
Generate Spring bean definition from a Java object

Let's suggest that I have a bean defined in Spring: <bean id="neatBean" class="com..." abstract="true">...</bean> Then we have many clients, each of which have slightly different configuration for their 'neatBean'. The old way we would do it was to have a new file for each client (e.g., clientX_NeatFeature.xml) that contained a bunch...

How do I stop and empty tag in XML serializer?

I have an object like this, public class UserObj { public string First {get; set;} public string Last {get; set;} public addr Address {get; set;} } public class addr { public street {get; set;} public town {get; set;} } Now when I use XmlSerializer on it and street and town are empty I get this in the XML outp...

Deserializing XML to an Auto-Generated Proxy Class

I'm trying to deserialize a parameter being passed into a web service call using XML Serialization. I am targeting the type of the proxy class that is generated by Visual Studio when referencing the web service. The deserialization appears to work except(no exceptions) yet none of the xml fields are mapped to their corresponding proper...

Problem creating XML using c#

I am searching a batter solution for creating xml through xml serialization. What i need, i have a given format like this <product Id="1"> <name>2 1/2 X 6 PVC NIPPLE TOE SCH 80</name> <notes> <note>!--note 1---</note> <note>!--note 2--</note> ...... </notes> </product> what i am doing here, i created a 2 cla...

Formatting dates when serialising an object in C# (2.0)

Hi, I'm xml-serializing a object with a large number of properties and I have two properties with DateTime types. I'd like to format the dates for the serialized output. I don't really want to implement the IXmlSerializable interface and overwrite the serialization for every property. Is there any other way to achieve this? (I'm using...

Unmarshalling an array of objects and arrays

Hi I'm very new to XML, and webservices but I'm recieving XML from a SOAP webservice that looks kind of like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <ArrayOfCreditCardSettlement xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Borgun.Library.Common"&gt; <ns0:CreditCardSettlement xmlns="http://Borgun.Services...

C# XML Serializable Error

i am trying to XML serialize a class object but having the following problem: the code compiles fine and the messagebox displays all the correct data but when i view the XML it does not seem to include the data for the actual transfer i.e. FireGridLocation data is missing from the XML. XmlSerializer s; StringWriter w; ...

Best way to get a Web Service to return a database result as XML?

I am building a webservice using jax-rs and querying a DB2 z/OS database with SQLJ and getting the result set as an arraylist. I would like to return this list as XML, but not sure how to do it. Does anyone have an example of returning a result set as XML and is using an Arraylist the best way to do this? Should I use JAXB? if so how? ...

"The specified type was not recognized" exception when trying to invoke a webservice call

I'm trying to call a third party webservice using WSE 3.0 as a client in Visual Studio 2005. The call works fine and I can see that I get a good response (I have tracing enabled), but apparently the xml parser chokes over it. I always get an InvalidOperationException: There is en error in the XML document. with an InnerException: ...

.NET XML Serialization, possibly to use a different method name than PropertySpecified for ignoring properties?

I have a bunch of classes that I intend to serialize in order to transport over a webservice call. These classes already have properties that return whether a given "real" property has a value or not, that is ingrained in a lot of code of our product. Is it possible, for instance through attributes, for me to specify that each "real" p...

How to rebuild C# Class from XML

I would like to save an instance of a c#.NET class in SQL for later retrieval. I am able to use LINQ to SQL to add a record complete with all the xml that makes up the class. Now how do I retrieve that xml and reconstruct the class object instance? ...

Passing Large amount of data in PHP.

I would like to know what is the best way to pass a large amount of XML data from one PHP script to another. I have a script that reads in an XML feed of jobs. I would like to have the script display a list of the job titles as links. When the user clicks a link they would be taken to another page displaying the details for that job. T...

Add namespace to XmlTextWriter using C#

Hi, I have an serializeable class that his root is serizlized to XmlRootAttribute with namespace. I want to add additional namespace to this root elemt, how can i do it? adding XmlAttribute failed to compile. The code: [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Root", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope", IsNullable =...

How to serialize a Linq to Sql object graph without hiding the child's "Parent" member

Without hiding the Child object's reference to the Parent object, has anyone been able to use an XmlSerializer() object to move a Linq to SQL object to an XML document, or is the only appropriate way of handling this to create a custom serialization/deserialization class to handle moving the data to/from the xml document? I don't like t...

Customizing Rails XML rendering to include extra properties

Let's say I have a model like this: create_table :ninjas do |t| t.string name end And the Ninja class with an extra property: class Ninja < ActiveRecord::Base def honorific "#{name}san" end end And in my controller I just want to render it to XML: def show render :xml => Ninja.find(params[:id]) end The honorific part...

Forcing WCF proxy to generate an alias prefix

To comply with a clients schema, I've been attempting to generate a WCF client proxy capable of serializing down to a structure with a root node that looks like the following: <quote:request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:quote="https://foo.com/service...

XML serialization query

I have the following XML which needs deserializing/serializing: <instance> <dog> <items> <item> <label>Spaniel</label> </item> </items> </dog> <cat> <items> <item> <label>Tabby</label> </item> </items> </cat> </instance> I cannot change the XML structure. I need ...

How to configure a Custom Datacontract Serializer or XMLSerializer

Im haveing some xml that have this structure <Person Id="*****" Name="*****"> <AccessControlEntries> <AccessControlEntry Id="*****" Name="****"/> </AccessControlEntries> <AccessControls /> <IdentityGroups> <IdentityGroup Id="****" Name="*****" /> </IdentityGroups></Person> and i also have this entities [DataContrac...

WCF MessageContract Help - MessageBodyMember with hyphenated name

Hi All, I need a bit of WCF help. This project uses message contracts. The transport seems to work ok. I have this code for a response type. namespace tpoke.Contracts { [MessageContract(IsWrapped = true)] public class AuthenticationResponseMC { [MessageBodyMember(Name = "authentication-token")] public Guid Authenticatio...

How to support both DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer for the same contract on the same host?

In our production environment, our WCF services are serialized with the XMLSerializer. To do so our service interfaces have the [XMLSerializerFormat] attribute. Now, we need to change to DataContractSerializer but we must stay compatible with our existing clients. Therefore, we have to expose each service with both serializers. We have ...