
WAS 6.1, Java 5 : Interesting Issue - Request with word 'CD' not reaching the servlet

Recently, we deployed our web-application to a new set of servers. AppServer: Websphere 6.1 Environment: Java 5, JSF, SOAP Linux: There is a 'form' on a web-page that contains a 'TextArea' and a 'Submit' button that submits to a servlet 'ServiceInterfaceServlet'. User puts the request XML in the textarea and hits the submit button to...

How to disable transfer-encoding:chunked websphere

We have a webservice running on Websphere 6.1 using the IBM JAX-RPC based webservices. Client is sending requests without HTTP header of transfer-encoding:chunked (They specify content-length). The response from websphere always has transfer-encoding:chunked in the HTTP header. I assume this will result in the response being sent in mult...

Websphere interview questions

My boss told me to help in a phone interview with a candidate which is mainly a DB2 admin but claims to have Websphere administration skills. I told my boss I don't know so much about Websphere but he said it doesn't matter, they just wanna be sure the candidate isn't lying in his resume. What would be a couple of good and basic-interme...

JNDI lookup when two WAS profile share same machine

Hi, I have two profiles in my machine and in one profile I have deployed an EJB which can be looked up from a POJO in another profile. But the profile from which I am doing the lookup ends up doing the lookup in its own node. If I deploy this two application in two different machine I can perform the lookup. Some one has told me that cr...

How to call JMagick from a web application

I have a servlet based application for serving stored documents and images. The images were all stored as jpg with standard sizes based on corporate standards at the time the system was designed. Now, the image sizes that users want to see have changed. Since there are many images that won't need to be resized, we have built a service...

Websphere 6.1 server

Hi, I have an issue in loading jars in websphere server. Some of the jars are present in WEB-INF/lib and some are present in local hard drive(ex., c:\lib folder). How can i load all these jars, during the startup of the application. If WEB-INF jars are loaded, external jars are not getting loading and viceversa..Need help on this.... ...

How to handle authentication through AJAX with a java web app that uses form based login

I have a java web application running on WebSphere 7. The application uses form authentication method and part of the application accesses some protected resources using ajax requests. However, when the user's session expires, I am getting the login page in place of the content that is supposed to be refreshed by the ajax request. Is t...

JMS createQueue Trouble

Hi I am having trouble using the createQueue in JMS. I can create a queue successfully but right after I try to do the following and it fails. Any ideas? Thanks. QueueSender mySender = mySession.createSender(myQueue); With the error: javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: CWSIA0062E: Failed to create a MessageProducer for queue://...

Deploying ojdbc14.jar in a code module for a FileNet code module

Hi everybody, I'm trying to deploy a couple of jar files in a code module for an event action in FileNet P8 4.0 (the FileNet server runs on WebSphere 6.1). One of these jars is my custom code, and the other jar is the thin driver for Oracle called ojdbc14.jar (I also tried with ojdbc15.jar), the custom code uses the oracle jar in order ...

NullPointerException while adding data to the database from online page

Hi All, I am getting a NullPointerException Exception while adding data from the online JSP page. The error description is as follows: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: CORBA TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK 0x0 No; nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: ; ne...

Howto Get application port through MXBean

given a application: http://localhost:8080/myapp/ is it possible to enquire JVM through MBean/MXBean in which port the current application code is accepting requests? and also the appcontext (myapp)? ...

IBM WebSphere vs Oracle Fusion

I have been asked to research the advantages/disadvantages the two application servers, but am new to the space and am having a terrible time finding an unbiased comparison of the two platforms. I understand that this is a broad question and I hate that I can't give a very specific use case (other than it will be an implementation in an...

Accessing a Queue from standalone code

I have a Queue configured in the Rational Application Developer for WebSphere, using a "V5 default messaging provider" and a Websphere6.1 I now try to access it using a standalone app (JUnit Test), in order to put some messages in it. I currently use the following code: Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTE...

How do I Get Websphere to Propagate keystore changes from The Deployment manager to the nodes?

I'm a bit stumped on this one. I had a completely working 2 Node cluster, changed the keystore and the truststore to use different files, saved the changes. My assumption was that the deployment manager would automatically propagate those changes to the nodes before switching over. However according to the deployment manager, the nodes...

How to debug JSP running inside a portlet in WebSphere 5.0.2 with Intellij IDEA?

I'm trying to remote debug JSPs using "JSR45 Compatible Server" configuration type in IDEA. My breakpoints do work in *.java files (after some dark magic tweaks, though) but breakpoints inside JSP don't. I tried settings breakpoints inside or outside scriptlets, in tag invocations, etc - none worked. WebSphere 5.0.2 runs on java 1.3. ...

Eclipse development environment for WAS 6.1

Hi, Currently I am working with MyEclipse for developing a J2EE application for WAS 6.1. I noticed that eclipse added the new J2EE development environment. When trying to configure it I can see that there is a support for WebSphere 6.0 only. Is it possible to configure the environment to work / debug with WAS 6.1/7.0? Any cookbook? ...

How to use the information in an LTPA token.

Consider the following setup: A webapplication deployed on a Websphere Application Server (6.1 if it matters) the app will get accessed through a webseal reverse proxy the webseal takes care of the authentication and passes on an LTPA token as sign of valid authentication If I got it right, the LTPA token contains information like us...

xmlaccess deploy portlet with library reference

Hi I have problem with deploying JSR168 portlet using xmlaccess. I have no problem with deploy and join to conrete page but I would like to add shared library reference automatically. Is it possible?? I added shared library named 'libshared' using IBM WS console. Can I add this reference in input xml using by xmlaccess? ...

How to set RESPONSE Headers globally using J2EE container (Websphere)

Is there a way, at the web server level (web.xml) to set headers for all transactions? Specifically, I would like to do this: response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", -1); at the application level. I seem to recall that headers could be set in the Web.xml. Are there other solution...

Override session management via deployment descriptor

We have a WebSphere Application Server 6.1. Session management is configured with replication and timeout etc... (the obvious). An new project needs some other settings for session management (longer timeout, no replication necessary). There is a check box in the WebSphere Admin Console: Enterprise Application > appname > Session manag...