
How do I view java log files in Eclipse

I am running some JUnit tests in Eclipse, and my code is generating an XML log file using the java logging APIs. (java.util.logging). Is there an easy way to view this XML log output in Eclipse, other than reading the raw XML? Specifically I want to be able to easily see what threads different log messages have come from. ...

Swing GUI generator for XML

My application has an XML configuration file which users now edit in a text editor. I want to provide a (Swing) form for editing this configuration. I have a DTD for the XML, but the application does not accept all XML documents validated by the DTD i.e. the application imposes more restrictions than those in the DTD. I was about to sta...

Why are HTML character entities necessary?

Why are HTML character entities necessary? What good are they? I don't see the point. ...

Is this possible using XSLT?

I have 2 xml files. I would like wite xsl program that eliminates (and create an new xml) all the nodes of SearchApp_MA_Request from SearchApp_LA_Request when Field4 and field5 and field6 are same in both files. SearchApp_LA_Request.xml <Request> <Rows> <Row1> <Field1>Item1</Field1> <Field2>I...

How do I get MySQL query-results using -initWithContentsOfURL ?

I have a server-side php-script that fetches results from a MySQL table. I am trying to retrieve these results from within an iPhone OS app. I am using the following method: NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.someurl.com/login.php?id=anid"]; NSArray *sqlResults = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:myURL]; //Show me wh...

XmlSerializer.Serialize ambiguous.

I have create testing application that has 3 classes Car Radio SportCar : Car (has a Radio) As the serialize process when I create instance of XmlSerializer object I use 2 object to testing XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SportCar)); and XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof(SportCar),...

How can I strip invalid XML characters from strings in Perl?

I'm looking for what the standard, approved, and robust way of stripping invalid characters from strings before writing them to an XML file. I'm talking here about blocks of text containing backspace (^H) and formfeed characters etc. There has to be a standard library/module function for doing this but I can't find it. I'm using XML::L...

PHP and parsing XML question

I'm building a web form in which administrators on my site can add XML to a textarea and submit it to be stored in a database table, but I'm a little confused as to the best method of parsing the XML. The PHP script needs to parse the XML and if there are any parse errors it should return the error message and line/column where the pars...

Are there any programming languages that support xml natively?

If there are any then how deeply is xml integrated into language? What primitives are used to manipulate xml document? PS. I'm not interested in declarative languages such as SQL, XPath, XSLT :) ...

XML to nest folder content

Hi, I have a project to update all reports on an SSRS instance and thought I would get a list of all reports into Excel so I can tick them off as I update each one. Easy I thought. I dont use it often (at all) but XML seemed to lend itself to this. I would have something like: <Server> <ReportFolder> <ReportFolder> <Report>...

Editing an XML file with JavaScript?

Hey guys, I'm just learning JavaScript and I have a question I hope someone can answer. Is it possible to get an XML file (not HTML) from a server, add/remove/edit particular parts of it with client-side JavaScript, and then send it back to the server to save it? JSON or any other markup/data interchange format works too. ...

@ in AndroidManifest.xml file

From the O'Reilly book "Android Application Development " by Rick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks & Blake Meike: page 23: <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/hello" /> page 44: <application android:icon="@drawable/icon2"> What is the meani...

C# Transaction

I am looking to implement database like transactions in C#. I am processing multiple XML files. Any particular XML file can call child XML file during processing. The processor will start processing child XML file. If initialization conditions fail or there is an exception, then I want to resume processing parent XML file. This is the re...

How do I specify in an XML schema where I don't care about the name of an element?

I'm trying to parse XML files and I would like to provide a schema to validate against however, since I don't care about some of the tag names, I would like to allow users to specify anything for certain tags. Example XML: <root> <record> <data1>foo</data1><data2>bar</data2> </record> <record> <data2>foo2</d...

.NET Serialization Ordering

Hi, I am trying to serialize some objects using XmlSerializer and inheritance but I am having some problems with ordering the outcome. Below is an example similar to what I have setup: ~ public class SerializableBase { [XmlElement(Order = 1)] public bool Property1 { get; set;} [XmlElement(Order = 3)] public bool Prope...

Serialize Python dictionary to XML

Hi, There is simple JSON serialization module with name "simplejson" which easily serializes Python objects to JSON. I'm looking for similar module which can serialize to XML. Thank you ...

Writing an object to XML

What ways there are for doing a one way XML serialization in .Net? XmlSerializer won't write properties that don't have a public setter. While this limitation is understandable for deserialization I would be satisfied with just serialization for web use. The JSON.Net serialization works great in this situation as it serializes the full o...

Deleting Multiple Nodes in Single XQuery for SQL Server

I have: a table with an xml type column (list of IDs) an xml type parameter (also list of IDs) What is the best way to remove nodes from the column that match the nodes in the parameter, while leaving any unmatched nodes untouched? e.g. declare @table table ( [column] xml ) insert @table ([column]) values ('<r><i>1</i><i>2</i>...

dom4j SAXReader - stop parsing

I am parsing an XML file with SAXReader and would like to stop after a certain amount of time (timeout) in case the file is too large. At a high level, I would like to throw a SAXException in the ContentHandler (in, say, startElement). The idea is described here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipsaxstop/ However, dom4...

AndroidManifest.xml <manifest> package attribute has no namespace.

From the O'Reilly book "Android Application Development " by Rick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks & Blake Meike: page 44: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.microjobsinc.mjandroid" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> The XML code above has the package attrib...