Password Information
I want to get the various user account passwords which are stored in my computer programatically using Visual C++. Are there any APIs to help me do this? ...
I want to get the various user account passwords which are stored in my computer programatically using Visual C++. Are there any APIs to help me do this? ...
Poll: What is the best and easy to use installer to use with .NET 3.5 SP1 windows applications? ...
Hi All, When I get any crash in my pc, I used to get don't send dialog box. But recently it is always showing some dialogbox, and it is asking to debug in visual studio. I dont want this dialog option. How can I remove this option. Could any one knows information about this. Thanks & regards, Haranadh ...
Hi All, I am getting crash when I stop my server. But I could not see any dump file for this crash. Why dump file is not getting created. If possible could any one let me know where dump file will be created. Thanks Haranadh ...
If I call SetDlgItemText() to update the value of a dialog text it seems to only be updated when the function returns. I'm using it to update a status message informing the user of the current progress mid function so I would like it to be updated immediately. If this can not be done, is there something else I can do that would perform...
This msdn article -- -- provides information for C++ programmers on how to temporarily disable the windows shortcuts for accessibility (such as holding Shift for 8 seconds, or pressing Shift more than 5 times in quick succession). Surely t...
Hi, I create a window with CreateWindow() and show it with ShowWindow(). But the parent window on which this was created should be disabled until user returns from this window, i.e. it should simulate modal dialog box. Any help is appreciated. Thanks ...
I am developping on Windows with DevStudio, in C/C++ unmanaged. I want to allocate some memory on the stack instead of the heap because I don't want to have to deal with releasing that memory manually (I know about smart pointers and all those things. I have a very specific case of memory allocation I need to deal with), similar to the ...
I am using Hudson as a continuous integration server to test C/C++ code. Unfortunatly, I have a bug somewhere that causes memory corruption, so on some Windows machines I will sometimes get a "Application Error" dialog box explaining that an instruction referenced memory that could not be read. This dialog box pops up and basically han...
I am debugging a windows batch command file. It is failing when extended (> 0x7f) characters are used in the paths or file names. The problem seems to be related to passing parameters to a command file that is CALLed from another. For an example, this command works as expected: xcopy "Pezuñero\1 - 001.wav" \temp This does not: call ...
Hello all, I have a web application (.NET, if it matters) where when one of the pages is loaded, a file on the users local machine needs to be copied (uploaded) to the webserver. This upload needs to be without user intervention. This web application will be running on a kiosk where I would be setting up the original permissions and t...
Third party vendors using our software as a component view Windows Logo Certification as an important selection criteria. 90% of the requirements are easy to adhere to given the flexibility in deploying Java programs. Some immediate difficulties present themselves: Tagging jar files with resource strings for versioning information. ...
Hello, I am trying to integrate some OpenCV functionality into my application. Currently I have code set up with DirectShow to get a video feed from my camera, which is then showed in an MFC window. This code cannot be changed or removed. The code runs completely fine, but regardless of the location i place the following line of code...
Is there any kind of way to monitor the low level keyboard hooks in a Windows enviroment. Say if I am making a program trying to find keyloggers. ...
hi, I have a .bat file shown below @echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do ( set ScriptOut=%%a) #echo Script Result = %ScriptOut% echo %ScriptOut% >C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt I want my output variable which is ScriptOut to be stored into a text file. Can anyone suggest any method to be a...
Are there command line merge tools for windows? I'm thinking in terms of tools that can be used in conjunction with other tools (e.g. git, unison) to resolve conflicts. Actually, it doesn't need to strictly be command-line based, as long as it "cooperate" with other command line tools (as I mentioned, git for example), then it's fine. ...
I understood that in certain Windows XP programs, like Photoshop, there is something called "scratch disks". What I understood that this means, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that Photoshop manages its own virtual memory on the hard-drive, instead of letting Windows manage it. I understood that the reason for this is some limitat...
In an InstallShield basic MSI project: how can I check whether a user name is in the administrator group? (Not the current user with which I know it's possible to do so.) ...
What I'm looking for in this question are interface bits, eye candy, easter eggs, novel error messages or anything cool and interesting that you thought was particularly creative and that enhanced the user experience of an application. Feel free to brag on your own stuff! I'm thinking if things like: Creative 404 pages The Digg 'Kevi...
How would I connect a Adobe Flex/AIR based application to REST-style services hosted on a web site protected by integrated Windows Authentication? From my experiments, that the call is successfully made (by using the HTTPService class), the request is received successfully by the web server (in this case, I'm using ASP.NET MVC), but th...