
RAD (Rational Application Developer) -- Clean vs. Publish vs Restart

I am currently using the Spring 3.0 framework in a websphere 6.1 environment. The IDE I am using is RAD (Rational Application Developer) 7.5. I was working on a problem last night and I found that my code wasn't being 100% refreshed on the server after making a change in my workspace. My question is what is the difference from websphe...

DB2 jdbc performance

Hi, doing profiling on an java application running websphere 7 and DB2 we can see that we spend most of our time in the com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.jdbc package handling connections to and from the database. How can we tune our jdbc performance? What other strategies exist when database performance is a bottleneck? Thanks ...

Obtaining a new session from Hibernate for a background thread.

I'm working on a web application. Usually at the beginning of a request (through the architecture code), a Hibernate session is opened to work with DB transactions. At the end of the request the session is closed. This works great for all of our transactions, except that in one particular instance, I want to fire a thread from a request....

ColdFusion - Alternatives to PreCompilation for IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)

Our security policy does not allow us to expose our source code to clients. Typically, in the ColdFusion world a sourceless distribution is carried out by running the code through cfcompile.sh Unfortunately, code that is precompiled is in my experience not portable across different Operating Systems. I am now looking into alternativ...

Why is 'java.net.SocketException: jks not found'?

I am passing the following VM arguments to a WS client application that runs on Websphere 5.1.1 JRE, one on Windows XP and one on Linux but get different behaviors. -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=./key.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=abc -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=./key.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trust=abc -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePasswo...

Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7.5+ and websphere runtime will not pick up jars from projects

With RAD Version: 7.5.3, Java 1.5. I have a couple of different projects. I needed to break out the java code and turn the *.class files into a jar. So basically, same *.class files I just removed the code and then jarred the class files into a jar. I broke the classes into a jar and then included the jar in the project. And I als...

How can 2 applications on the same websphere server see each others static content?

We have one websphere server with multiple applications running on it. They're all running on separate profiles, but they are somehow able to access each others static content. For example, the following URLs both return images... http://firstapp.com/images/image.gif http://secondapp.com/images/image.gif ...when the image only exist...

How to determine what execution rights a J2EE application needs?

I've created a J2EE application using a set of libraries. Works like a charm. Now it needs to be deployed into production. Our admin is very cautious about execution security and requires the permissions granted explicitly. Going through all the code and looking up security requirements (especially the custom libraries) is time consuming...

Is there any API for IBM WebSphere portal roles management?

I mean API to assign roles (user,privileged user, etc) to specific users and user groups. As I got PUMA (Portal User Management) has only API to manipulate users and user groups, not roles. Thanks. ...

how to deploy an ear file in websphere application server

I want to deploy an ear file which will automatically run the ear file with all the configuration in my Web Sphere application server. ...

Optimized throughput of static content from app server

I am building a small web application that primarily needs to serve up protected static content -- some flash (.swf) files > 20MB -- from an application server (Websphere) that is front ended by a web server (Apache). Are there there any Websphere configuration settings that I should consider to optimized throughput? ...

how to configure and use jstl in websphere

Does anybody know how to configure jstl in websphere. i know that we have use taglib directive in web.xml . where do i find web.xml in websphere 5.1.2 and how to add the configuration. ...

Consuming WebSphere service from WCF client: Unable to create AxisService from ServiceEndpointAddress

I am consuming (or trying to consume) a WebSphere service from a WCF client (service reference + bindings generated through svcutil). Connection seems to be established successfully but I am getting the following error: CWWSS7200E: Unable to create AxisService from ServiceEndpointAddress [address] Rings any bell? I am guessing the r...

Java Webservice requests userName and password before using it

Haay everyone. I have a problem with a web service. I am using websphere to host my WAR appl and to generate the code from a wsdl i use jaxws-tools.sh that comes with websphere. The problem that i have is this: I would like that a client, whenever he wants to call my web application, that he has to send username and password so in can...

Using SIGAR API in WebSphere

I would like to use the SIGAR API in a stateless session bean for monitoring system information. Could somebody help me with the setup, in particular where should I put the .dll ? ...

How to override a Spring bean based on web server

Hi, I'm building a webapp that should run on both Tomcat and WebSphere and I've managed to make almost all the differences into properties with default values that I can override for deployment on the Tomcat server. I need to do yet another override for the authentication provider bean... public void postProcessBeanFactory(Configurab...

How to configure Classpath in Websphere application server?

I need to add log4j jar in classpath of WAS server but I am unable to put it. Please suggest. I tried to add this jar in start script of WAS server. ...

Get reference to the EJB3 local business interface inside the JCA adapter

Hi there, I'd like to know whether it is possible to get a reference to the ejb3 local business interfaces inside the jca adapter? Resource adapter and ejb .jar are packed into the same .ear. Application is running under WebSphere AS 6.1 with ejb3 featurepack. I have tried to use ejblocal:<full_class_name_of_local_interface> as JNDI ...

Websphere logs report {0} File not found, but application continues to work without issues

A websphere 6.1 server is running a struts application that seems to be working fine. In the logs, however, I'm seeing the following error message, which is being continually emailed to the support staff. [3/16/10 15:42:08:089 CDT] 00000023 SystemOut O FATAL - [03-16-2010 15:42:08] root: The following page could not be found in the ...

IDE for websphere/jython

I would like to develop administrative jython-scripts for WebSphere 7. Is there any IDE (or may be plugins for eclipse) which provides code auto-completition functions, ability to start/stop server, debug jython scripts? I know that there is the Application Server Toolkit 6.1 but it is for WebSphere 6.1 and couldn't be applied to WebSphe...