
How can I generate HTML documentation for a SOAP/WebService class in .Net?

When you start a WebService project in VisualStudio(VS) you do actually see some HTML documentation, but the C# comment help does not make it across to the HTML. You can get a description to come through for each web method by using the Description property of the WebMethod attribute, however this means duplicating text from the comment ...

Adding comments to a WSDL output from WCF/.Net

Hi Guys, based on the WSDL spec from W3 there is the possibility to add "wsdl:document" tags to the WSDL output so that people using that webservice have a better explanation/documentation about this webservice. Does anybody know how to make WCF use these comments/descriptions, or how to write the code in C# that those comments are exp...

What's the difference between the W3 and schemas?

When creating a wsdl file in eclipse it sets the name spaces to: xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="" Why exactly is it using and not the relevant w3 schemas? ...

svcutil soap fault namespace problem

I'm generating client side web service code using svcutil. The wsdl contract I'm using contains a soap fault. When the code is generated the fault seems to be wrapped in the namespace it was defined in the contract. Can anyone explain why? I'm simply running svcutil [filename] Example WSDL: <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="http://sche...

loosly-typed versus strictly typed what are the pros and cons

In our company we have discussion going on whether to allow xml/xsd strucutures (used in webservices) that contain parts that are loosly-typed, in order to make changes to them easier. What do you thing are the pro's and cons of doing one (loosly-typed) or the other (strictly-typed) ? Arguments could be in the categories, of ease of ch...

Simple tool to download all imported/included WSDLs and Schemas

WSDLs often import other WSDLs and XML schema. Given a URL to a WSDL, is there a tool that will download the WSDL and all other referenced WSDLs and schemas? Ideally, this tool would be either Java or Perl friendly. ...

Impossible to use WSDL definition

A systematic breakdown of the problem follows. [Rewritten!] The client code using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; // This is a "sanitized" version of the real deal, of course. In reality I also require to // sign all incomming and outgoing messages and com. over SSL. The basic model is t...

Java Webservice and .NET client dropping DateTime objects

Seeing something strange between a Java web service and the .NET client talking to it. We are sending an object back and forth with a DateTime property on it. Sort of like this (generated from the WSDL): [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.3038")] [System.SerializableAttribute()] [System.Diagnostics.Debugg...

What's wrong with my Python SOAPpy webservice call?

I am playing around trying to call a simple SOAP webservice using the following code in the Python interpreter: from SOAPpy import WSDL wsdl = "" proxy = WSDL.Proxy(wsdl) proxy.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut=1 proxy.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn=1 proxy.GetWhoIS(HostName="") (Yep, I'm ne...

How to implement a sharepoint lists webservice

I want to implement a web-service that uses the same interface as the Lists web service in sharepoint. I do not want to run this through sharepoint. What is a good way to get started in this? I have tried to use the wsdl.exe tool to generate some wrapper classes but the generated wrappers seem to have punted on the structure parameters ...

Generating HTML documentation from WSDL

What are your approaches to generating some sort of human-readable documentation from WSDLs? In the past I've used WSDL viewer (by Tomi Vanek) (see my blog post about integrating it into NAnt) and I'm happy with the results, but I'm interested in any possible alternatives. I've also heard of x3sp, but I haven't tried it. ...

Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients

I need to get unmanaged Windows C++ clients to talk to a WCF service. C++ clients could be running on Win2000 and later. I have a control over both WCF service and which C++ API is being used. Since it's for a proprietary application, it is preferable to use Microsoft stuff where possible, definitely not GNU licensed APIs. Those of you w...

Flex 3 - Multiple WSDL, but same service

Hi. I am trying to deploy an AIR application. I have a WSDL located on the server, but I don't always want to use this. For development and for some clients, I want it to use a localhost wsdl. But only if the localhost has a valid WSDL. How do I go about checking for the localhost and how do I build the calls to the service? I don't want...

ruby WSDL error

I'm banging my head against the wall on this error. After generating my classes out with wsdl2ruby, when I go to post a sale against the webservice I get the following error. SOAP::FaultError: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.marquis.eomis.canteeninventoryandsales.resource.canteenSale.CanteenSaleContent - use...

Web service response is null, but SOAP message response is valid

I am writing a web service starting with writing the WSDL. I have been generating server-side skeleton code using wsimport and then writing my own implementing class. I'm running the web service on an Axis2 server. When using soapUI, the SOAP messages coming to and from the service look fine, but when using a web service client, I'm g...

Recommendations for Soap Webservice Testing Apps

I was looking for some recommendations for testing SOAP webservices. I want to be able to create requests from WSDL, see those requests, and inspect responses. I would also like it to work with WS* compliant services (such as when using WCF wsHttpBinding). Any suggestions? ...

Best way to do arrays in gsoap, considering WSDL compliance and performance

I'm using gsoap to generate an XML SOAP parser and WSDL grammar, and was wondering what is the recommended way to express a static array that is both fast to parse and generates a corresponding WSDL that passes all the validation tests (like Eclipse WSDL Validator or NetBeans Validate XML). If I use this input into gsoap: struct ns__Ar...

Connecting to multiple web services via soap in C#

I'm building a service that aggregates a bunch of data from multiple soap web services. There's a standard on what the web service call and soap package is supposed to look like. But of course, everybody's version is just a little bit different primarily in namespace usage. Is there any why in c# to dynamically fetch a wsdl and create th...

File from SOAP, how to save?

I am working with a client on getting a gzip from their webservice. I am able to get a response with my following call: $response = $client->call('branchzipdata', $param); $filename = "test.gzip"; if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (fwrite($handle, $response) === FALSE) { ...

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

Delphi only supports SOAP 1.1, and includes a WSDL importer. Is there a 'litmus test' to see if a web service uses SOAP 1.1 or 1.2, based on the information in the WSDL? ...