find the current gridControl of current active child form
Dear sir I have create a Grid Control at runtime at multiple child form then how can i find the current gridControl of current active child form.. ...
Dear sir I have create a Grid Control at runtime at multiple child form then how can i find the current gridControl of current active child form.. ...
Hi! On Form I have single select ListBox Control in which I'm displaying list of application users name and set of textboxes for displaying other selected users values. I do databinding to listbox and textboxes with the same biding source: usersListBox.DataSource = null; usersListBox.DataSource = usersBindingSource; ...
Hi, I would need to know how to let the programatically selected node make graphically in the state "selected" like the user clicked on it. SelectedNode only makes this one internally selected. Thank you very much! ...
Hi, is there way (unmanaged maybe?) how to do the ownerdraw functionality on ListBox/ListView/TreeView controls in Compact Framework? Or is there some another controls (free? paid?) with similar functionaly (kinetic scroll for example)? Thanks ...
I need to run 5 algorithms parallely each takes an image as input and gives image as output. After each of these is done, I need to display the 5 output images. I'm using Asynchronous Callback using delegates for this task. So, I created 5 delegates for these 5 algos and calling them like algo1Delegate.BeginInvoke(). Algorithms are run...
In a Windows Forms, .NET 2.0 application, I'm using a ContextMenuStrip control attached to the ContextMenuStrip property of a form. When I right-click the form, the ContextMenuStrip opens at the mouse cursor position. However, when I press the "menu key" on my keyboard, the ContextMenuStrip does not open at the mouse cursor position, it...
If I write: myDataGridView.DataSource = myDataTable.Select(fitlerString); myDataGridView.Sort(myDataGridView.Columns[1], ListSortDirection.Ascending) I get an InvalidOperationException with the Message "DataGridView control must be bound to an IBindingList object to be sorted." but I can't find a way to get a Datatable (instead of a D...
DevExpress GridControl control for WinForms supports BorderStyle property (through it's View), but it seems like it doesn't support BorderColor. Or am I wrong? How can I set BorderColor property for GridControl borders? ...
hi, I have a .doc or .dot file and I'd like to view it in PrintPreviewDialog. I heard that I only can view it if I can load the .doc content into PrintDocument object or atleast paint the content on. Anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance ...
I am trying to migrate a simple WinForms app to a ASP.Net web app. WinForms app is basically only a presentation layer for a complex plain C app, and interacts with legacy code through COM interop. I have modest experience in ASP.Net, javascript, jQuery, and lots of experience in WinForms and interop, so I know the basics, I just need to...
I have a WinForms .exe with an App.config that has a bunch of User Scoped Settings that are set at runtime and saved. I want to be able to use the WinForms app to change and save the settings and then click on button to do some work based on the those settings. I also want to read the user settings in the same .config file from a sep. c...
I've got a query that retrieves around 10000 records from a mysql database, these records I'm reading into a .csv file. Now after 70 records the reader hangs and doesn't do anything anymore. Never had this in my other code until this (maybe the large data that I want to retrieve). My code is something like this: using (var reader = d...
I am using Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon to get the icon of a file , that a user selects, in an openfiledialog. THe problem is if the user selects an icon from a network share then the filename property of the openfiledialog is in UNC format and this causes an exception in ExtractAssocaitedIcon So my question is given a file specified as \...
Hi Cannot understand why this works in a web (changing to WebConfigManager) but not in a winapp.When I go a look at the config file is still not encrypted!!Am I missing something? Can You help? EncryptionUtility.ProtectSection("connectionStrings", "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"); public class EncryptionUtility { public stati...
I'm trying to localise a WinForms app for multiple languages. I'm trying to find a way to set my form labels/buttons text properties to read from the resources file in the designer (rather than having to maintain a chunk of code that sets them programatically). I've found I can set form.Localizable=true, but then the resources are read ...
I know P/invoke can do, but is there a managed way? ...
I have a DateTimePicker control on a form specified like so: dtpEntry.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; dtpEntry.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss"; dtpEntry.ShowUpDown = true; I would like the user to only be able to increment or decrement the time by 5 minute increments. Any suggestions on how one would accomplish this? ...
Given a DataSet instance, is there any way I can find out which controls are bound to it's tables? I want to stop everything binding to the DataSet, something like : foreach (Control cont in dataset.ControlsBoundToMe) { if (cont is DataGrid) { (cont as DataGrid).DataSource = null; } } Thanks ...
I'd like to gather some stats about the usage of my application, and since I already have web stats in Google Analytics, I thought it'd be cool if I could send a request from the app that causes a hit in Analytics, eg. /app/v1.0/debug This would allow me to see how often my app is starting up (or whatever). I had a look online and fou...
Given the following code, how is that I receive an ArguementOutOfRangeException? if (comboBox1.Items.Count > 0) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } This code is in my forms Load event. I know the combo box has items in it, but yet I cannot set the selected index. MSDN says that the ArguementOutOfRangeException is thrown if the specif...