
How do I export GUI mockups to Python GUI code (e.g. wxpython)?

I want to take my mockups and export them to code using any python GUI library (wxpython, pyqt, etc). For example, this capability already exists for mockups->HTML/Javascript here: http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups/community I need a fast, easy, high level mockup tool like balsamiq, not a slow, low level tool like boa constructo...

Cannot format first column in WxPython's ListCtrl

If I set the format of the first column in a ListCtrl to align centre (or align right) nothing happens. It works for the other columns. This only happens on Windows - I have tested it on Linux and it works fine. Does anyone know if there is a work-round or other solution? Here is an example based on code found at http://zetcode.com/wxp...

wxPython: VirtualTreeListCtrl with millions of items

I would like to add 1,000,000+ entries to the root node of a TreeListCtrl. Therefore I would like to make it "virtual", i.e. work just like a virtual ListCtrl so that it's still fast and I can easily scroll around due to the currently-displayed items being loaded on-demand. But I can't use a virtual ListCtrl because I also want to be abl...

How to draw a translucent rectangle on a static text?

Hello, I draw a tranlucent rectangle on my panel but on the places that have static text's the rectangle is not filled. I've drawn rectangles inside each static text but when I do that, the correspondent text doesn't happear. How can I draw a translucent rectangle inside the statix text without making the text disappear? The code is ...

How to merge (join) two wx.bitmap using wxpython?

Hello, I have one wx.emptybitmap (1) and one wx.bitmap (2). I want to merge(join) them.. I want to create a single wx.bitmap that consists on the wx.emptybitmap (1) on the top and wx.bitmap (2) on the bottom. How can I do that? Thanks in advance! :D ...

wxPython MDI paradigm replaced with what on Linux

I would like to create some accounting modules (AR, AP, GL, etc) on Linux using wxPython. Having done this on Windows using MDI paradigm. I have read in the PyWiki the MDI has fallen out of favor and that it is not really used on Linux in X Windows. Could some one point me to information regarding this and how it would be done in Linu...

how to connect my app python code to gui??

i had made a program for text to speech convertion in python..and now want to make an gui for it... i have installed wxpython..and have been trying few example available online to understand,but i am not exactly understanding it.. i basically want a frame and a text box to enter text and a button...on clicking the button it the text in...

How to put a Windows UAC Shield overlay on a button using wxPython?

I have a button that will launch a process that requires UAC elevation. I want to display the Windows UAC shield overlay on the button, how do I do this in wxPython? The application is only going to run on Windows, so I don't need to worry about it not working on other systems. edit 2: Got it: BCM_SETSHIELD = 0x0000160C btn_apply = wx....

Editing Specific column in a wx.ListCtrl

I have defined a wx.ListCtrl. class FileList(wxw.ListCtrl, CheckListCtrlMixin, ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin): style = wx.LC_REPORT | wx.BORDER_NONE | wx.LC_SORT_ASCENDING | \ wx.LC_VRULES | wx.LC_HRULES | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL | wx.LC_EDIT_LABELS sizerProportion = 1 sizerFlag = wx.EXPAND): pass I want a specific column to be editable ...

Controlling Music and Video in Python

I'm trying to write a karaoke program in python. Every karaoke software has basic functionality like seeking in the video as well as modulating the pitch of music by half steps. What are some modules that I can use to permit this functionality? I'm going to use wxPython to write the gui portion if that makes a difference! ...

Getting a WxPython panel item to expand

I have a WxPython frame containing a single item, such as: class Panel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.text = wx.StaticText(self, label='Panel 1') I have a frame containing several panels, including this one, and dimensions are ruled by sizers. I would like this StaticTex...

Eclipse and WX compatibility issue

Hi, I decided to give PyDev and Eclipse a try. I have compatible version of Python (2.6.5) and wx, but when I try to run a program with PyDev/Eclipse I get the following error: import wx File "/var/tmp/wxWidgets/wxWidgets-13~231/2.6/DSTROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/wx-2.8-mac-unico...

wxPython taskbar icon events don't work as expected

Using wxPython (I am completely new to it), I have created a taskbar icon based on the wxPython demo code. The icon's menu opens upon rightclick of the taskbar icon. However I would want it to do something specific on left click as well. I've tried implementing this by listening for the EVT_TASKBAR_CLICK event, as in the 3rd Bind line i...

wxPython App - Ensure All Dialogs are Destroyed

I'm working on an application that will need to use a variety of Dialogs. I'm having trouble getting events bound in a way that ensures that my Dialogs are destroyed properly if someone closes the application before dismissing the dialogs. I would expect to use something like this: class Form(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self): wx.Dial...

how to bind actions to a listbox wxpython

so here is my code: import wx from ConfigParser import * class settings(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,'Frame aka window', size=(500,500)) panel=wx.Panel(self) configuration = ConfigParser() configuration.read('SerialReader.conf') self.ACTIVE_MES...

How to layout all children of a wxPanel?

I have a wxPython application which allows the users to select items from menus that then change what is visible on the screen. This often requires a recalculation of the layout of panels. I'd like to be able to call the layout of all the children of a panel (and the children of those children) in reverse order. That is, the items wit...

Passing variables/functions between imported modules

I'm going to throw out some pseudocode. Then explain what I want, because I am not sure how to otherwise. File_A class Panel_A(wx.Panel) def __init__(self): button_a = wx.Button(parent=self) def onButton(self, event): pass to list view File_B class Panel_B(wx.panel): def __init__(self): listview_a =...

Reisze wx.Dialog horizontally only

Is there a way to allow a custom wx.Dialog to be resized in the horizontal direction only? I've tried using GetSize() and then setting the min and max height of the window using SetSizeHints(), but for some reason it always allows the window to be resized just a little, and it looks rather tacky. The only other alternative I have come up...

Flicker-free drawable ScrolledWindow

I'm trying to build a ScrolledWindow that you can draw on using the mouse, and it's working too, but I'm getting a nasty flicker when the user is drawing on the window while the scrollbars aren't in the "home" position.. To reproduce, run the attached program, scroll a bit down (or to the right) and "doodle" a bit by keeping the left mo...

wxPython Panel problem

import wx class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, mytitle, mysize): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, mytitle, size=mysize) panel1 = wx.Panel(self) panel2 = wx.Panel(self) panel3 = wx.Panel(self) panel1.SetBackgroundColour("green") panel2.SetBackgroundColour("yell...