
How do I add a document type to an XDocument?

I have an existing XDocument object that I would like to add an XML doctype to. For example: XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse("<a>test</a>"); I can create an XDocumentType using: XDocumentType doctype = new XDocumentType("a", "-//TEST//", "test.dtd", ""); But how do I apply that to the existing XDocument? ...

PHP Dom XML Parsing on empty self closing tags

HI Guys, I'm using DOM to parse an xml file. And I am having trouble catching an error that throws when the XML tag is empty and self closed. eg. <Title /> $xml=("http://www.exampleUrl.com/xmltoparse.xml"); $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load($xml); $x=$xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('Root'); for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) { $id=...

How does the Six Apart Update Stream work?

Six Apart has this neat service that streams out LiveJournal, Vox, etc. updates: http://www.sixapart.com/labs/update/developers/ It also has the interesting ability to know if the client has missed parts of the feed. I've tinkered with writing a similar service for myself, and while I've gotten it to stream okay, I'm ashamed to admit ...

How to load data from xml with condition?

How can I load data from an xml file into a DataTable with a condition? ...

How to add an existing Xml string into a XElement

How to add an existing Xml string into a XElement? This code var doc = new XDocument( new XElement("results", "<result>...</result>") ); of course produces this <results>&lt;result&gt;&lt;/result&gt;</results> but I need this <results><result>...</result></results> Any ideas? ...

Save text form TinyMCE Editor to XML file?

I write an web page to load text form an XML file to edit on TinyMCE editor. But when i write xml it contain special character like this: &lt;p&gt;&aacute;dasd&lt;/p&gt; and when i try to read that XMl file again it break. Anybody can tell me how to fix that bug:(. Thanks you verry much. ...

How do I access data from local XML files in a webOS application on the Palm Pre?

I am new at Mojo framework and Palm webOS. I want to just retrieve data from XML files using xmlhttprequest (Ajax). I am trying to get data from following script. this.items = []; var that = this; var request = new Ajax.Request("first/movies.xml", { method: 'get', evalJSON: 'false', onSuccess:function...

Problems with displaying XML-based layout and adding text dynamically

Hi, I have a LinearLayout defined in XML that I want to use repeatedly to display elements of a list. The XML-layout looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wr...

SQL Server XML Data Type query issue.

Please see below SQL Server 2005 script Declare @xmlData XML SET @xmlData = '<?xml version="1.0"?> <bookstore xmlns="http://myBooks"&gt; <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-11-0"> <title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title> <author> <first-name>Benjamin</first-name> <l...

HTML + RPC server

I plan to write a server which will be accessed through both an AJAX Web interface and a client program I will write. The two interfaces will provide similar functions. For example, users can sign up using either Web or client interface (think Skype). The client shall use RPC over HTTP to communicate with the server. Is there any server...

Create an XML file using C#

Please suggest me a method to save an XML file to the current installation directory of the application created using C#. ...

Modify an XML node using [MS] XSLT Script

I would like to select a node and modify its attributes and child-nodes using an xsl:script function. In addition, templates matching child-nodes of that node should STILL perform their job (after script is done processing the node). Can it be done using XSLT? Can you please provide an example / skeleton for such a transformation? ...

Add HTML 5 doctype to XDocument (.NET)

When creating a doctype for an System.Xml.Linq.XDocument like this: doc.AddFirst(new XDocumentType("html", null, null, null)); The resulting saved XML file starts with: <!DOCTYPE html > Notice the extra space before the closing angle bracket. How can I prevent this space appearing? I'd like a clean way if possible :) ...

Create SharePoint list and fields in feature

How can I create a new list via a feature in MOSS and also include new fields in that list? I am currently using a node to create the list but I want some new fields in addition to the title field that appears with a new custom list. ...

NSMutableURLRequest and SpecialCharacters in XML (HTTPBody)

Hello, in my App I have to consume a RPC Webservice. For tht I have to send a XML as the HTTPBody of the NSMutableURLRequest. It works fine as long as i don´t use Special Characters inside the XML. NSString* pStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><methodCall><methodName>samurai.SessionIniti...

attribute having more than 1 value

i have describe button caption property in xml button is like our mobile button which can may used to describe more than one character like a,b,c,2 or d,e,f,3 then store this information in xml file in easier manner to read it through c# program ...

How do I control REXML formatting on added elements?

I am a adding a couple of simple elements to a bunch of XML files (plists). The existing XML element I am working on looks like this: <dict> <key>background</key> <string>#FFFFFF</string> <key>caret</key> <string>#000000</string> <key>foreground</key> <string>#000000</string> <key>invisibles</key> <string>#BFBFBF</string...

How to describe element having more than one value in xml ? <indian_criketer> sachin,rahul,ganguly</indian_criketer> is correct ?

How to describe element having more than one value in xml ? e.g indian criketer are more than one name so to store data about it how can we store is following tag is correct < indian_criketer> sachin,rahul,ganguly ...

How to read xml file from windows form application in c#

How to read xml file from windows form application in c#? I am new in this .net framework prograaming. I have 3.5 .net framework please give simple program for it ...

How to correctly pass XML strings between a custom TCP client / server?

Hello, I'm working on a C++ client/server project where XML strings are passed over a TCP/IP connection. My question is about the proper way to indicate the complete string has been received. I was thinking of null terminated strings or sending the length of the XML string first, so the client/server can tell when a complete string is ...