
Generating WSDL when using PHP's native SOAP class?

Hello, I'm using the native SOAP class in PHP 5, having changed from NuSOAP as the native class is faster (and NuSOAP development seems to have ceased). However the PHP 5 SOAP lacks the ability to generate WSDL. Has anyone experience of generating WSDL in PHP? If so, please recommend your preferred method. Thanks. ...

how to generate custom collection type in .Net from WSDL?

I am running a custom application that imports WSDLs and generates C# source code, using WSDLImporter class to read in contracts. XSD sequence types are translated into native arrays. What options can I set in order to be able to generate custom collection types? Schema: <xs:complexType name="getAllSourcesResponse"> <xs:sequence...

Passing array to SOAP function in PHP

Greetings, I can't seem to find a way to create a function request with array as an argument. For example, how do I make this kind of request using PHP SoapClient: <GetResultList> <GetResultListRequest> <Filters> <Filter> <Name>string</Name> <Value>string</Value> </Filter> <Filter> <Name>...

Generating client code with wsdl2js?

I am trying to use wsdl2js to generate the client-side handler of a SOAP request for a WSDL file but running into a few problems. If I use: >wsdl2js -p [projectName] [wsdlFile] it only generates a javascript file, which isn't what I need. If I use wsdl2js -client [wsdlFile] like they demonstrate, I get an "Unexpected option: -...

C# web-service client: multiple web-service methods with same (complex) return type?

Hi there, I am chipping away at building a client for a Java B2B web-service at the moment and I think I have identified the cause of a problem we have been having for quite some time. Unfortunately I'm unable to post the WSDL. Apparently my auto-generated proxy code (via wsdl.exe: have to use WSE 3.0 due to WCF not supporting password...

Extracting Data from a dataset returned from a web service

Hi All, Has anyone a source of the qury language used to extract data returned from a web service. I wrote a web service returnes a dataset, [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [ToolboxItem(false)] // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP... Self Hosted WCF Service WSDL with relative paths

I am working on a WCF application that will be deployed to various servers along the way and I would like to not have to remember to change the app.config every time I do a deployment. At first, my app.config serviceModel section looked like this: <system.serviceModel> <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="false" /> ...

Extract an object schema from wsdl

I have an wsdl file that describes a group of objects, but I want to extract the definition just from a subset of them, is this possible, and if so what's the best way to achieve this? My goal is to generate an XSD schema for that subset. What if you are not using the WSDL generation tools in .NET? Is there a good way to accomplish thi...

Supporting XSDs with attributes in WCF

Hi, We have some XSDs in our project that define types that use attributes, as well as elements, to specify property values, e.g.: <Instrument name="blah"> </Instrument> I use these XSDs to define a schema used by a WSDL, but when I run it through schemagen, the generated code is unwrapped. For example: public interface InstrumentSe...

Using SOAP to access webservices - failing on soapclient()

I'm receiving the following error when using soapclient($myUrl); SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL Here is what I see if a directly access the WSDL link. <element name = "key" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyType"/> <element name = "value" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyType"/> </seq...

genrating WSDL in Ruby

Hi I starting to work with ruby and soap and had some questions : how do I generate a WSDL file for the service I created ? will it be compatible with an .NET client ? Thanks, Gady begin class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer # Handler methods def add(a, b) return a + b end def div(a, b...

AXIS2 generating wrong SOAP Message because of encoding. how to fix it?

QUESTION: how can I use a different encoding (charset and transfer) with axis? Here is my client: public Object[] invoke(String xmlRepresentation) throws CustomApplicationException { Object[] responseWS = null; RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient(); Options options = serviceClient.getOption...

gsoap - WS-Addressing elements in the SOAP Header

Hello All, I need to add WS Addressing in my Soap header (I am using the gsoap framework). Is there a way to add that automatically? I looked up gsoap documentation but didnt find any info on that. So right now I have manually added the WS-Addressing to my SOAP_ENV_Header as shown below struct SOAP_ENV__Header { mustUnderstand _wsa_...

Publishing schema as wcf service trouble

Hi. I'm trying to publish some HL7 schemas (with quite a few ) as wcf services using the "WCF Service Publishing Wizard". The wizard seemingly runs and completes just fine, creating a service that exposes the schemas I want. But when I try to browse the newly created service, I get "Server Application Unavailable"... I looked in the ev...

SOAP WSDL Associative Arrays

Hi all, How can I define an associative array in a SOAP wsdl file? This is how I define an array element type so far: <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="webservice.wsdl" xmlns:soapenc=""&gt; <xsd:import namespace="

Soap returning a HTTP request failed error

I'm getting this error when trying to open a WSDL but I've also tested other valid HTPP address and I'm getting the same error. Could this be something in my php.ini configuration? I have checked allow_url_fopen and that is set to on. here is the exact error: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! ...

WCF, Metadata and BIGIP - Can I force the correct url for the WSDL items?

We have a WCF service hosted on ServerA which is a server with no-direct Internet access and has a non-Internet routable IP address. The service is fronted by BIGIP which handles SSL encryption and decryption and forwards the unencrypted request to ServerA (at the moment it does NOT actually do any load balancing, but that is likely t...

How to add SoapExtension attribute to generated web service client proxy without modifying the generated class?

I have created a SoapExtension class to capture the soap request and response from specific web service calls. In order to put this SoapExtension into effect, I have to add an attribute to the method in the generated proxy client. For example, I've added the AuditSoapCapture attribute to this method: [System.Web.Services.Protoco...

Amazon ItemSearch Availability

I'm using the amazon web services and I was just wondering if anyone knew how I could return unavailable items, I don't exactly wish to purchase them, but to collect statistical information out of them so getting items that aren't available would make my searches much broader. $sc = new SoapClient('

Do you use the 'address' element's 'location' attribute in a WSDL port binding?

My question relates to use of the address element's 'location' attribute in a WSDL port binding. Example WSDL fragment: <wsdl:service name="serviceName"> <wsdl:port binding="tns:serviceNameBIND" name="serviceNameBIND"> <soap:address location="" /> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> I understand that the a...