
JAAS and WebLogic 10.3: Granting specific codebase permissions to a JAR bundled within an EAR

Here's my scenario: I have a JAR within the APP-INF/lib of my EAR, to be deployed within WebLogic 10g Release 3 against which I wish to grant specific permissions. e.g., grant codebase "file:/c:/somedir/my.jar" { permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:-","accept,connect,listen, resolve"; permission java.net.SocketPermission "loca...

Interoperability between Weblogic 10.3.1 and Oracle BPM 10.3.1

Hi, Im migrating an ALBPM 6.5 running on a WLS 10.0 to an Oracle BPM 10.3.1 running on WLS 10.3.1 I got some problems with the Oracle driver because the old driver (weblogic.jdbcx.oracle.OracleDataSource) was definitely removed from the server and is not longer supported. Instead I used the thin driver (oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource...

Weblogic 10.3, JDBC, Oracle, SQL - Table or View does not exist

Hi, I've got a really odd issue that I've not had any success googling for. It started happening with no changes to the DB, connection settings, code etc. Problem is, when accessing a servlet, one of the EJB's is doing a direct SQL call, very simple "select \n" + " value, \n" + " other_value \n" + " from \n" + " some_table \n" + " ...

Error deploying web application on Weblogic 10.3 using maven 2: "Can't find wsdl /wsdls/wsat.wsdl"

Hi, I'm using maven for deploying a web application in my Weblogic 10.3 server remotely. I created my pom file based on the indication on this previous question: Using maven as build tool for Weblogic 10.3 My pom.xml file is: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi...

Class not found exception (org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable) thrown in a client of WLS 10

I am developing an aplication using WLS 10 When i try to conect (lookup) to an EJB from a specific jar of my ear aplication, an exception of type "ClassNotFoundException" of the class "org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable" is thrown in the client has anybody found a reason for this workaround? Thanks in advance ...

How to force Weblogic to start deployments in active state (i.e. not just prepared)

When I start a Weblogic instance with a deployed application, the deployment is sometimes left in prepared state, not in active state. I have to go to Weblogic Console and start the deployment manually, which is quite slow and annoying repetetive work. Since this is done on a development machine — sometimes 50 times a day, — there are ...

WebLogic stuck thread protection

By default WebLogic kills stuck threads after 15 min (600 s), this is controlled by StuckThreadMaxTime parameter. However, I cannot find more details on how exactly "stuckness" is defined. Specifically: What is the point at which 15 min countdown begins. Request processing start? Last wait()-like method? Something else? Does this ...

SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found on Weblogic 10gR3

I'm in the process of migrating a webservice application that worked perfectly on Weblogic 9 into Weblogic 10gR3. The small difficulty is that my application uses JAX-WS and on Weblogic 9 I had to include JAX-WS libraries in my WAR. But on WLS 10, those libraries are already integrated. To avoid conflicts, I put my WAR inside an EAR with...

Is it possible to run Weblogic with 8gb heap size in a 64bit java/linux environment

Setup: 64bit Linux 64bit SUN Jvm 1.6.0_20 Weblogic 10.3 Is it possible to run Weblogic 10.3 in this setup with a maximum heap size of 8gb? We have recived answers from oracle support that states that it might not be possible to address more than 4gb with this setup. Please submit any official links that support any statements that i...

WLI domain with 3 servers - issues on JPD process startup

Hi there. I'm currently working on a clustered WLI environment which comprehends 3 servers: 1 admin server ("AdminServer") and 2 managed servers ("mn1" and "mn2") grouped as a cluster, as follows: Architecture diagram: I've developed a JPD process to execute some scheduled tasks, invoked using a Message Broker. I've deployed this pr...

Is it possible to make WebLogic check REDEPLOY file more often?

[sorry for apparent shouting in the title, it's just that the file is named in all uppercase] Given advice in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695124 I successfully implemented and have been using autodeployment in WebLogic. This works great, but a tad too slow to my tastes, it seems like about 10 seconds pass between touching REDEP...

How do I get access to Weblogic's properties in Java code

Is it possible in Java code (ejb) to read (some of) Weblogic's internal configuration properties, like: Domain name, Domain home, Admin Server name, Port number, Server name, Host name, Config version, Weblogic acount name, etc.? And if yes, how? ...

How to do parrallel processing in Unix Shell script?

I have a shell script that transfers a build.xml file to a remote unix machine (devrsp02) and executes the ANT task wldeploy on that machine (devrsp02). Now, this wldeploy task takes around 15 minutes to complete and while this is running, the last line at the unix console is - "task {some digit} initialized". Once this task is co...

Weblogic WLST classpath

When I run the WLST script .sh script to set the env as follows why can't I see the updated path when I do echo? [linbox2 bin]$ ./setWLSEnv.sh CLASSPATH=/directory/ols_wls/patch_wlss1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/directory/ols_wls/patch_wls1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.ja...

weblogic scripting

How can I write a script to change the minimum password length to 4 characters using WLST Home >Credential Mappings >Users and Groups >weblogic >Users and Groups >Summary of Security Realms >myrealm >Providers >DefaultAuthenticator>ProviderSpecific How can I find the appropriate mbeans information to modify this using weblogic scriptin...

Help with ejb 3, weblogic and spring.

So,hi there. I've created a simple EJB3 test project, the code is simple: @Stateless @Remote( { ISumaSimple.class }) public class SumaSimpleBean implements ISumaSimple { /** * Default constructor. */ public SumaSimpleBean() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public int sumar(in...

How to properly generate nodes with default values in Web Service requests using JAX-WS and Weblogic 10.3?

Hi, I am trying to use a Web Service that defines a type with some mandatory fields having a default value: <complexType name="DocumentRegistrationRequest"> <sequence> <element name="title" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation>Title/subject of the document</documentation> </anno...

Weblogc BEA-000449 : Closing socket as no data read from it during the configured idle timeout of 5 secs

Hi, I have started seeing this message in my weblogic 10 log files. I am running an app with around 40-350 concurrent users. My questions are What does this error really mean How will it affect the users (if it does) What could be causing this thanks ...

Internet Explorer buggy when accessing a custom weblogic provider

I've created a custom Weblogic Security Authentication Provider on version 10.3 that includes a custom login module to validate users. As part of the provider, I've implemented the ServletAuthenticationFilter and added one filter. The filter acts as a common log on page for all the applications within the domain. When we access any secu...

ClassCastException When Calling an EJB Remotely that Exists on Same Server

I have 2 ejbs. Ejb-A that calls Ejb-B. They are not in the same Ear. For portability Ejb-B may or may not exist on the same server. (There is an external property file that has the provider URLs of Ejb-B. I have no control over this.) Example Code: in Ejb-A EjbBDelegate delegateB = EjbBDelegateHelper.getRemoteDelegate(); // lookup f...