
OO Objective-C design with XML parsing

Hi, I need to parse an XML record that represents a QuizQuestion. The "type" attribute tells the type of question. I then need to create an appropriate subclass of QuizQuestion based on the question type. The following code works ([auto]release statements omitted for clarity): QuizQuestion *question = [[QuizQuestion alloc] initWithXMLS...

Looking for a generic way to handle Linq reports & return results in XML

I'm designing a reporting engine for my project. The project will have several reports, each of which can be expressed as a Linq query; some will have parameters, while others won't. Now in order to meet my clients' requirements, I need to return the results of the queries in XML format, so that they can apply an XSL transform to make ...

JQuery xml/xhtml processing

Using JQuery I am sending an Ajax GET to a web server. The web server is replying with an xml block like this; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <ajax-response> <response> some response here </response> <response> some response here </response> </ajax-response> The jQuery get looks like this; jQuery.get(...

Fetching feeds by date

I want to be fetching feeds from a site on a daily basis. I only want to fetch the present day's feeds alone. Is there a way i can specify the date i intend to fetch as a parameter or i will just need to check the date of each fetched feed and stop fetching when the date is not the present day's date? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I force an XSLT result tree to serialize with a particular default namespace?

I'm trying to strip the namespace qualifiers from a document, while retaining the document namespace as the default: <foo:doc xmlns:foo='somenamespace'> <foo:bar /> </foo:doc> To <doc xmlns='somenamespace'> <bar/> </doc> (I know, this is meaningless, but our client doesn't get XML and uses string comparisons to find informa...

Multiple XML with data linking?

I am not sure if this is possible, I am working on a website that I do not have access to any kind of MYSQL or database. Nor any PHP. Cheap Client Regardless I have 3 XML files with different parts of data, I have placed a "key" that matches each other. I believe a simple IF statement will do the matching. However what is the best way...

AJAX XML reply node value iteration

Hi there, guys. I would really appreciate to get your help on this, as I can't seem to detect and solve the problem I'm having with an AJAX functionality on a site that I'm currently developing. I have a webform that makes an asynchronous call to a handler (.ashx) that delivers a XML response that is later processed by a Javascript cli...

Asp.net XMLwriter CData Escape Characters

I use ASP.net VB.net to write a XML file. In one of the element which is called "Description" i have to add a "<![CData[Class : <b>Class Name</b><br>Price: 100,000.00]]>". Using, strDes = "<![CDATA[Class : <b>" + myReader.GetSqlValue(4).ToString + "</b><br>Price: " + myReader.GetSqlValue(7).ToString + "]]>" XMLwrite.WriteElementS...

Cocoon - Pipeline: Transform XML with XSL twice ?

Hey there, My problem is to setup the Cocoon sitemap.xmap in a way, that it first makes a transformation of an XML file with XSL, which I can then use for my own transformation. I have following files: start.xml : Contains references of files which are put together applying combine_start.xsl transform.xsl: This is my own XSL file whi...

Javascript works in FF / IE but not Chrome / Safari

I'm working on a Drupal 6 module where I use jquery (and more specifically, the $.ajax method) to retrieve a RSS feed from Yahoo's weather API. I decided against using the JFeed library because I need access to the elements with "yweather" prefix (and I couldn't find a way of accessing them via JFeed). I decided to use the $.ajax method ...

Rendering of a form in winforms and asp.net dynamically

Hi, I have values stored in the database describing panels, combos, textboxes, labels etc...to be dynamically generated based on what the user set it up to be on a setup form, mainly used for input, including validation rules and datatypes to be specified during the setup of the form. Problem is, I need to render the "Form" in both w...

Writing to and retriveing from a file: List in Flex!!

Hi People :) , I am Totally new to flex and Action script.. I have a List control in my Air application. When I install the application I want a file created automatically on the local folder, and then when I start using the application .i.e. start typing in the List control, after exiting the application I want this data saved in that ...

convert name value pairs to xml

given a bunch of data in the form of name-value pairs how can i construct that into xml? eg: Title : Mr Name : John Surname : Doe as valid xml sililar to: <Data> <Title>Mr</Title> <Name >John</Name > <Surname >Doe</Surname > </Data> ...

Filtering XML nodes in Java | XSLT or Parser

Hi All, I've a big XML data returned by SAP. Of this, I need only few nodes, may be 30% of the returned data. After googling, I got to know that I can filter the nodes in either of the ways: Apply XSLT templates - Have seen some nice solutions, which i want, in this site only. Using a parser - use JDOM or SAX parser. which is the e...

Best data/display choice for 'simple' address book application

I've started hacking together a little application for managing a list of addresses and contacts. I fancied going the way of using XmlSerialization on custom objects, but have come up against a first hurdle in that I can't sort a DataGridView on a custom object collection without implementing BindingList. Which has got me wondering whet...

How to format an XML with closing nodes and tags on a new line?

I'm modifying some .vcrpoj files in .NET but when I save them the formatting changes (which wrecks havoc with my diff tool), the original files look like this: <VisualStudioProject ProjectType="Visual C++" Version="8.00" > <Platforms> <Platform Name="Win32" /> </Platforms> <ToolFiles> </ToolFiles> But when I save the changes it lo...

XML Serialization of KeyValuePairCollection - Only One Entry is getting serialized When Only One Entry is Present

This is my KeyValue collection KeyValuePairCollection<int,string> KV=new KeyValuePairCollection<int,string>(); KV.Key = 1; KV.Value = "Chapter1"; KV.Key = 2; KV.Value = "Chapter2"; KV.Key = 3; KV.Value="Chapter3"; I serialized the collection using the code below StreamWriter txtWrt=null; string m_ArraylstfileName = @"d:\XML\Generics...

Converting xml to yaml with Ruby and Hpricot - what's going wrong here?

I'm trying to output an xml file blog.xml as yaml, for dropping into vision.app, a tool for designing shopify e-commerce sites locally. Shopify's yaml looks like this: - id: 2 handle: bigcheese-blog title: Bigcheese blog url: /blogs/bigcheese-blog articles: - id: 1 title: 'One thing you probably did not know yet...' ...

Read only when the XML data is updated

Hello guys, I'm able to parse RSS with PHP - What I'm looking for is to be able to get only the updated content, and do nothing if there's no new update to the RSS. For example, I have this RSS File, and if there's no new content, nothing happens, but if there's a new content, I want to send my users the latest RSS update, and not res...

Is it possible to have HTML text or CDATA inside an XML attribute?

I keep getting "XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute" with my parser when I attempt to put HTML text or CDATA inside my XML attribute. Is there a way to do this or is this not allowed by the standard? ...