
Sleep function in c in windows. Does a function with better precision exist?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a better sleep function that could be used in windows in c, other than Sleep(), which takes a millisecond input and only guarantees that the input is the minimum amount of time that elapses. I am passing in 1 millisecond, but actually getting a 15-16 millisecond delay. Is there any way to accurately set ...

How can I get a list of installed fonts on Windows, using unmanaged C++?

I've explored a bit, and so far I've found EnumFontFamiliesEx(...). However, it looks like this function is used to return all the charsets for a given font (e.g. "Arial"). I can't quite figure out how to get the list of installed fonts to begin with. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. ...

Description of VC++ preprocessor symbols

Is there an overview somewhere of the available Visual C++/Windows SDK pre-processor symbols, like _CONSOLE, _WINDOWS, WIN32, WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN, etc.? What I'm interested in is not just a list, but also (links to) descriptions of the effects of defining each of those symbols. ...

How can make a Windows Service on a specified user?

I built a testing service which writes a message to a local file. I noticed the "Owner" property of the file is always "Administrator" which is same when using "Local System" account. But I have changed the "Log on as" setting to my personal account in service manager. What should I do to make the service work on a specified account? ...

Determine the registered application for an extension

I've got a file extension and I'd like to get the name of the application (if there is one) that will be invoked when I ShellExecute a file of that type. This is a WTL/C++ app. Is there any sample code out there that does this? Thanks! ...

Is it possible to put Cygwin on a DVD for an offline install?

In connection with this question (not that many people seem to be on Server Fault yet). I'm trying to put the whole of Cygwin on a DVD, so I can have it with me for an offline install on a computer which doesn't have network connection. I downloaded setup.exe, put "download without install" and selected Current version and under "All"...

asynchronous serial port communication in windows in c

I am getting an error when I try to run a c file which does some basic writes to a serial port. I am trying to run it asynchronously because the writes sometimes take a long time to transfer. My original version had it running synchronously with WriteFile() commands which worked fine. I am new to using OVERLAPPED and would appreciate and...

DirectX Overlay inside a Window

Hello all I need to be able to set an overlayed graphics area (via DirectX/DirectDraw methods) in any place on the screen, or at least to use it inside a windowed area. Anyone was able to do this? Tks in advance ...

Grant SeServiceLogonRight from script

I need to be able to grant rights to a user from a script (a batch file or JScript file). In particular, I want to grant SeServiceLogonRight to a particular domain account. I can't use NTRights.exe (not available on all target OS's), and I'd like to avoid having to write an executable in C just for this. Is it possible to do this with st...

What is the easiest way to add global keyboard shortcuts in Windows?

I would like for my app to detect keyboard shortcuts when it isn't running, but as there doesn't appear facility to do this in Windows a reasonable fallback would be to have a background process without any UI that listens for keypresses. Is it possible to monitor keypresses when an app isn't in the foreground in .Net? Looks like this ...

Preventing file handle inheritance in multiprocessing lib

Using multiprocessing on windows it appears that any open file handles are inherited by spawned processes. This has the unpleasant side effect of locking them. I'm interested in either: 1) Preventing the inheritance 2) A way to release the file from the spawned process Consider the following code which works fine on OSX, but crashes o...

where to find A mac virtual machine which i can run on windows to test my websites?

I want to test a website on mac, my client telling that there is something not working well on mac browsers. I have windows pc and don't know any friend near me has mac to test on it. Where i can find something like a virtual machine for mac to run mac from a pc. And if its not possible, do you have any smart idea to solve my problem ...

Modify mode-compile.el to handle MS-Windows paths with imbedded blanks?

Can anyone suggest a modification of mode-compile.el that will make it work better on Windows? My specific issue is handling of path names that contain blanks. I'm working on code in Ruby, using "GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-03-26 on RELEASE" with mode-compile.el version: 2.29 (Last modified: 2006/12/01 13:52:47) T...

How to manage files and dirs under WSH?

Is it possible to manage files and directories (i.e. get a directory's content, create/copy/delete files, etc.) usig javascript in WSH ? I did a quick look at MSDN and I cant find an object that let me do that. ...

What's the difference between Anonymous, Authenticate, Impersonate and Delegate, and why does Delegate need Kerberos?

When our customers install our software, they often opt for a "split install", where the services run on one box and the database is on another box. The services might talk to other services, or the database might contain stored procedures that need to talk to another database. This leads us into the murky world of Kerberos and SetSPN. ...

Windows Installation Folders

Where do I find a definitive guide as to where, when I am installing a new application into Windows, the application exe's, database tables, configuration files should go? Also guidelines to which registry keys should be used for persisting user and application data. Best regards, Simon ...

How to attach to a already running process noninvasively

I have a process suspended at breakpoint under visual studio debugger. I can attach as many as cdb (Microsoft's console debugger) in non-invasive mode as cdb -p pid -pvr How to achieve the same using my own program which uses Debug Engine API. IDebugClient* debugClient = 0; (DebugCreate( __uuidof(IDebugClient), (void **)&debugCli...

How reliable is file sharing on Windows when using it for a database?

We have an application that produces a database on disk. The database is made of thousand of files. The application can have from 500 to 3000 file's handle opened at the same time. These handle are kept opened and data is continuously written to. Up until now, it worked really well on local hard drive, but when trying to put the datab...

Using Jabber to send network messages

(Also asked over on ServerFault, where I was advised to post it here too) We have a requirement to send desktop alerts to various users (compliance, production) across a network when other users have submitted content online for a report. At present we are using NET SEND but this has no guarantee of delivery and has proved unreliable f...

How can i set window application as light weight in flex ? - still not get answer help me

is it possible can set lightweight type for window application . because i don't want window application icon shows on taskbar . so if it is not possiable ? How can i do ? anybody help me for that ...