
I cant change width of <a> without make it float or block

Why is it like this? What's the reason inside it? ...

What is the design best practice for setting the page width for mobile web pages?

Different browsers on different phones have different screen resolution. Is there a best practice in the community to set the width to a standard size, so that it works on most moderns phones and browsers? ...

Adding a column to a table (using jQuery) makes the table larger, why?

So, I'm building a table data editor, and need funcitonality that's not available in the ready-built plugins. This is my code so far: http://sandman.net/test/tables.php But I'm having problem with my "add column" ("Lägg till kolumn") button, which correctly adds a column, but makes the table one column larger in the process. I've even ...

[PHP] Dynamic GD image width text

I'm trying to spice up my website by using custom fonts for headings. For me, the most appropriate way to do this is using PHP and GD. I have written a little script which will output the dynamic text based on the $_GET value, however sometimes the image is too wide, which moves everything else about. How can I get the image to adjust t...

wpf set barchart graph width programmatically C#

I have a chart and I am adding ColumnSeries and chart legend etc but how to programmatically set its bar width... ??? | |------| | | | | |set | | |this | | |width | | | | | | | | | |BarChart Graph |_______|______|_______________________________ <charting:Chart...

jquery set div width fails in IE7

I have the following code and it works correctly in FF and IE8 but fails in IE 7 anyone have an idea or hack if ($("#midRight:contains('Quick Links')").length == 0) { $("#midCenter").css({'width':'298px'}); } html is basic <div id="midRight"> bunch of text </div> the starting css is #midRight {width:440px;} IE7's jav...

Whats wrong with IE7 Image scaling Width to 100%? Fine in IE8

IE7 does not resize the images properly with CSS My page looks perfectly fine in FF and IE8 - exactly like it should. But for some reason on IE7 it does no properly resize the images down to 100% of the parent container, which is set at 30% of the page width. The images are just 100% width of the full image. How do I make it look like ...

Flash Dynamic Text Width

Hey! I try to find out the text size of a textfield in the following example field.text = 'aaaaaaa'; trace(field.textWidth); setTimeput(function(){ field.text = 'aa'; trace(field.textWidth); },2000) The number is always the same. Why? I need the text width so I can adjust size for a background movieclip. Thx! ...

Increase UITextField to Certain Length

Hi Everyone: I have a UITextField that I would like to "automatically" adjust its bounds size in order to make space for the string added in the field. However, I would like it to max-out in terms of width at a certain amount. What is the best way that I can go about doing this? Thanks for any help. EDIT: TestingView.h #import <UI...

Setting proportional column width with <col width="x*" />

I am trying to set proportional column width with <col width="x*" />: <table width="600px"> <col width="1*" /> <col width="2*" /> <col width="3*" /> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: 1px solid black;">AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA...

HTML DOM width + height of visible window

How do I get the current height and width of the available space in the browser as it is open. I don't want the height of the total document, just what's visible on the screen. ...

jquery / javascript setting width fails

Greetings! I have encountered this problem: Depending on numbers from I want to create a bar chart. Interestingly it works very well in IE8 set on quirks mode, but fails everywhere else. I cannot really say where the error is and I hope that someone here can help me. I am using jQuery, but using getElementById() and element.style.width...

YouTube video loaded into Flash MovieClip, can I get width and height?

Hello, I'm trying to load a YouTube video on a flash MovieClip using url http://www.youtube.com/v/4nRNoXT%5FgUc that returns the video with player directly. the video is loaded and i can manage it with his player, the problem is when i try to position it no the stage, because I don't know his width until it starts. I've tested it with ...

JQuery height condition

$(document).ready(function() { var pic = $(".pic"); // need to remove these in of case img-element has set width and height $(".pic").each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.css({width: 'auto', height: 'auto'}); var pic_real_width = $this.width(); var pic_real_height = $this.height(); if(pic_real_width<100){ ...

Get width and height of quicktime clip (.mov) with php?

I need to get the width and height of a .mov-file with php. How do I do that? ...

Listbox width size dependent of text length

My application has a window with a ListBox inside which is filled with text that changes over time, therefore Listbox entries can have several length. I'd like to make the window and the listbox width to change dynamically dependent on the listbox entries length (in number of characters). As an example, if my listbox has several entri...

controling the tabs of the tabs bar in gwt

hi, sorry for stupid question i am new to UI in general and gwt specifically how can i control the tabs width when using tabs panel in gwt? how how can i know what css attributes each widget has? i would like to control the tabs color (selected and not selected) and remove the tabs frame thanks ...

Prevent Grid-Column from getting too wide without setting absolute width for child-controls.

Hello, i have a problem with wpf-grid in .net-framework. I have defined a grid in a UserControl, which contains a listview, that shows some content. The content of the listview is presented with DataTemplate and contains a TextBlock which could getting very wide. My grid should separate the UserControl in two 50-50 parts. Both parts sho...

Chrome and fixed width on a div (or other tags).

I have some html which looks like this: <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">fig</div>vitamin c<br> <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">apple</div>vitamin a<br> <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">coconut</div>vitamin <br> in IE.8 this is shown as fig vitamin apple vitamin coconut vitamin and al...

CSS table - Expand input box the entire length without wrapping to new line

I have a form with elements structured as so: <div> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" /> </div> <div> <label>Address</label> <input type="text" name="address" /> </div> The way I want it to look is, the label is positioned next to the input box and the input box expands to fit the entire container. If I s...