
Python looping to read and parse all in a directory

class __init__: path = "articles/" files = os.listdir(path) files.reverse() def iterate(Files, Path): def handleXml(content): months = ['', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] parse = re.compile('<(.*?)>(.*?)<(...

escape simpleXML errors

&lt;!-- MEMCACHE empty --&gt; The above is now causing issues for a script as it is now placed at the top of the XML files I'm trying to remotely access. simpleXML doesn't like the fact the XML file is no longer well formed. I tried escaping the errors but that didn't seem the do the trick. Can anyone point me in the direction on how ...

Insights on how to get celltext with linebreaks from a spreadsheet to a XML

So, I'm trying to get the content from a cell in an ODS spreadsheet. I'm doing something like: <xsl:value-of select="./table:table-cell[6]/text:p/text()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> The nasty point is that the content of my table-cell have many line breaks and my code can't get to the full text =/ I also tried many variations ...

Problem with libxml character enconding on win32

While parsing some html files with libxml the function xmlParseFile() returns that the code includes non UTF-8 characters How can i modify the default charset of the library to ISO-8859-1 ? Is there any other way to solve this ? PS: The entire development is based on libxml and works in most cases so I can't switch to another library. ...

Adding recurring event to Google Calendar via XML

I am trying to add a recurring event to my calendar via the Protocol API. I took the syntax of the recurrence tag from an event I created in Google's interface and used that in my create request. Here is what I submitted: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?> <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.googl...

How to read CDATA in XML file with PowerShell?

I am having a difficult time reading an XML file with Cdata inside. in $xmlsource <list> <topic> <topicTitle>Test</topicTitle> <topicDetail><![CDATA[<br>randomHTMLhere</br>]]></topicDetail> </topic> </list> powershell [xml]$xml = get-content $xmlsource foreach ($topic in $xml.list) { $topic.topicTitle $top...

XML validation against given DTD in PHP

In PHP, I am trying to validate an XML document using a DTD specified by my application - not by the externally fetched XML document. The validate method in the DOMDocument class seems to only validate using the DTD specified by the XML document itself, so this will not work. Can this be done, and how, or do I have to translate my DTD t...

Mysterious message: XmlManager: ParseEntity: MessagingEngine is null

I keep seeing this message in my log file: XmlManager: ParseEntity: MessagingEngine is null Not sure where is comes from or what it means... I've tried to google it with no luck... Any ideas where it is coming from? Thanks ...

Jquery, xml and variables

I'm trying to use xml data to insert as a variable for an animation but am fairly clueless. What am I doing wrong and how far off am I? $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "data.xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(xml) { $(xml).find('mon').each(function(){ var top = $(t...

JAXB is good until I need to do something complex. What are the alternatives?

JAXB works well until I need to do something like serialize beans for which I cannot modify the source. If the bean doesn't have a default constructor or if it refers to objects I want to mark transient then I'm stuck writing a separate bean which I can annotate and then manually copy the information over from the other bean. For instan...

Merging similar xml documents

I have several XDocuments that look like: <Test> <element location=".\jnk.txt" status="(modified)"/> <element location=".\jnk.xml" status="(overload)"/> </Test> In C#, I create a new XDocument: XDocument mergedXmlDocs = new XDocument(new XElement("ACResponse")); And try to add the nodes from the other XD...

Remove colon and convert it to number in XSLT

I have a element in XML: <duration>00:08:90</duration>. I am using XSLT to create a XML with elements required for my system. Firstly I want my XSLT to remove the colons to look like this: 000890 Then I want to do a if-test to check whether this number is less than (<) 001000 ...

Compile to xslt?

The answer to this may very well be no, as much searching has turned up nothing. I thought long ago I saw something like this, but it may all have been a mirage. Basically, it's so atrociously awful writing xslt out by hand. It's not the functional paradigm that bothers me. What bothers me is the fact that it uses XML based syntax. I wo...

SQL Server 2005 XML data type

UPDATE: This issue is note related to the XML, I duplicated the table using an nvarchar(MAX) instead and still same issue. I will repost a new topic. I have a table with about a million records, the table has an XML field. The query is running extremely slow, even when selecting just an ID. Is there anything I can do to increase the spe...

Strict xml validation in php

I'm trying to fully validate an xml file which may be published by a user before it's fully published and live - it's basically somewhat like a sitemap.xml and it absolutely can't be published without being error-proof ( yes, I do have my own custom dtd for it as well ). I was also thinking of implementing a storage system so it would s...

Carriage return in XmlNode Innertext

Hi all, I'm using System.Xml to parse a xml file I generated. Some of the inner text of the nodes contains carriage return like this: " \r\n[...]\r\n ". Thant is because I used Visual Studio to format it before I parse it. Is there any way that remove the carriage return added by formating tools? Thanks! Edit @Jon: Real...

XML parser error

Hi, I've an xml file of size 83,383 KB on a windows server.I load this file using MS xml parser and it works fine. When I copy this file to another windows server, the size of file becomes 83,392 KB.When i load this file using MS xml parser, I get xml parser error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1116371, position 8." ...

How do you install lxml on OS X Leopard without using MacPorts or Fink?

I've tried this and run in to problems a bunch of times in the past. Does anyone have a recipe for installing lxml on OS X without MacPorts or Fink that definitely works? Preferably with complete 1-2-3 steps for downloading and building each of the dependencies. ...

Impressive DocBook example?

So far I've only come across very bland docbook examples. I'm sure DocBook can do a LOT but does anybody have examples where styling is done and a really impressive PDF can be generated? ...

Sorting XML nodes based on DateTime attribute C#, XPath (refer to an old post)

Hello everybody. I'm referring to this old post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/344737/sorting-xml-nodes-based-on-datetime-attribute-c-xpath I put my question today (it is visible in the bottom) but I'm afraid it won't be visible since the post is old... so I'm asking as new question... I tryed a piece of code by Timothy Khouri bu...