
Storing XML data withing winform application

I am creating a WinForm application in C# using VS2005, whihc receives an XML data, that needs to be displayd in the winform fields. What is the best way to store the XML data withing winform (either by caching or by creating some tabled dataset)? Also how to pass this stored data across various winforms withing the application? Please...

Regular Expression in XSLT

I have an XSLT function that takes a regular expression as a parameter but the XSLT parser does not like it. Here is the code: <xsl:value-of select='ns:RegexReplace($variable, "", "style=\"\w+\:\s\w+;\"")' disable-output-escaping='yes' /> I found this: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/06/04/tr.html <-- but it is using what I am and seem...

Grabbing values from multiple xml rows in sql (ms server 2005)

Hi Guys, I will attempt to explain this situation as clearly as I can. I have this query below which tries to get a list of author_ids from an xml column in sql server 2005 associated with a book, but assigning the query to the @authorIds returns an error because it returns multiple rows, any ideas on how to run around this problem? Ma...

Need XPath to return the nodeset (grandparent[no uncles] + parent[no siblings] + self

Example of what I'm looking for. Here is the input: <AAA> <BBB id='1'> <CCC id='1'> <DDD id='1'/> <DDD id='2'/> </CCC> <CCC id='2'> <DDD id='3'/> <DDD id='4'/> </CCC> </BBB> <BBB id='2'> <CCC id='3'> <DDD id='5'/> <DDD id='6'/> </CCC> <CCC id='4'> ...

XSL test for text present in node when another one is in the way

Given the following XML is it possible to test to see if there is any text present after the list but still within the quote-para node. This is probably really basic but I can't get my head around where to start with this one: <quote-block open="&quot;" close="&quot;"> <quote-para>In the result I would restate the <emphasis strength="no...

Problem with setting a session with data from an xml file in PHP

Howdy again Stack Overflowers, I have this feed that I want to store the session_id in that xml file as a string to play with outside the loop, what am I doing wrong? if($xmlobj = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml_feed))) { foreach($xmlobj as $listing) { echo $session_Id = $listing->session...

.Net Nametable (Namespace) Problem

In .Net I do this: XmlNamespaceManager nsMan = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); XmlNodeList nlImages = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//v:imagedata", nsMan); And I get this exception: Namespace prefix 'v' is not defined. But if I break the process and write this statement: xmlDoc.NameTable.Get("v") I get "v" out, so the namespace...

Free DTD to XSD conversion utility?

I have a DTD that I need to convert to an XSD (XML schema) file. Is there a free utility or simple way to accomplish this? ...

Rss library in .NET

Hi there Is there a RSS library for .NET? Thanks ...

text encoding issues

I have some xml that contains dodgy encoded characters e.g. ö how can i convert the xml into a valid format. a flash app is using the xml file but certain words haved dodgy characters in there. the flash app need to do various things with the text. im using c# to generate the xml ...

XSLT: A simple way to merge xml files

I have two xml files. I need to merge them together where the element "myid" matches between the two. Please have a look at these example files... File1.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <catalog> <data> <title>Title1</title> <description>Description1</description> <myid>1</myid> </data> <data> <...

Programmatically adding images to OneNote 2007

I'm having trouble adding an image to a page in OneNote 2007. I can create sections, notebooks and pages with content, but I'm having trouble adding an image to the page. I call UpdatePageContent and pass in the xml but I get an invalid XML message (hresult 0x80042001) back. Any assistance appreciated. Here is the XML I'm trying to u...

Silverlight 3: Converting XML stroke collection back into a strokecollection?

I have a silverlight app that allows the user to draw on it and save the drawing. The strokecollection in the canvas is converted to xml attributes and stored in the database. the only problem i have now is converting the xml back into a stroke collection. my strokes are stored as such: <Strokes> <Stroke> <Color A="255"...

Javascript library for exporting XML

Hi, I'm currently using couchdb to store documents as JSON. One of my clients needs to grab XML (for now). Anyone know any good javascript libraries that can take a javascript object (or json string) and export valid xml? Thanks! ...

Saving sql server xml result to disk

I have a C# application that calls a stored procedure that produces an xml result (using FOR XML Explicit) that I want to save to disk. Doing some research I have found the following method: var data = new DataSet(); XmlReader reader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader(); data.ReadXmlSchema(reader); data.ReadXml(reader, XmlReadMode.Fragment); data....

XSD schema, SOAP, REST and a MESS!

I think this person hit on my problem Link I have a schema and a pdf that has something like the below I have NO WSDL file. Absolutely none, i do have a large schema (apiName.xsd). It seems like i need to do something with it but i have no clue what. <xs:element name="CheckDomain"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="d...

Please help me with this program to parse a file into an XML file.

To parse an input text file and generate a) an XML file and b) an SVG (also XML) file. The input text file (input.txt) contains the description of a number of produce distribution centers and storage centers around the country. Each line describes either a single distribution center (dcenter) or a storage center, each with a number of p...

Error-tolerant XML parsing in Scala

I would like to be able to parse XML that isn't necessarily well-formed. I'd be looking for a fuzzy rather than a strict parser, able to recover from badly nested tags, for example. I could write my own but it's worth asking here first. Update: What I'm trying to do is extract links and other info from HTML. In the case of well-formed ...

implicit conversion of Object to XML in flex 3

when I send an object through an HTTPService to an XML api run by a Rest ruby on rails server.. how does it get converted to XML? I mean, it just works fine for strings and numbers, but for example Date type conversion causes an "unprocessable entity" error on rails log.. Any Idea? ...

convert xsd to WSDL?

I am very confused how i am suppose to send data to a server. I have a .xsd file and i only realized 1 hour ago (and did research) that the schema is actually describing the XML data i am suppose to send. But i have NO idea how i am suppose to generate a XML from it. I dont think i am suppose to go through it by hand? I never used a WSDL...