I need to call API
CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)lpfnOldProc, hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
Now how can I make sure that lpfnOldProc still valid ?
Basically,lpfnOldProc is procedure in another dll and if that dll is unloaded then lpfnOldProc will still be pointing to something but not valid memory?
Are there some memory API's through w...
when my single IE instance is opened then minimized browser is blinking but while setting task bar property "Group similar task bar button" and if multiple IE instances opened then blinking is not working.
i have written follwoing code for this..
Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>");
Response.Write("var oldTitle = document....
I'm having a problem with an insert query in SQL Server. The full text of the query is
insert into franchise (fran_id, name, address1, address2, city, state, zip, email, phone, text)
values(0, "DevFranchise1", "101 Main St.", "-", "Brighton", "Mi", "48116", "[email protected]", 8105551234, "asdflkjsadf");
Now "state" and "text...
I am using IoWriteErrorLogEntry to log an error to the Windows event log (from a driver). Everything works EXCEPT that messages with Severity = Success (yes, Success is defined as per the msdn documentation) displays in the event log with an error icon.
Is there an issue with using Severity = Success in the system log?
I'm using the Beta 2 version of Visual Studio 2010 to get a head start on learning to use WF4, and have run into a problem with persistence. In the code below, if I use the commented out creattion of a WorkflowApplication object, persistence works fine. If I use the un-commented creation below, where I pass a dictionary for arguments I...
Using Perl, how do I capture a single character from STDIN without needing the user to hit enter (similar to C's getch() function)?
Perl has a getc() function, but according to the perlfunc:
However, it cannot be used by itself to fetch
single characters without waiting for
the user to hit enter.
The perlfunc docs do provides...
Which linux distro is better suited for Python web development?
I currently develop on Windows and it's fine, but I am looking to move my core Python development to Linux. I'm sure most any distro will work fine, but does anyone have any reasons to believe one distro is better than another?
Can g++ and minGW on Windows XP use the Windows SDK?
Specifically, why does g++ fail to compile:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(void) {
printf("!!!Hello World!!!");
I have tried compiling by by running:
g++ -c -Wall Test.cpp -IC:/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Platform\ SDK/Include/
I get a ...
I am new to OpenGl, almost new to C++.
I am looking for some code that does the following things.
Open an OpenGL window (maybe using glut)
Rotate the view point when the user press the left mouse button
zoom when the user press the right mouse button
translate the point of view the user press the central button
Basically what ...
Hi there, I'm writing and app in Python that must be able to send keys or text to other app. For example, If I have Firefox open, I should be able to send it an URL to open it.
I've already have the SendKeys module, and I read about the win32 module too, but I don't know if there's a way to filter out process without open windows.
Any ...
Hi all,
I want to know the current state(SUSPENDED/READY/RUNNING/WAITING state ) of a thread which has been created by CreateThread() api.
How can I find it out?
My developement environment is Visual studio 2008 Expresss edition
also language is C/C++
/renjith g
I'd like to send a chipcard command (an APDU) to a chipcard and read the response from the chipcard.
Because there should be no extra install on the windows system, I'd like to do it within windows powershell.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I'd like to access a web service with a given (simple) WSDL from within windows powershell.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I am looking for a way to yield the remainder of the thread execution's scheduled time slice to a different thread. There is a SwitchToThread function in WINAPI, but it doesn't let the caller specify the thread it wants to switch to. I browsed MSDN for quite some time and haven't found anything that would offer just that.
For an operati...
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 to get a head start on learning to use WF4. I'm working in the designer to create a xaml file. I've added a ForEach activity, and inside that ForEach activity have a flowchart that does some conditional processing. I want to be able to break out of the ForEach if one of the conditions is true, but c...
Possible Duplicate:
Storing a file in the users directory in cross-platform Java
I am working on a java project and the java application ends up making some .class files. Currently, these files are stored inside a projects directory inside the main application directory. Some people who run the application on a network with a ...
I have a third-party (closed-source) application that I'd like to write a heads-up display (HUD) for. The HUD should at the very least be able to:
Render text & graphics on top of the application window
Intercept and forward mouse clicks to the application window
What sorts of languages, APIs, libraries, etc., should I investigate fo...
I'm taking an Introduction to C++ this semester, so I need to set up development environments in both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions (I switch between them). I was planning to use GCC in both environments for consistency and because I plan to do my serious C++ developing in Linux with GCC.
It appears that installing MSYS and MinGW is...
I'm running Windows Server 2003 on a 64-bit Itanium server which is also running 64-bit Oracle 10.2, and I'd like to install cx_Oracle for Python 2.5. I've used cx_Oracle before many times on both Windows and Linux, and I've also compiled it before on 32 bit versions of those platforms, but I've never tried an IA64 compile.
None of the...
I have been developing a Java application using J2EE and a Derby database. My boss does most of the testing and I do most of the coding, but he has come to me with a strange problem. He claims that occasionally the Java application "crashes his computer".
To mention a few details, first let me say that I am currently working remotely, s...