
Get entry by week number using Django ORM?

I tried something like: MyModel.objects.filter(year__week=1) It doesn't work. For now, I calculate the first day and the last day of the week and then use gte and lte, but it's less than efficient given that SQL comes with a Week function. ...

jquery fullcalendar and week calendar

How to get week calendar add event function in fullcalendar? ...

How to Remove the Last Week Of a Calendar

I am not sure why other people have not asked this before. But have you notice that the asp:Calendar shows an extra week at the end? For example if the VisibleMonth is set to 2010-03-01 and FirstDayOfWeek to Sunday: It will show 6 weeks. Feb 28 to March 6 March 7 to March 13 March 14 to March 20 March 21 to March 27 March 28 to Apri...

How does DATEDIFF calculate week differences in SQL Server 2005?

I would like to calculate the difference in weeks between two dates, where two dates are considered part of the same week if their preceding Sunday is the same. Ideally, I'd like to do this using DATEDIFF, instead of learning an elaborate idiom to calculate the value. But I can't tell how it works when weeks are involved. The following ...

Fluent NHibernate Mapping and Formulas/DatePart

Hi There, i have a very simple table with a Datetime column and i have this mapping in my domain object. MyDate is the name of the datetime column in the DB. public virtual int Day { get; set; } public virtual int Month { get; set; } public virtual int Year { get; set; } public virtual int Hour { get; set; } public virtual int Minutes...

AS3: how to get current calendar week

How can I get the current calendar week with AS3 ? I've not found any information by using the official adobe online-reference (check: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/Date.html) or using google's web search. Thank you soo much! Kind Regards, msec ...

Given a Year and a Week number, how can I get the first date in that week, in .Net?

Possible Duplicate: Calculate date from week number I have a Year and a Week number within that year (I got these by doing "YEAR(Date) AS Year, DATEPART(WEEK, Date) AS Week" in SQL), and I'd like to know the date of the first day of that week. Actually, ANY day in that week is good enough, I just think the first one is the mo...

get week of month using javascript / jquery

How can i get the week number of month using javascript / jquery? For ex.: First Week: 5th July, 2010. / Week Number = First monday Previous Week: 12th July, 2010. / Week Number = Second monday Current Date: 19th July, 2010. / Week Number = Third Monday Next week: 26th July, 2010. / Week Number = Last monday ...

get nth weekday of month in C#

Possible Duplicate: How do I determine if a given date is Nth weekday of the month? How do i get the nth weekday of the month? For ex.: 2nd Monday of "July 2010" = 07/12/2010. Looking for a function like: public DateTime GetNthWeekofMonth(DateTime date, int nthWeek, DayOfWeek dayofWeek) { //return the date of nth week of ...

PHP - Extracting weeks/days/hours/minutes from a date calc.

$dateDiff = $mtime - $ctime; $fullDays = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24)); $fullHours = floor(($dateDiff-($fullDays*60*60*24))/(60*60)); $fullMinutes = floor(($dateDiff-($fullDays*60*60*24)-($fullHours*60*60))/60); echo "Difference is $fullDays days, $fullHours hours and $fullMinutes minutes."; I am looking to add the ability to se...

how to get week of year with friday as starting date using mysql

I'm struggling to get week of year (from 1 to 52) in mysql query using friday as starting date. My friend said just add current date with number (because friday is 5 and sunday as default starting date is 0) 5 so that we can know week of year of given date. What function will satisfy this problem? as for given that if value is 2009-12-2...

calculate calendar week

Hi, how can I calculate the calendar week? A year has 52/53 weeks and there are two rules: -USA -DIN 1355 / ISO 8601 I'd like to work with DIN 1355 / ISO 8601. How can I manage that? Edit: NSDate *today = [NSDate date]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"ww"]; NSString *weeknum...

mysql: which the better one use DAY() or WEEK()?

I have a web task for counting some data inside DB. I must count this data daily, weekly, and monthly. For weekly, I am still confused to decide which MySQL syntax I should use for this case. There are two suggestions to resolve this problem: using DAY() or WEEK(). I want this syntax is not limited by a confusing thing. As should decl...

C#: Get all week numbers from within 2 dates globalized/ISO 8601 compatible

I have a startdate 2010-01-01 (I just assume its a first day of the week) and an enddate 2010-07-31 (I just assume its a first day of the week) I want to have returned from a method all week numbers for every first day of the week for the above timespan. I can not assume that the first day of week is always monday, because my user...