
how to enable security for drools guvnor in websphere 6 ?

I had deployed guvnor in websphere 6 and every thing woks except that I don't know how to enable the security for guvnor. ...

websphere application server license?

Hi I am using IBM Websphere application Server 7.0 trial version and the priod was expired. So please let me know how to get the licensed version for the same? Thanks in advance!!! ...

Which Unix flavour do I need? J2EE application using IBM tools?

I want to try Unix for developing J2EE application. I use the IBM software. WASCE as application server DB2 Express-C as database. Eclipse Which Unix flavour will be most suitable for me? ...

Integrity control of DB2 query over network

Is there a way to control the integrity of a DB2 query/response between Websphere 6.1 and DB2 8.1 ? I know there is a SecurityMechanism usuable with the JDBC UDB Type 4 driver to encrypt password and data. Is there something similar for integrity ? ...

Websphere Server 5.1.2 Ldap Multiple URLS

I am trying to make some ldap calls in Websphere 5.1.2 (which is an IBM 1.4.2 jvm?) and I'm trying to pass it multiple URLS in the format of "url url url url" etc. Does this build of websphere server/jvm support multiple URLs? Supposedly Sun's build of java 1.4.2 supports urls in this fashion. Is there anyway to do this? ...

SLF4J Message Format In WebSphere App Server

So, I'm beating my head against the wall with logging again. I know, how complex can it be? Well, let's see... I'm starting a new project to be run on WebSphere Application Server 6.1 (actually Portal Server 6.1, but it's WAS 6.1 under the hood - whatever). I usually use java.util.logging for my WAS projects and everything is fine. ...

Websphere Classloading

We have an application deployed in Websphere application server 7. Its deployed and functioning in various environments. But it gave a method not found exception in one new env. On digging deeper we found that a particular class was present in 2 jars and the class from the "wrong" jar was getting loaded in the new env. i went through the...

Communication between two Web Services

I have a problem with web services. They are programed in Java and are running on a WASCE server ( both are on the same server). My problem that i want to solve: We have two Web services: App1 and App2 In App1 i want to call a function that is in App2. How can i do this? Is this even possible? I tried creating a soapClient inside the Ap...

Websphere 6.1 JAAS Logout.

I have an WebApplication on WAS 6.1 using JAAS already working. Authenticates and authorizes in a orderly manner. But my logout page is not deauthorizing the principal. This application works correctly on JBoss an on Glasfish but not on WAS. My logout page is just a simple JSP with this content. <%System.out.println("principal is not n...

Deploying .war file in Websphere application server 6.1?

When i was trying to install new application in WAS 6.1, I have given the .war file i've created for SampleApplication. The SampleApplication.war is successfully running in Tomcat server, but when i tried to deploy it in WAS 6.1, following error was shown. The exception **IWAE0022E** Exception occurred loading deployment descriptor fo...

WebSphere 6.1 - getting profiling information just from the console

The situation is like this, we have a very slow WebSphere 6.1 deployment, and want to get information from the console (we can't have access to anything but the console) What are the tools we have there to troubleshoot (performance issues, memory etc)? Remember, all we can have is web access to the console web interface Thanks ...

Using JBoss EL with Websphere

Hey, I'm doing a project which is going to run on Websphere. I'm using JSF/Facelets/Richfaces for this project. I want to use the JBoss EL implementation as it allows calling methods with parameters from EL etc. ... usually this is accomplished by getting the JBoss EL jar and then putting this in the web.xml: <context-param> <par...

Spring UncategorizedSQLException: ORA-01012

I am trying to retrieve data form an Oracle database using jdbc (ojdbc14.jar). I have a limited number of concurrent connections when connecting to the database and these connections are managed by Websphere connection pool. Sometimes when I make the call I see an UncategorizedSQLException exception thrown in my logs with one of the fol...

SRTServletRes W WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed

WebSphere logs the warning message “SRTServletRes W WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed” for one JSP request. I need the respone headers later in my code. I did some research and understood that Servlet is trying to send more data to the output stream, but the stream is already been committed. I did not understand wh...

Why WebSphere 6.1 (JDK 1.5 Compliant) compiles my JSPs as JDK 1.4?

Our web application is JDK 1.5 compliant, and is running succesfuly on WebSphere 6.1 However, some JSPs we have that contain Java code in 1.5 syntax fail to compile by WebSphere. It seems that for some reason, WebSphere treats the JSPs as 1.4 complient and fails to compile. Any idea why and how to solve this? (Stop writing Java in JSP...

wsdl2Java fails from Headless Ant

We are working in RAD (7.0.0.x) for development to Websphere 6.1. In our ant script we have the following: <!-- *************************************************** --> <!-- ** Generate WebService Client classes --> <!-- *************************************************** --> <target name="-generate-classes" if="ejbmod...

Problem adding <listener> to web.xml in eclipse

Hi , I use Eclipse with Websphere server . I need to add a session listener . I added the class SessionListener.java in the package net.test . When I add the < listener > tag to the web.xml file , I get the folowing error : Distribution of configuration failed. See log for details. Error unmarshaling return; nested exception is: ...

How to programmatically set JAX-WS 2.1 JMS client timeout in WebSphere 7?

I'm converting a JAX-RPC client and service to JAX-WS, and am trying to figure out how to set the client timeout programmatically. This will be a JAX-WS 2.1 client running in WebSphere 7. In JAX-RPC, there was a property I could set on the SOAPBindingStub to set the timeout. In the JAX-WS code, I've tried setting several properties as...

What is the difference between an EAR file and a "WebSphere Enhanced EAR"?

Supposing that I have a standard EAR file (and the source files that were used to generated it,) what additional processing needs to be done to convert it to an IBM WebSphere "Enhanced EAR"? Another way to ask this question would be to ask, "What is the difference between an Enhanced EAR and a standard EAR?" I'm very aware that there i...

How can I access the database native java.sql.Connection?

I'm using WASCE as application server and defined a data source to PosgreSQL. I get the DB Connection from JNDI. The problem is I want to access specific method in the PostgreSQL java.sql.Connection but WASCE wrapped this connection with their own Connection. Specifically, I want to do something like this: ((org.postgresql.Connection)...