
problem in wikipedia api

I have problem In wikipedia api I use this php script <?php $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load(";prop=revisions&amp;titles=New_York_Yankees&amp;rvprop=content&amp;format=xml"); print $xmlDoc->saveXML(); ?> & I have this result in browser .... why? Warning: DOMDocum...

Wiki Using GVim?

I've been using TextMate on the Mac for a while, and have really appreciated the Plain Text Wiki bundle that lets me construct a wiki from plain text files and simple markup. Does anyone know if there's a similar extension for GVim? (Either that, or has anyone ported TextMate to Linux?) ...

How to easily link a document with others

Hi, let's say that in order for me to make clear how my program works or even for the own sake of documentation I am writing some text document in word or whatever text editor or online wit google docs, etc. Let's say that at some part of the document I open a new one and extend there the idea. Then later, I go back to the "master" docu...

How can I convert an Excel table into Trac Wiki Table format?

I've seen copy & paste converters to MediaWiki or HTML format. But I could not find one that converts to the Trac Wiki format (WikiFormattting) which uses pipes to separate cells, such as: ||Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3|| ||Cell 4||Cell 5||Cell 6|| ...

Anyone know a convenient website suite for open-source projects?

Hi everyone, as the open source project I am working on is moving on to be more popular, we am thinking of upgrading our web site as well. At the moment we use hand-written HTML for most of the things. However, we want to make things more dynamic to allow for better collaboration and making it easier to publish documentation, tutorials,...

Implementing Add Media Wizard with MediaWiki 1.16.0

Hi there, I have MediaWiki 1.16.0 installed on a remote sever, with Apache+PHP 5.2.11 running. I have installed several extensions(namely: FCKEditor, Group access control) without a problem. However, I could not get Add Media Wizard and Upload Wizard to work correctly(Try them here). I have tried many things(with details below): I dow...

Good tutorial on how to build a wiki with PHP & Mysql?

I'm searching for a good tutorial on how to build a wiki with PHP & MySQL. I need something that will show me how to structure the mysql database and which algorithms to implement for the text diff etc. The only one that I've found so far is this: But it is based on ca...

Building wiki like functionality

Hi, I am building my application in Codeigniter. It has a module where users create documents, which can be edited at a later time. How do I implement a 'history' of revisions, perhaps like a wiki ? Is it possible to embed a php wiki in a web app (twiki/dokuwiki)? ...

HashMap via SOAP from Java to PHP and back

Hi Guys, i'm facing a little problem and can't find a solution. The situation: I have a Java-Webservice containing different Methods. One of these creates a new Object (named "Bestellung", which is german for "Order"). This object contains some attributes, most of them are Strings, one is a Hashmap named "applikationsDaten" (applicati...

How to use IndexMenu?

I have installed the indexMenu plugin, in my sidebar I have created a menu like this: ... {{indexmenu>.#1|js#kde.png}} and I want to hide one entry in my menu: Thanks for your help. ...

What is a good place to host a community-driven examples site?

I'm a contributer to the Raphael project, and one thing we need is a central place for documentation and, IMHO, a good place for people to add examples of how to use the library to accomplish various tasks. One of the contributers has done a great job of managing all this information himself so far, on his own personal site, but of cou...

What is the best criteria to say an application is ENTERPRISE ?

Hi guys, What is the best way to say an application is Enterprise? Is it because of being able to integrated with other applications, being able to use other "Enterprise" applications or ? Thanks ...

solution for Company Intranet (wiki + database + bug tracking + document management +++)

We are looking for a Company Intranet product with some or all of these attributes - common home page - departmental sections with password protection for some content - allow designated users to edit specific pages - wiki type knowledge repository - company phone list - document & image management (uploads, some ...

Wiki / Wiki Configuration for Collabrative Writing

I'm setting up an educational website, and I'm trying to configure a wiki or wiki-like webpage system to work on collaborative writing projects. It should be: Public, i.e. registered and non-registered users can view everything Allow Only Closed Contributions, i.e. only registered users/students can contribute Area for Administrators/T...

wiki-like CMS for developing a web portal to list restaurants

What would be a good wiki-like CMS for developing a web portal to list restaurants and their menus (preferably in .Net)? It will be community maintained. Any ideas will be appreciated. ...

Is it alright to use Code Behind of View to be View Model in MVVM?

In all tutorials about MVVM, I see code behind file is of no great use as we are trying to shift all the logic in view model. Is there any specific reason why we dont use Code Behind file itself as View Model? I understand benefits of MVVM over typical code behind codes with events and book keeping, but I am trying to explore possibilit...

Wiki Wrapper for Android Apps?

Hi everyone. I was wondering something - a lot of apps for Android (and iPhone) are basically just wikis with specific information in them, so is there some general Wiki Wrapper out there somewhere that can be used to create an info/guide app? It's not entirely necessary but it would be nice! Thanks SE ...

Wiki for personal use, recommendations?

I want to set up a local wiki for my personal notes. My requirements are: very good math support (I think mathjax like on mathoverflow should be fine) good search function (in particular regular expressions) easy to setup active user community active development it should run under linux good emacs support (i.e. it should be comfortabl...

Is there a wiki system that can be easily "plugged-in" to an existing CakePHP application?

I'm looking for a wiki system, that can easily be incorporated into an existing CakePHP application. I would have done it seperately from the CakePHP application, but the buyer requests that the user authorisation is done from the same tables. ...

Which markup language? Markdown or ???

I am currently looking for a markup language to use in a project. I want to allow site vistors to edit a wiki like page using a markup language (not HTML). I am implementing this site in Ruby on Rails, and would prefer (although not bound) to use something that already has strong support in the form of a gem. There are a few main thing...