
Send Apple Event from Windows?

My son has a MacOS 9 box to which he is sending remote AppleEvents from his Leopard-based MacBook. Is there any way, programmatically, that I can send remote AppleEvents via TCP/IP from my Windows 7 Toshiba? ...

Vista Shellview Help button

Hi I have created a namespace extension with VC 2005... I was wondering how to utilize the Help button located on the vista toolbar to display the help document for my product. Currently the help button is available but clicking it does not do anything. I was wondering how to handle the help button in Vista and 7 as this is a new feat...

WinAPI replacement for reg.exe

Are there WinAPI functions that do the same what can do standard Windows utility reg.exe with import/export flags? I'm know that there are RegSaveKey and RegRestoreKey functions, but the calling process must have additional privileges SE_RESTORE_NAME and SE_BACKUP_NAME. This means that it is necessary to ask user to elevate process (sho...

Where is the BCD located in windows vista/7?

I'm trying to find where the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store is actually stored in windows vista/7. This is the information which in previous versions was stored in the boot.ini file (usually located in C:). I'm able to access the BCD through the command line tool bcdedit.exe, however I don't know where it reading the information fr...

How will Windows 7 be programmed? Will .NET still be king?

With Windows 7 due to be released at the end of 2009, what changes should we expect? What impact will Windows 7 have on the industry? Are we still going to be using .NET (3.5?) to program Windows? Where does 64-bit figure in all this? We'll definitely be able to use Java for 64-bit stuff, but how is Microsoft going to have us making nat...

SMTP not working in windows 7

How can I get SMTP to work on Windows 7 (developer box). I used to just be able to turn it on for a windows XP box. Is SMTP not included on windows 7? If so, what can I use instead as a free relay mechanism. ...

Error getting directory entry from IIS on Win 7 RC1

I have code that works on Win XP (IIS 5.1) and Win Server 2008 (IIS 7.0) but fails on the Windows 7 release candidate, which runs IIS 7.5. I construct a new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/w3svc"). The DirectoryEntry object returned by the constructor is no good. (Viewing members in debugger throws a COMException.) Has anybody been w...

Convert LPWSTR to GUID

I'm working with the new Windows 7 audio APIs, and I've hit a wall. Basically, I need to take an IAudioSessionControl2* and get an ISimpleAudioVolume* out of it. Now, it looks like I can call on IAudioSessionManager->GetSimpleAudioVolume() using the value of IAudioSessionControl2->GetSessionInstanceIdentifier(...). Note that this isn'...

Get an audio session's volume level

Does anyone know how to get the current volume level of an audio session* in Vista or 7? I've got the IAudioSessionControl2 and IAudioSessionManager2 instances you need to listen for volume changes, but actually getting the current volume is proving elusive. *by audio session I mean (roughly) the per-application audio control, not the ...

Checking for existance of Windows API Functions

I am new to Windows programming and I'm trying to discover the best way to check for the existence of Windows Shell API functions. I want to use some of the new taskbar features in Windows7. But I still want my program to be usable by previous versions o...

Checking digital signature programmatically

I have the exe for the project im working on signed by a digital signature which means when it asks for admin rights it shows the company name. This works very well but if you modify the exe it will still work and show unknown there instead. Is there a way to check the digital signature to see if it is valid when you run the exe to avo...

User.IsInRole fails when using VS 2008's debugging web server on Windows 7 using Windows Auth

When the following line is called when running a website from the VS2008's web server i get a "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed." exception. if (User.IsInRole("SomeRole")) ... I have turned UAC off, and set VS 2008, and it's built-in webserver, to run as an Administrator, and i have also re...

How do I code a progress bar for Windows 7 to also update itself on the taskbar?

Windows 7 has an AWESOME new feature that applications can report the progress of the current activity through the status bar. For example, when copying file(s) using Windows Explorer, a progress bar is layered on top of the application icon in the task bar and the progress is shown as it updates. What is the API for exposing the progr...

Windows API for VISTA, 7 & Beyond

Is there any fundamental differences in the WinAPI/Win32? Is there any additional knowledge required to take advantage of new OS features? Are there any pitfalls which someone who's coded Win32 apps in the past might fall in? I'm not talking about Silverlight, that's a whole different ball of wax. (I don't have the VS that supports th...

Mystery HRESULT, 0x889000D

Decimal: 143196173 Hex: 0x889000D Results from a call to IAudioSessionControl2->GetProcessId(). GetLastError = 126* Message = "The specified module could not be found" I'm not really sure how to interpret this error. Additionally, I can't find a description of the HRESULT anywhere. The documented return codes are S_OK, E_POINTER, AU...

Windows 7 default .NET framework

Hi, Does anybody know what will be the default .NET framework that will come with Windows 7? Thank you ...

Hide Start Orb on Vista / Win 7 in C#

When hiding the Task Bar on Vista and Windows 7 the Start Button (also known as the Start Orb) doesn't get hidden. I've been looking for a solution to this and I've found one but it seems more complex than necessary. This CodeProject article describes (and contains code for) a solution where you enumerate all child windows of all threads...

Incorporating the Windows 7 onscreen keyboard into a WPF app

Windows 7 has a really nice onscreen keyboard program/control for touchscreens. I have a touchscreen app that was originally written for, and will be deployed on, XP. Is it possible to incorporate this keyboard directly into my app, rather than me using a custom control? I can find no programmatic information about it, so any links wo...

Windows 7 Sticky Notes

Is there any public manual or article about Windows 7 Sticky Notes API? ...

Publishing Web App Project with Visual Studio

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and trying to publish a Web Application Project, but it keeps failing when trying to add files in the project. Below is a sample of the message; Publishing folder JavaScript... Unable to add 'JavaScript/hoverIntent.js' to the Web site. Unable to add file 'JavaScript\hoverIntent.js'. The specifi...