chrome and Safari. I get the error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable. The lack of information is frustrating. What object and where did I attempt to use it? Chrome tries to answer the second question b...

HTML - Don't show hand cursor over links? (Cocoa, WebView, WebKit)

Hi all, Cocoa, Snow Leopard, Tiger compatibility needed. I have a WebView containing some HTML. The HTML contains links, and is used mostly as a UI replacement for Cocoa. Question: how do I prevent the 'hand' cursor from appearing when the mouse is moved over a link? For aesthetic reasons with this particular UI, I need it to stay as ...

Transparent X11 Cursor Theme - Why does the X cursor appear in GTK+ subwindows?

Hi, I am using the transparent cursor theme trick (see http://obiltschnig.com/2010/08/14/hiding-the-gtkx11-mouse-cursor/) to hide the X11 cursor in a fullscreen Linux GTK+ application for a touchscreen-based device. I am basically running a WebKit GTK+-based application using the Xorg server with no window manager in fullscreen mode. No...

Throbber of Doom in Chrome/Safari

Hi, Is there any way in JavaScript to Stop throbber of doom in Chrome/Safari browsers, when using push technology (Ajax Comet) with iframe. ...

Why does this text pop to the left in Webkit?

Maybe somebody has seen this before? When you hover over the "First List" and "Second List" text, the text pops a couple pixels to the left. This only happens in Webkit browsers. Tested in Chrome on Linux and Mac, Safari on Mac, and Android browser. Here's the code. I also made a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/XzVLt #navigation { line-...

How web browser layout web pages?

how webkit/Gecko 's webpage layout process works? ...

connection beetwen html, js and cocoa by webkit

hi. i have cocoa app with embed webkit, which show simple html with <input id="first_name" type="text"> and <input id="start" type="button"> and i want this: when you click #start button, show up a regular cocoa NSAlert with #first_name value. Well, i need to somehow organize a connection between html,js and cocoa. it it possible? ...

How can I solve an AccessViolation error in Adobe AIR?

I have an AIR application that loads a series of html components and rotates through them, showing a component while reloading the next one, then showing the next one, etc. It works fine on every OS (Mac, Windows 7, Vista) except on XP it sporadically crashes with a c0000005 AccessViolation in ntdll.dll at either 7c91b121a or 0001b21a. T...

<input type="submit"> padding bug on Safari mobile?

(This is similar to the (also unanswered) question #3430506, but applies to input tags instead of HTML5 elements.) On <input type="submit"> buttons, the iPhone/mobile Safari browser adds padding to the left and right. This doesn't happen on the desktop version, nor any other mobile/desktop Webkit browsers I've tried. It appears to add ...

How do I stop -webkit-animation from reverting? Or make -webkit-transition animate in multiple steps

I want to make a two-step transition for flipping the screen: My code is like: .flipto { -webkit-animation-name: flippingto; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } .flipfrom { -webkit-animation-name: flippingfrom; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } @-webkit-keyframes flippingto { from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180de...

Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping

Hi, As an experiment, I created a few div's and rotated them using CSS3. .items { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; background: #FFC400; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #E39900; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #E39900; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #E39900; -moz-border-radius: 2px...

Loading animation doesn't show up until after ajax call completes in Safari/Chrome

Hello Everyone, I've run into a problem that I haven't been able to find a solution to yet. I'm creating a resource booking application which uses AJAX to process information given by the user into a back-end database. Whenever the user wants to create a booking they fill out a form with relavent information which gets sent via AJAX to...

GtkScrolledWindow + WebkitWebView Scrolling

Hey I am trying to make a GTK IRC client that uses webkit to display its messages. The webview is within a ScrolledWindow, and I want the scrolledwindow to scroll to the bottom everytime it gets too big. I've tried changing the vadjustment value of the scrolledwindow when a message is added but this doesn't seem to work at all. It kee...

How can I get Webkit and IE browsers to prompt to save passwords for login through AJAX request?

I have an HTML page with a login form and a registration form inside of an overlay. When the user submits either of these forms, an AJAX request is made back to the server. If the registration or login is successful, then the user is logged in and certain parts of the page are updated. If there is an issue with the login/registration ...

Using Webkit to Style Interfaces?

I'm really new to programming, and creating programs. Recently I was browsing around iTunes folder and I saw a .css file. I opened it up and saw a lot of -webkit styles to style there interface. Can I use webkit to style languages interfaces that are coded such as C++, .NET, Python, ETC? ...

webkit display:inline-block behaving inconsistently

I have a span with several other spans inside it, and I want to toggle the sub-spans between display:block and display:inline. The spans start off with display:inline-block, then are switched to display:block. This works fine. The problem is when toggling back in Webkit (it works fine in Firefox): the spans are rendered with extra line b...